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  • Its been a while dear friend, you have stopped contributing to the forum entirely.
    I'm not really a serving soldier or officer, i'm an intel guy/analyst. It's my job to think like the terrorists and anticipate their actions. Finding ways to counter the threat posed by these elements also falls to me. But in an active operational area, everyone is active service, I can boast of my share of kills and close calls ! Even now I am on the hit list with a huge bounty and the title of kafir(non-muslim) on my head, courtesy of the Taliban.
    As for sectarian violence. Well in that respect we are stable(till now) a part from a few isolated incidents of pure bigotry, sectarianism is not really a problem. The army already operates schools in every region where they maintain a presence. The schools are called "Army Public Schools and Colleges", the syllabus and exams are all centralized.
    We understand the need for bringing children into an environment where they can be safe from terrorist influence, that is why books and sports goods are often distributed in operational areas so that the children will remain busy in their own games and hopefully won't start adopting terrorism. We learnt that many teenagers join the Taliban out of sheer boredom. Imagine a teenager with nothing to do but grow crops, he joins the Taliban and now he has his own firearm, pretty soon he will move up and will take control of his area. He will then have his own brand, spanking new 4x4 SUV, command of hundreds of armed terrorists, he will rule the hearts of his people through fear, men prepared to blow themselves up at his command, and what I hate the most...he can abduct girls from their houses to his own pleasure and her family is powerless to do anything about it. So we are trying to keep them away from this "Thrill" of being a terrorist.
    We also operate centres for captured suicide bombers, where they are taught about the value of their life and respect for other's.
    If you understand hindi do tell me, I will direct you to a link of a documentary about Swat after the operation, in which they show such a centre, it's in Urdu but if you understand hindi you'll be able to understand most of it.
    I'm not really a serving soldier or officer, i'm an intel guy/analyst. It's my job to think like the terrorists and anticipate their actions. Finding ways to counter the threat posed by these elements also falls to me. But in an active operational area, everyone is active service, I can boast of my share of kills and close calls ! Even now I am on the hit list with a huge bounty and the title of kafir(non-muslim) on my head, courtesy of the Taliban.
    As for sectarian violence. Well in that respect we are stable(till now) a part from a few isolated incidents of pure bigotry, sectarianism is not really a problem. The army already operates schools in every region where they maintain a presence. The schools are called "Army Public Schools and Colleges", the syllabus and exams are all centralized.
    We understand the need for bringing children into an environment where they can be safe from terrorist influence, that is why books and sports goods are often distributed in operational areas so that the children will remain busy in their own games and hopefully won't start adopting terrorism. We learnt that many teenagers join the Taliban out of sheer boredom. Imagine a teenager with nothing to do but grow crops, he joins the Taliban and now he has his own firearm, pretty soon he will move up and will take control of his area. He will then have his own brand, spanking new 4x4 SUV, command of hundreds of armed terrorists, he will rule the hearts of his people through fear, men prepared to blow themselves up at his command, and what I hate the most...he can abduct girls from their houses to his own pleasure and her family is powerless to do anything about it. So we are trying to keep them away from this "Thrill" of being a terrorist.
    Well, thanks to God, me and my comrades completed the mission assigned to us successfully. Bajaur is now secure, the Taliban have been defeated, Govt writ has been established and things are returning to normal. Due to which I have been pulled out. I am satisfied in having done my duty in making my country and the world a safer place, and eagerly await for duty to call again.
    As for my country, we saw an appreciable decrease in terrorist activity during the past 2 months, however the enemy has toned up the frequency of attacks in the month of Muharram(Islamic Calender). Like I said before, they hope to spark sectarian violence between Sunnis and Shiites, that way they can sit back and take a vacation to where ever terrorists go for a holiday while the average Pakistani does the terrorism for them. I'm hopeful though, it will take at least a decade to put an end to this problem once and for all but if in the mean time, we can stop them from attacking by dismantling their Command structure and disrupting their supply of weapons and recruits, then we can be proud of ourselves for having done our job.......
    Hi. Friend. Nice to see u again.how r u? What r ur views abt recent ram mandir ayodhya verdict?
    Such a program is underway, madrassahs are being registered with the govt, foreign clerics being sent back to their respective countries and a standard, state sponsored course being chalked out for these madrassahs.
    Well, I would have liked if you had got to see a bit of Pakistan but I guess it's all to make sure you stay safe. Anyway, as for the advice, I just thought it was necessary to give you a couple of pointers, it was not a favour just friendly advice, so no need to get formal....lol
    As for the attacks, there have been recent acts of violence against Shia muslims, I think the miscreants now short of men and supplies are hoping to spark sectarian violence and let the general public complete the cycle of bloodshed and anarchy for them. God willing, they will never succeed.
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