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  • You posted a video earlier from MEMRI and I would urge you to stop trusting anything that comes out of MEMRI. MEMRI uses bad translation to make things sound the way they want. They have done the same when translating material coming out of Iran, which continues to create misunderstanding between United States and Iran. I like constructive criticism but what comes out of MEMRI is nothing more than vile propaganda.

    I strongly urge you to read this article on MEMRI from Guardian UK. Guardian has a reputation of being neutral and has protects journalistic integrity.
    Thank you sir, the link you provided was excellent. IT would take some time to go through the stuff. Thanks again
    Sir you can send email to this address, Please delete this message once you got it.
    I really miss our discussions on military strategy and military history, and wish that there were some way to revive them without fanboy intervention.
    Could you give me a mail id which I can use for off-post mail?

    I'd like to use it to add you to a mailing list which can be used to discuss some of these subjects without boring or putting off the others. For starters, I thought CardSharp, you and I could talk about selecting the last few names on The List.

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