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  • A quick message to let you know there is a China defence forum up and running. I invite you to participate. We have a fledgling translator team that will be translating unique Chinese defence content into English as well as a culture section where we will post tid bits offering insight into Chinese language and culture.

    If you are interested, check us out.


    Whenever Army is there genocide need not be there brother.Simple case - Indian Army was in Kashmir..was there a genocide or targeted ethnic killing of children,women and unarmed civilians. I dont think so.

    Collateral damage will always be there,but there is a difference in cleaning out entire villages at a go and this what the SL army did at the fag end of the war.

    BTW I agree politicians make all this ruckus only for votes,but there are millions in Tamil Nadu who are genuinely concerned and calling Vaiko a moron (he is indeed in many other matters) for this particular issue is akin to calling all those millions as morons.

    I don't know how u can praise the Sl army after the genocide they have done.
    Fine anyway that is ur opinion.

    As for the politicians r morons....they may b.....but not in this case for protesting against a genocidal army that made its own citizens refugees in another country(India).


    No where did I say I support LTTE.Vaiko may have been with the LTTE Chief ,but that mere symbolic gesture and he was in jail too for that.

    But some of his views regarding the ill treatment of Tamils by the SL army are extremely in place and that is why I took exception to your remarks.
    and you need to be on the ground to understand that.

    Beleive me Indian Army has not done 1% of what SL Army did to the Tamils there.If Indian Army had done so,Kashmir issue would have been dead long long ago.

    So only a not-so-well-informed person can make a comparison between SL Tamils and Kashmiris.

    I dont fault you because the main stream English media in the North (I guess you are from North) writes what the SL Army tells to the world.

    But once you are inside those SL refugee camps,you get to know the two sides of the story.

    And it was not just a collateral damage.Ethinically Cleansing entire villages using artillery, HMG's and Aerial carpet bombing are just acts of genocide.

    can u post it..ofcourse after viewing d full video..
    i cant post URL as i hv not made 15 posts yet....
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