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Turkish court rule supporting returning Hagia Sophia museum again Mosques .

AKP is losing their power. They want to push this through while they can.

It doesn't matter. After they are gone we will make it a museum again.
AKPKK is on the way out.

Whether you agree with the Haci Sofya decision or not, there's no denying that it's a ploy to boost popularity and divide the opposition.
With Covid-19 cases soaring in Turkey and the economic and political problems Turkey faces this was the perfect appetite for his base to calm down as usual but I think by the end of the month it will go away as the news cycle will drum up something new
What kind dumb kid are you? How the fak do you think you will turn it back to museum you retared troll?
When you lose power Hagia Sofia will be the last of your concern AK troll.

People have no food on the table and you guys think this will fill poor people's belly.

This is really not the time to talk about this topic. We should be talking about economy.
When you lose power Hagia Sofia will be the last of your concern AK troll.

People have no food on the table and you guys think this will fill poor people's belly.

This is really not the time to talk about this topic. We should be talking about economy.

Fak you stupid troll, this is not a akp thing but a story goes 86 years back. Do you live in Turkey?

You people can kiss my *** @Taskforce who the fak you all are. We will make? Aqm bizans torunlari...
Fak you stupid troll, this is not a akp thing but a story goes 86 years back. Do you live in Turkey?

You people can kiss my *** @Taskforce who the fak you all are. We will make? Aqm bizans torunlari...
If Ataturk didn't start independence war, istanbul wouldn't even be within turkish borders. You dummies really need to stop watching those traitor Ottoman sultan series. Your time is over. Every treachery you did to Turkey will be rolled back and you need to be happy if you won't be hunted down like your Feto buddies.
If Ataturk didn't start independence war, istanbul wouldn't even be within turkish borders. You dummies really need to stop watching those traitor Ottoman sultan series. Your time is over. Every treachery you did to Turkey will be rolled back and you need to be happy if you won't be hunted down like your Feto buddies.

/what kind stupid troll you are:-)...
Tsk tsk. How the mighty has fallen.

Turks are now honorary South Asians. Welcome to the club brothas.
i am shocked that you think the chp is gonna be any different.

A year ago he was talking against for converting Hagia Sophia to mosque. He didn't made an attempt for 18 years of his reign, so why now? Because his votes are melting away with the economic crisis, high unemployment rates. He wants to increase his popularity but all of these attempts are futile.

Whats his chances in the next elections again it does seem Turks are getting fed up with him but Turkish elections are practically rigged at this point but there has to be boiling point once the economy hits home and the table gonna be real bad situation

They say the Sultan purchased if from the Christians.

Seriously, I was kinda against converting it into a mosque, but seeing all those racist butthurt Eurocentrists insulting Turkey by the thousands I don't care anymore.

Yeah pretty much I think it will die down but to a extent Turkish reputation might be effected in short to medium term
If Ataturk didn't start independence war, istanbul wouldn't even be within turkish borders. You dummies really need to stop watching those traitor Ottoman sultan series. Your time is over. Every treachery you did to Turkey will be rolled back and you need to be happy if you won't be hunted down like your Feto buddies.
I think you don't seem to get it. There are many Turks littered throughout history who achieved amazing things. If MKA didnt launch independence war im sure there would've been many other Turks who would have and maybe would've grabbed more land for Turkey, who knows... Everyone's expendable even RTE but this nation will continue with its identity and faith and won't allow disbelievers to ever to take the mantle of power ever again InshaAllah

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