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Wounds heal but another time bomb ticks away


Aug 14, 2013
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Wounds heal but another time bomb ticks away - The Times of India

On the morning of June 6, 1984 one of the most extraordinary events in the history of Independent India occurred. India is a nation which rightly takes pride in its ancient multi-religious culture secularism, yet at about 7.30 that morning Major General Kuldip Singh Brar ordered Vijayanta tanks to open fire with 105mm squash head shells on the Akal Takht, the shrine in the Golden Temple complex which symbolizes the temporal power of Sikhism. The General gave the order with great reluctance.
For nine grueling hours infantry and commandos had fought to get a foothold in the shrine from where ngh Bhindranwale and his military commander Major General retired Shabeg Singh were resisting the army's efforts to oust them from the Golden Temple complex. General Brar had orders to overcome Bhindranwale's resistance using minimum force and collateral damage to the buildings in the complex. He realized that the shells would badly damage the Akal Takht and that the main armament of tanks could hardly be considered minimum force but, as he puts it in his own remarkable account of Operation Blue Star, the battle had become a massacre and the space in front of the Akal Takht a "killing ground" .
To mark the thirtieth anniversary of Operation Blue Star BBC World Service radio asked me to research and present two programmes looking back at the tragic event and its aftermath, then assess its impact today not just in India but among Sikhs of the diaspora. I felt it was important to set the battle in context, to make it clear that this was an operation the army undertook because there seemed no alternative. It was not an attack on the Golden Temple, on Sikhs, or on their religion as some have tried to portray it.
General Brar outlined for me the alternatives to sending troops into the Golden Temple complex. The complex was occupied by about 2,000 young militant supporters of Bhindranwale, many of whom had received some military training. One suggestion considered was starving them out but General Brar that they had adequate suplies to withstand a long siege. A commando operation on foot was ruled out as suicidal . The complex was considered too heavily defended for commandos to be dropped from the air.
The main reason the operation was so costly in casualties, and in damage, was General Shabeg Singh's extremely skillful planning of the defenses. General Brar admitted there had been "some intelligence failure". He went on to explain "The strength and fighting power of the militants were underestimated. We never knew the Akal Takht had such an elaborate defense system. It had been fortified from the basement upwards."
The first soldiers to enter the complex were fired on from machinegun positions hidden at the bottom of the steps leading to the parikrama , the marble pavement, surrounding the rectangular sarova, or holy pool, in which the Golden Temple stands. Those who did make it to the parikrama faced heavy firing from several different directions. Young Sikhs also appeared from manholes and opened fire or threw grenades and then dropped down into underground passages. In spite of heavy casualties, infantry and commando attacks on the Akal Takht continued but were fiercely resisted. Eventually the tanks were ordered to open fire with their heavy machine guns but even they did not crush the resistance . Two last attempts were made to rush into the Akal Takht. Soldiers from the Kumaon Regiment were all killed climbing the steps leading into the Akal Takht and only three of the ten men from the Madras regiment survived their attempts to overcome key machine gun positions. Only then did the tanks main guns open fire on the shrine.
General Brar told me his soldiers had been handicapped by their orders not to fire on the Golden Temple even though that limited their field of fire and they were unable to respond to firing coming from the shrine. The general said "it was like going into the boxing ring and being able to use only one hand." He was justifiably proud of his troops' restraint and the courage they had shown in the face of withering fire saying to me, "the Indian soldier displayed spectacular discipline and valor against very heavy odds."
Operation Blue Star did cause widespread anger in the Sikh community . Even the Sikh President Zail Singh let Indira Gandhi know that he was distressed by it. Anger also broke out among Sikh soldiers in several formations. The most serious mutiny occurred in the Sikh Regimental Centre. Last December I travelled to Amritsar and there I met a group of Sikh mutineers who were unrepentant even though they had all been dismissed from service, lost their pensions and some had been imprisoned. One of them said, "We mutinied for religion. We are loyal to our country, but if we couldn't protect our religion, what does loyalty to the country matter?"But the army has recovered from that trauma. Retired Major General Ashok Mehta said to me, "We have forgotten Blue Star. Whatever breach there was has been healed." He pointed out that the two historic Sikh regiments survived the crisis, and that a former Chief of Army Staff General V P Malik was colonel of one of them, the Sikh Light Infantry.
Instead of trying to assuage Sikhs' anger after Blue Star, Indira Gandhi launched an operation to crush the Khalistan movement. Both the army and the police took part in the operation. There were allegations of excess. SS Dhanoa, who was chief secretary of Punjab at the time, has now told me that the Governor's security advisor let the police know that all suspicious Sikhs could be eliminated without trial. The former chief secretary stressed that this was never the official policy.
Six months after Operation Blue Star Indira Gandhi was assassinated by two of her bodyguards who were Sikhs. During the anti-Sikh riots which broke out almost immediately in Delhi and spread to other parts of the country more than 2,000 were killed in the capital alone. I visited the Nishkam Sikh Welfare Centre in Delhi to talk to some of the survivors of the riots. Meina Kaur was a child and at home at the time. She said, "Ten to twelve members of my family were killed. My uncle was killed right in front of me." Like all the other survivors I talked to, Meina was very critical of the police. "The police did absolutely nothing" , she said, "If they had taken action this would never have happened." Harbhajan Singh, former president of the Centre, was incensed by the failure of the police and the judicial system to bring those who instigated the riots to book. But the present president of the Centre Dr Jetinder Singh Nanra agreed with me that in spite of all the events of 1984 Sikhs and Hindus live together in amity in Delhi. When I asked whether there was any support for Bhindranwale's Khalistan movement he replied, "In general people don't want Khalistan. There may be some individuals, but overall no."
In Amritsar I met a retired Sikh officer outside the office of the Dal Khalsa, the party Bhindranwale founded. When I told him I was recording programmes about Blue Star he said, "What do you want to go back to that for. We want to forget it and move forward" . Inside the Dal Khalsa office Kanwarpal Singh, secretary of the party admitted "there may not be the proactive struggle for Khalistan going on". But he did believe "the desire is still there" . In the village of Chetanpura outside Amritsar I was told by a farmer, Tehal Singh, "There could still be some feeling for Khalistan in Punjab but there is no real base. People aren't really interested."
But when I visited the Havelock Street Gurudwara in the London suburb of Southall, it was a very different story. I was surrounded by angry Sikhs who attacked the Indian government, the British government , and me for my coverage of 1984. Down the road in the London office of the Dal Khalsa I was assured that the Khalistan movement was alive. According to Jasvir Singh of the City Sikhs Network the recent revelation that a British military officer had at one stage advised the Indian government on dealing with Bhindranwale, which only caused a minor stir here, had caused some Sikhs in Britain, particularly younger ones, to question whether they were British. So once again there is the phenomenon of support for a separatist or some other anti-government movement being more extreme among a diaspora community than it is at home. That's in part at least because the diaspora supporters don't face the threat of government retribution unless they break the law of the land they live in.
My findings are that in India thirty years after Operation Blue Star the wounds have healed. It's a tribute to India's multi-religious culture and to the Sikh community that harmony between them and Hindus was not permanently disturbed by the events of 1984. But one legacy of the reign of terror that Bhindranwale's movement unleashed and the government's failure to restore peace in Punjab until Narasimha Rao became Prime Minister needs urgent attention if danger of the revival of the Khalistan movement is to be averted . In Amritsar Gunbir Singh, a social activist who has conducted research which shows that 67% of rural households in Punjab have at least one drug addict, was not alone.
Getty Images in pinning this epidemic on the unrest created by the Khalistan movement. He said, "It was during those times that industrialization suffered in this state. It was during those times that education took a back seat. And we are seeing the same generation now grown up. It was young men with limited education and little hope of employment who turned to the Khalistan movement to find a purpose in life."
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