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Will Musharraf meet Bhutto's fate?



New Recruit

Feb 16, 2014
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United States


The darkest day of Pakistan history, the day when a traitor who had committed the high treason by usurping the power from the first directly elected democratic Prime Minister of the country, sending him to the gallows, against all norms and ethics of the civilisation, is here again.

Nothing has changed in the country since that dark night 35 years ago. The dark chapter that was written on that dreadful night is still hovering around over the future of the country. The very existence of the nation on the whole is in doubt.

That act of transgression by that biggest 'Munafiq' of the world who aspired to be called 'Amir-ul-Momineen' has changed not only the geo-political situation of Pakistan but the entire world and still threatens to destroy the world peace at large.

I am not a very learned Islamic scholar but what a 'muniq' is to me is a person whose actions are contrary to what he says, the words he spoke. And a 'munafiq' he was.

The 35th death anniversary of the man who brought politics to the roads and foot-paths from the palaces, who believed in the power of the masses, and championed the cause of the poor, has come today at a time when the nation is still at the cross-roads of self-destruction.

If you think, really, there is no difference in the times in those days, the darkness all around, and today, with no ray of hopes for the future.

Tragically it is the continuation of those zia-esgue days all over the country these days. That 'illegitimate' zia product is still ruling the country even today. I can safely call it illegitimate as abrogating the constitution is considered treason and illegitimate.

Born out of zia regime, the current Pakistan prime minister Mian Sharif Sharif, in continuation of the policies of his God-father, is ruling the country today. His desire too is to be called an Amir-ul-Mominin and he is too following that double-face snake with the same venom.

Revenge is the only thing on his mind. His anger at being deposed by former army chief Parvaiz Musharraf and to even up the things by degrading the man who had valiantly and gracefully served the nation for 44 years, has made him mad and he wants to even up with his tormentor by hook or crook.

Nawaz doesn't care if army would like it or not. He doesn't care if it will bring disrepute to the country in the world. He doesn't care if the people who he claimed have brought him to power want it or not. And why should he think about the people as he has not come to power by votes but massive frauds and riggings. He has no respect for any thing. All he wants is revenge.


He has gone one step ahead of that band master in harping his tunes and taken refuge behind one of his Dracunian law, the Exit Control List (ECL). This is the same law that zia had enacted in 1970 to suppress, hound and arrest Zulfikar Ali Bhutto's Pakistan People's party leaders and workers to stop them from escaping his wrath.

It is not that Musharraf did not make any mistakes. Abrogation of constitution is a crime. But then only Musharraf is not alone in this crime. All the Gujarati chaudhris, The so called 'Qazi-ul-Qazzat' chief justice Iftikhar Chaudhry who took oath under him besides several other PML-n Names including Chaudhry Nisar who refuded him permission to go abroad, and the top military bras should also be tried.

And the list doesn't end there. Start From Field Marshall Ayub Khan coming down to Yahya Khan and then that murderer zia and his product, all should be brought to book.

By refusing to allow Musharraf leave the country to be at the bed-side of his dying mother in a Sharjah hospital by taking his name off the ECL he has not only flouted all the norms of decency and civilisation but gone against the teachings of Islam itself.

Allama Tahir-ul-Qadri has rightly described his actions against the norms of the civilisation and the teachings of Quran. He said that Prophet Mohammad (SA) even used to refuse permission to any one who had an old or ailing mother to go on Jehad, telling them to take care of their mother as it is their Jehad.

Only this follower of the aspirant-to-be "momin" can have his own filmsy ground to interpret Islam in his way. I, in no way, am going to 'their versions' of Islam. How a Muslim, as sinful as even me, can deny somebody a chance to see his dying mother's face or deprive a mother last glimpse of his son from her death bed. I fail to understand.

The similarities to that Draconian era do not end here today. Zia too was as hand-picked by Bhutto to be army chief as Musharraf by Nawaz. They both deposed the incumbents. Nawaz was deposed by Musharraf the same way as Bhutto by zia.

Nothing can be said for sure as far as Pakistan is concerned. Bhutto, the founder of Pakistan's nuclear programme was considered to be indispensable. He was regarded as the best leader of the world post World War Two. He was intelligent, he was charismatic, he had a mesmerising personality, he was the most powerful of the Pakistani leaders.

When he was judicially murdered it was said that zia will never kill him. But the judges and judiciary was manipulated. Zia got a death sentence against him which the whole world decried and cried foul. Clemency pleas from Chinese premier to Saudi King to Indian prime minister to British peremier were all over-ruled. Even US president Jimmy Carter appealed for his clemency but he was hanged.

Today Musharraf is framed in all kind of conspiracies and theories. There have been appeals again from all around the world on his behalf. Everybody thinks that there will be no harm to Musharraf but I don't trust these proven killers of Bhutto. If he can be killed so can be Musharraf. I fear a judicial killing once again. History repeats itself.

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Lol,bhutto best leader in the world post ww2.:rofl:
Double standard post,he denounces zia for deposing bhutto but praises musharaf when he did the same.:crazy:
Lol,bhutto best leader in the world post ww2.:rofl:
Double standard post,he denounces zia for deposing bhutto but praises musharaf when he did the same.:crazy:
Yes I agree. I am not denouncing him. He is guilty of suspending the constitution but he is not alone. All those who are trying him today should also be tried under the same Article 6. I am talking about the humanitarian grounds that he should be allowed to do last rites of his mother who is on death bed. That is the right of a mother and a son.
Yes I agree. I am not denouncing him. He is guilty of suspending the constitution but he is not alone. All those who are trying him today should also be tried under the same Article 6. I am talking about the humanitarian grounds that he should be allowed to do last rites of his mother who is on death bed. That is the right of a mother and a son.

Is this a joke? Musharraf is being tried for a very serious crime and he should be allowed to go just because his mother is sick. No one is stopping his mother from coming to Pk if she so desires. You lot really do take constitution as a joke.

The article is a complete joke by the way.
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