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Wikipedia staging protest 2012 .... English site will be blacked out


Sep 13, 2008
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English Wikipedia anti-SOPA blackout

This will be the first time the English Wikipedia has ever staged a public protest of this nature, and it’s a decision that wasn’t lightly made. Here’s how it’s been described by the three Wikipedia administrators who formally facilitated the community’s discussion. From the public statement, signed by User:NuclearWarfare, User:Risker and User:Billinghurst:

It is the opinion of the English Wikipedia community that both of these bills, if passed, would be devastating to the free and open web.

Over the course of the past 72 hours, over 1800 Wikipedians have joined together to discuss proposed actions that the community might wish to take against SOPA and PIPA. This is by far the largest level of participation in a community discussion ever seen on Wikipedia, which illustrates the level of concern that Wikipedians feel about this proposed legislation. The overwhelming majority of participants support community action to encourage greater public action in response to these two bills. Of the proposals considered by Wikipedians, those that would result in a “blackout” of the English Wikipedia, in concert with similar blackouts on other websites opposed to SOPA and PIPA, received the strongest support.

On careful review of this discussion, the closing administrators note the broad-based support for action from Wikipedians around the world, not just from within the United States. The primary objection to a global blackout came from those who preferred that the blackout be limited to readers from the United States, with the rest of the world seeing a simple banner notice instead. We also noted that roughly 55% of those supporting a blackout preferred that it be a global one, with many pointing to concerns about similar legislation in other nations.
SOPA vs. PIPA: Anti-piracy bills, uproar explained

What are SOPA and PIPA?
SOPA and PIPA are, essentially, two versions of the same anti-piracy bill. SOPA is the House of Representative’s version (House Bill HR. 3261), while PIPA resides in the Senate (Senate Bill S. 968). Both SOPA and PIPA are intended to curb online piracy, specifically piracy facilitated by “foreign rogue websites,” meaning sites that are hosted outside of the United States, and thus outside the reach of US law.
Damn, without wikipedia, a lot of pdf members wouldnt be able to discuss things in pdf.
Members will finally go the extra mile to provide links rather than pointing towards Wikipedia during the blackout :angel:
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Its sad that we won't have wikipedia but still we support the struggle of wikipedia they are doing an excellent job????.......:smokin:
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I tried to log on to Wikipedia and ended up having this notice.

Imagine a World
Without Free Knowledge

For over a decade, we have spent millions of hours building the largest encyclopedia in human history. Right now, the U.S. Congress is considering legislation that could fatally damage the free and open Internet. For 24 hours, to raise awareness, we are blacking out Wikipedia. Learn more.

Make your voice heard



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They are protesting against some internet law that is about to be passed in the USA.

The blackout will last the entire day. If you desperately want to read a page, click the "stop" button before the page is fully loaded. Or use the mobile version of the site.
In case anyone's trying to use wiki, as soon as the page loads, keep pressing your esc key for about a couple seconds, that way it does not immediately forward to the black screen.
they are holding worldwide protest against Stop Online Piracy Act(SOPA), but still it is working fine on my cell phone

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