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Why the US propaganda Free Beacon is afraid of free press?

smooth manifold

Aug 8, 2019
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United States

Rep. Jim Banks (R. Ind.), a member of the House Armed Services Committee, is pressing congressional leaders to hold a hearing on the proliferation of Chinese Communist government-funded propaganda across Capitol Hill, according to official communications obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

Following a Free Beacon exposé on the routine breach of federal law by China Daily, a propaganda organ run by the Chinese government, Banks is calling on his colleagues to investigate how and why Communist propaganda is arriving on the doorsteps of nearly every congressional office each day.

Banks spearheaded a related effort in September, when he petitioned congressional authorities and the Department of Justice to investigate China Daily‘s appearance across Capitol Hill.

The lawmaker's effort to hold the Communist Party paper accountable to federal law comes on the heels of a Free Beacon report exposing how China Daily has repeatedly violated federal disclosure laws by failing to tell officials how much it spends to publish regime-approved advertising in some of the nation's leading newspapers, including the New York Times, the Washington Post, and at least 30 others.

Banks is continuing his effort to hold China Daily accountable and stop its spread across Capitol Hill amid fears the paper is influencing powerful members to take a softer approach to the Communist regime's abuses.

Banks has turned to the committee after his effort to pressure Chief House Administrator Philip G. Kiko to take action was rebuffed.

"In late September, I sent a letter to Chief House Administrator Philip G. Kiko, requesting he remove China Daily from circulation in Congress. He informed me that the ‘review of the topical content' of congressional communications is outside of his jurisdiction. So, I've turned to your committee for assistance in combatting this threat," the letter said.

Citing the Free Beacon‘s latest reporting on the matter, Banks noted that "the Chinese Communist Party committed $6.6 billion dollars to foreign propaganda efforts in 2009 and according to Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) receipts, has invested over $20 million on the China Daily since 2017."

Banks is concerned that China Daily and its advertising organ, the National News Agency, are "helping an authoritarian dictator influence American democracy."

"Uninformed staffers could easily mistake China Daily for a legitimate news source regarding China-U.S. relations and the Chinese regime's policies," Banks wrote. "That's clearly the intention of the Chinese Communist Party."

Congressional hearings on the matter could help pave the way for legislative remedies that would prohibit China Daily from making its way to Capitol Hill. One solution could be to enact a ban on FARA-registered publications from being delivered to federal buildings.

"This would include China Daily and other state-owned propaganda outlets like Russia Today," Banks wrote in his letter. "The committee could also draft a House rule mandating the inclusion of a disclaimer on all state-owned newspapers delivered to congressional offices. Such a disclaimer should identify the newspaper as propaganda and name the foreign government that produces and finances it."

Banks further requested that such efforts be considered immediately.

"There's a lot of rhetoric in Congress about ‘combatting Chinese influence' and being ‘tough on China,' he wrote. "Americans won't take our claims seriously if we can't prevent China from running a propaganda campaign in our own workplace."
I've enjoyed the "freedom" of western media for last 20 years. My accounts were locked and my posts were deleted just after several pro-socialism or pro-China posts, although my posts are informative and professional, with selective words. In the meantime, anti-China posts, coming from clearly poorly-educated thugs, who have neither knowledge nor real experience about the problems, are kept.

That was one of the reasons which made my respect on the foundation of Western societies being eroded gradually.
"Uninformed staffers could easily mistake China Daily for a legitimate news source"

Thats rich coming from a mouthpiece, funded by a billionaire who is part of the elites really in control of all the actors at the forefront of the U.S. regime, posing as a news source to flood ignorant Americans with misinformation and fakenews and that exists only to promote the U.S. regime, its ideologies and policies, slander its adversaries and feed into the election sharade and prey on uninformed staff of dual purpose and real news sources and other institutions to mistake The Washington Free Beacon as a legitimate news source.
There is no such thing as free press in the world. All you have is to freedom to propaganda. Mainstream journalists are little more than prostitutes.
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