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Why everyone is out to claim responsibility for Sukkur ISI attack?


Sep 21, 2011
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In a brilliant move to distract the public attention from the real perpetrators of Sukkur suicide attack on ISI office, various terrorist organizations have been tasked to claim responsibility and further confuse the public opinion on who could have done it. Social media is abuzz with the theory that the real target of the attack was some major of ISI identified as Zeeshan who is said to be in possession of some sensitive documents containing evidence of involvement of foreign intelligence agencies in terrorism in Pakistan. The terrorists, as per this theory, wanted to destroy the evidence. Major Zeeshan was killed in the attack.

There was no immediate call to take the responsibility after the attack as is the norm in such cases. Interestingly, various people called media houses a day after the attack to claim that they were the actual perpetrators. A Taliban commander told The Express Tribune on Thursday that the deadly attack was orchestrated by the elements of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) based in Mohmand tribal region and the Taliban faction in Punjab. It was their joint venture. The commander disputed the claim by a splinter faction of the Taliban, which also claimed responsibility for the same attack.

Separately, a man named Ahmed Marwat, who introduced himself as the spokesperson for the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (Jundullah Group) had called various media persons to claim responsibility for the attack. Marwat had claimed that the attack was revenge for the death of TTP deputy chief Wali-ur-Rehman Mehsud, who was killed in a US drone strike in North Waziristan tribal region in May. He said the group had sent four bombers to “achieve the target.”
Now there is a conflict of claims between two outfits, Jundullah, Pakistan and TTP. The Jundullah group had earlier claimed responsibility for the attack on security forces but TTP former spokesperson, Ehsanullah Ehsan, denied the association of Jundullah group with the Taliban.

Now this is an interesting development. First the stated motive of the attack is highly questionable, if not laughable. The terrorists claim that the attack was in retaliation of the death of Wali-ur-Rehman Mehsud in a US drone attack. Everyone knows that ISI does not operate drones and is, in fact, against the drone strikes. How can militants take revenge from ISI for an act which was perpetrated by the mighty Americans? Then there are rumors that the coordinates of the whereabouts of Mehsud were given to the Americans by the hard core TTP themselves to have Mehsud, another contender to the slot of TTP head, eliminated. This is frivolous excuse and points the finger to Pakistan’s enemies who have perpetrated this and every attack on civilians and security forces.

But the conflict of the claim is even more interesting. Jundullah or BLA or even TTP and all its factions are being directed by one coordinator sitting somewhere in Afghanistan. Pakistani authorities should exactly know the center of gravity of Pakistan-specific terrorism. The evidence available so far points out that India is spearheading the campaign to destabilize Pakistan through attacking security forces, innocent civilians and through the game of perception using media houses and funding them with generous handouts.

Why everyone is out to claim responsibility for Sukkur ISI attack? | Pakistan Express
the writer is asking why TTP is attacking ISI for wali ur rehman death when american drone killed him. The answer is simple, drones are carried out with full consent and support of pak army and intel for drones is provided by isi, taliban are aware of it. They think that By attacking america's ally i.e pak army , they damage american interests and goals in the region.
the writer is asking why TTP is attacking ISI for wali ur rehman death when american drone killed him. The answer is simple, drones are carried out with full consent and support of pak army and intel for drones is provided by isi, taliban are aware of it. They think that By attacking america's ally i.e pak army , they damage american interests and goals in the region.
Twisted logic indeed. They should have the audacity to attack American interests in Afghanistan which is far closer to Kunar than Sukkur.
the writer is asking why TTP is attacking ISI for wali ur rehman death when american drone killed him. The answer is simple, drones are carried out with full consent and support of pak army and intel for drones is provided by isi, taliban are aware of it. They think that By attacking america's ally i.e pak army , they damage american interests and goals in the region.

what are your thought on this attack?
is pakistan getting a taste of their own medicine?
In a brilliant move to distract the public attention from the real perpetrators of Sukkur suicide attack on ISI office, various terrorist organizations have been tasked to claim responsibility and further confuse the public opinion on who could have done it. Social media is abuzz with the theory that the real target of the attack was some major of ISI identified as Zeeshan who is said to be in possession of some sensitive documents containing evidence of involvement of foreign intelligence agencies in terrorism in Pakistan. The terrorists, as per this theory, wanted to destroy the evidence. Major Zeeshan was killed in the attack.
There was no immediate call to take the responsibility after the attack as is the norm in such cases. Interestingly, various people called media houses a day after the attack to claim that they were the actual perpetrators. A Taliban commander told The Express Tribune on Thursday that the deadly attack was orchestrated by the elements of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) based in Mohmand tribal region and the Taliban faction in Punjab. It was their joint venture. The commander disputed the claim by a splinter faction of the Taliban, which also claimed responsibility for the same attack.
Separately, a man named Ahmed Marwat, who introduced himself as the spokesperson for the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (Jundullah Group) had called various media persons to claim responsibility for the attack. Marwat had claimed that the attack was revenge for the death of TTP deputy chief Wali-ur-Rehman Mehsud, who was killed in a US drone strike in North Waziristan tribal region in May. He said the group had sent four bombers to “achieve the target.”
Now there is a conflict of claims between two outfits, Jundullah, Pakistan and TTP. The Jundullah group had earlier claimed responsibility for the attack on security forces but TTP former spokesperson, Ehsanullah Ehsan, denied the association of Jundullah group with the Taliban.
Now this is an interesting development. First the stated motive of the attack is highly questionable, if not laughable. The terrorists claim that the attack was in retaliation of the death of Wali-ur-Rehman Mehsud in a US drone attack. Everyone knows that ISI does not operate drones and is, in fact, against the drone strikes. How can militants take revenge from ISI for an act which was perpetrated by the mighty Americans? Then there are rumors that the coordinates of the whereabouts of Mehsud were given to the Americans by the hard core TTP themselves to have Mehsud, another contender to the slot of TTP head, eliminated. This is frivolous excuse and points the finger to Pakistan’s enemies who have perpetrated this and every attack on civilians and security forces.
But the conflict of the claim is even more interesting. Jundullah or BLA or even TTP and all its factions are being directed by one coordinator sitting somewhere in Afghanistan. Pakistani authorities should exactly know the center of gravity of Pakistan-specific terrorism. The evidence available so far points out that India is spearheading the campaign to destabilize Pakistan through attacking security forces, innocent civilians and through the game of perception using media houses and funding them with generous handouts.

Why everyone is out to claim responsibility for Sukkur ISI attack? | Pakistan Express

Lets call a spade a spade. This act was done by terrorists and they should be punished and caught. no doubt.. But please don't use the "sahara of lies"

everyone know's drones happen with the consent of Army/ISI and Pakistan is an open American Ally!

Twisted logic indeed. They should have the audacity to attack American interests in Afghanistan which is far closer to Kunar than Sukkur.

the logic is correct. but terrorist always choose easier targets, hence maybe sukkur was easier (less guarded, unexpected) vs american targets (heavily guarded, always on the lookout)
Twisted logic indeed. They should have the audacity to attack American interests in Afghanistan which is far closer to Kunar than Sukkur.


The Pakistani taliban are group made up of a number of groups. In yemen, US drones strike the targets, but many people attack the yemeni army and don't go into Oman that have a US base there.

Why do they attack the pakistani forces, this could be an insider who has sympathy with these groups. After all the GHQ attack was from an insider.

One solution, Stop lying to the people. Drones happen with the full consent of the everyone. Get out of this war and make the state stronger.

time is running out.
The Taliban are brutal killing machines which must be stopped. I don't care why everyone is out to claim responsibility for the Sukkur attacks but I know that the Taliban have caused $80 billion in damages to Pakistan and are responsible for the deaths of about 50,000 people in Pakistan.

We need to establish a strong strategy in order to eliminate the militants. Pakistan is a beautiful country with many options to improve itself.
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