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Why do the Americans treat Germany like its whore?


May 4, 2014
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United States
United States
So basically merkel is subordinate to The USA. She does whatever her five eyes masters tell her. She just sabotaged Germanys economy for the forseeable future. Germany is now in a triple dip recession. Its about to have its auto industry banned in Russia and now that winter is coming its industry will grind to a halt without adecuate energy supplies.

So please discuss, why does germany get treated like Americas bitch? Do they like it? Are they masochists ? Do they have an inferiority complex? Or is the simple truth that Germany after the fall of the berlin wall became Americas colony?
tagging @MarkusS .....

OT : Loosing WW-2 might have something to do with this. However there seems to be some resentment against this toeing american line strategy.
Germans did contribute alot in America.They should be treated better but there's 1 group of people in America who won't allow that.
Both countries are runned by the same kind of Scumbags, there is no that much difference
The difference is germany is the dirty little whore in the relationship.
do you think so?, it depends on how you look at it, historically they´ve been working together for a long time since the end of WWII, America and the powerfull banking families funded Hitler´s propaganda to power, and also funded the militarization of Germany PRIOR to WWII, If only germans knew about it, It´s funny to hear how Coca Cola changed it´s name to Fanta to sell in Germany during the war
I dont think so. You havent said anything pertinent. Germany is commiting economic suicide all because its American masters tell it to. This is a fact. Not conjecture.

do you think so?, it depends on how you look at it, historically they´ve been working together for a long time since the end of WWII, America and the powerfull banking families funded Hitler´s propaganda to power, and also funded the militarization of Germany PRIOR to WWII, If only germans knew about it, It´s funny to hear how Coca Cola changed it´s name to Fanta to sell in Germany during the war
Who cares, you think all nations dont have people they obey, I would rather be a German or American than pretty much every nation East of Germany.
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