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Which organization performs Economic/Industrial Espionage for Pakistan?



New Recruit

Mar 11, 2018
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It is vital to have industries for countries to flourish! Soviets and China did espionage to bring new industries and to grow economically. I am not talking about military specific only. More like getting blue prints/know how/human scientist tehnician for making electric car, new metals, niche industries with huge earning potential.lots of employment. Could have saved years of research!
It is vital to have industries for countries to flourish! Soviets and China did espionage to bring new industries and to grow economically. I am not talking about military specific only. More like getting blue prints/know how/human scientist tehnician for making electric car, new metals, niche industries with huge earning potential.lots of employment. Could have saved years of research!

ISI recently had an operation uncovered where they obtained stealth materials from the US for years

I dont think any other agency has the capabilities
think only ISI can or maybe some pakistani origin working in a foreign company
It is vital to have industries for countries to flourish! Soviets and China did espionage to bring new industries and to grow economically. I am not talking about military specific only. More like getting blue prints/know how/human scientist tehnician for making electric car, new metals, niche industries with huge earning potential.lots of employment. Could have saved years of research!
think only ISI can or maybe some pakistani origin working in a foreign company

This is how countries progress.

China, Germany set 11 innovation platforms to strengthen cooperation

unfortunality in pakistan case, no country provide us a space to learn the technology So we have to do the dirty jobs to get innovative tech. I have to accept this is not a complete solution but helpless struggle. Although there is no doubt that pakistan has potential to learn the technologies quickly. But most of pakistani brains are used by west or by any other Developed country. And the biggest reason is our pathetic, corrupts and Nonvisionary politicians.

The core of pakistan's Democratic system, electoral system based on corrupt practices. And no one can rectify this system untill honorable Nations (US, China etc) help ISI financially, morally to get rid of this system without any condition.

Note: except military technologies in which pakistan indigenously and by the allies achieved the milestones i.e nuclear, weapons, surveillance etc technology but all in military.

Let me tell you some points

It's not about democracy or anyother system..

It's about the constitution, laws, behaviour, way of living of the society.

1) If any system prefer the death penalty for corrupt, dishonest person. In such system no one can dare to be a policy maker except the honest and visionary persons.

2) If any system prefer the wealth of common poeple rather then only elites under the supiror command rather then many contraditing Leaderships. One day that system will definaly produce the healty and prosperous society. Even each person can be a billionaire. And no reason can stop that society even a mint to move forward.

3) If a society shares her wealth with poors to produce more healthy people to contribute in a system. That society cant be defeated easily except physical war where chances are very low to win against that superior society.

4) If the society dont research and develop the way to make a better life for humankind, is actually the dead society which can be soon a greedy, and greedy society cant make a better life for human kind. But if not a greedy then that society will be a most favorite and super universal power without shooting the single bullet.

But the current system of pakistan mostly consist around the following points.

5 years demo of crazy politicians.

1. Their polices are corrupt practices.
2. Their implementations based on nepotism
3. Their law is, they are above the law.
4. Their ideology is, institutions are their servants.
5. Their faith is, money lunderings, offshore companies.
6. Their hobby is, taking a heavy loans to put the burdon on pakistan.
7. Their wish is, pakistan always knee down.
8. Their characteristics are, lie and betray.
9. Their believe on, stupid voters and this cycle going on.
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There needs to vast number of people and companies setup to do industrial and economic espionage for benefit of Pakistan.

Isi, IB etc etc need to start having large wings for financial and exonomic espionage and uplift of Pakistans dire economic situation.

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