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Where Hate Is Good


Dec 12, 2008
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Where Hate Is Good

October 8, 2012: The persistent popularity for Islamic terrorism in Pakistan and many Arab countries is largely due to the growing use of anti-Infidel (non-Moslem) propaganda in the local media and the educational system. In the last decade government approved textbooks for state supported (secular) schools in Pakistan have seen a steady increase in material that encourages hatred of non-Muslims (especially Jews) and the West. In the Palestinian territories both Hamas (hard liners running Gaza) and Fatah (the "moderates" running the West Bank) have spent the last decade increasing their use of pretty blatant ant-Semitic and anti-Infidel (non-Moslem) propaganda and praise for Palestinian terrorists, even those whose only accomplishment was to kill civilians. While the strident anti-Israel rants of the Iranian president get a lot of media attention in the West, these pronouncements are not much different than those that appear daily in Arab and Pakistani media.

This sort of thing has been going on for decades and now there have been two or three generations raised on this hateful media. Some Muslims see through it all, eventually, but most do not and simply accept it as the way the world is. Some immigrate to the West for the obvious economic opportunities and spend a period of time trying to sort out the stark differences between the propaganda they grew up on and the very different reality they migrated to. Mentioning this dissonance to the folks back home will only get you, and them, in trouble, so the immigrants are forced to keep track of two very different world-views. In the meantime, the children who grew up in this storm of lies and hate are still being encouraged to become suicide bombers.
Look US is the main source of terrorism in the world it is because of them there is no peace in the world & they are continuing to build CIA made terrorist groups specially in Pakistan. TTP, BLA etc are all sponsored, trained, armed & provided with rented man power are all managed by CIA & her allies.

Don’t waste your time by blaming other countries, specially Pakistan & writing or finding such articles or statements, where as the fact is enemy is hiding in US & they are running your country in the name of so called Democracy & in the name of Democracy your Govt. has destroyed many countries & are still continuing to do so.

You need to think hard here lit Jimmy. CIA made Al Qaeda, CIA made & most almost all the members of Taliban, CIA met Haqqani, never the least CIA made OBL & the list never stops, but today they have become your enemies, yesterday they were all your best friends & buddies. You are just using them to destroy countries for “Greater Israel”.

Fool those who can be fooled but today people around the world & even in the US people have realized that US is the main source of problem.

There is more but I don't want to wate more time.
Where Hate Is Good

October 8, 2012: The persistent popularity for Islamic terrorism in Pakistan and many Arab countries is largely due to the growing use of anti-Infidel (non-Moslem) propaganda in the local media and the educational system. In the last decade government approved textbooks for state supported (secular) schools in Pakistan have seen a steady increase in material that encourages hatred of non-Muslims (especially Jews) and the West. In the Palestinian territories both Hamas (hard liners running Gaza) and Fatah (the "moderates" running the West Bank) have spent the last decade increasing their use of pretty blatant ant-Semitic and anti-Infidel (non-Moslem) propaganda and praise for Palestinian terrorists, even those whose only accomplishment was to kill civilians. While the strident anti-Israel rants of the Iranian president get a lot of media attention in the West, these pronouncements are not much different than those that appear daily in Arab and Pakistani media.

This sort of thing has been going on for decades and now there have been two or three generations raised on this hateful media. Some Muslims see through it all, eventually, but most do not and simply accept it as the way the world is. Some immigrate to the West for the obvious economic opportunities and spend a period of time trying to sort out the stark differences between the propaganda they grew up on and the very different reality they migrated to. Mentioning this dissonance to the folks back home will only get you, and them, in trouble, so the immigrants are forced to keep track of two very different world-views. In the meantime, the children who grew up in this storm of lies and hate are still being encouraged to become suicide bombers.
Yes we hate all those who attack Muslims and kill our brothers and sisters and who have attacked our lands
You will find an Average Sub-continental Muslim More Concerned about "Filisteen" than lets Say FATA or Afghanistan or Kashmir or Rohingyas or al-shahab or eritrea . Over Past few Decades Palestine Has been Painted as a Jehadi fighting for its freedom against most Vile of the Vile Infidels ( Jews) .

While I support Two State solution for resolving Israel and Palestine Issue i most Vehemently disagree with painting one as a Angel , innocent and soft as baby cheeks and the other one as as a monster or Dajjal . Israel /Palestine issue lies in the Shades of Gray .
While I support Two State solution for resolving Israel and Palestine Issue i most Vehemently disagree with painting one as a Angel , innocent and soft as baby cheeks and the other one as as a monster or Dajjal .
Just as some persons are better than other persons (and in a healthy society the worst persons, the criminals, go to jail) so it can be with peoples. A "people" is, after all, an aggregation of individuals. Do you go about separating four people into two groups of two apiece and then assuming each group is forever equally good? If so, you are engaged in magical thinking.

Yes we hate all those who attack Muslims and kill our brothers and sisters and who have attacked our lands
No, you give Muslims who attack little girls a "pass" while inventing crimes committed by innocent infidels to justify enmity towards them.
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