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What Pakistanis are doing at CERN?

All those who say Pakistan can't make a motorcycle, should watch this video.
Nothing there in the link, says 'video has been removed'
The link is not working so I'm unble to watch it
But Pakistan is an associate member of CERN. That basically means Pakistan does not need to do funding as members have to do and thus only limited to scientific work and not much administrative or decision making role and this is best for us as it provides an opportunity for our physicists to work at the best experimental facility in the world and also interact with a large number of experts in their field at one place. Pakistani scientists are not only participating in experiments but also in building and construction of various experimental facilities at CERN namely, Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS), ATLAS and ALICE. It is a great for progress of scientific research in Pakistan and multinational experimental facilities like CERN are extremely and no single country alone can afford to make such a facilty. It is also great for the image of Pakistan as an active member of scientific elite.
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