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What is the difference between warranty and guarantee ?


Feb 12, 2013
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What is the difference between warranty and guarantee ?
give me the answer


A warranty is general coverage on the product that covers most things that could cause the product to stop working. It is good for a specific amount of time. It is there primarily to show the customer that their product is in good condition when they acquire it, and if something happens while the product is still relatively new, they will not be out their money. A warranty usually only offers repairs or replacement of a faulty product or parts within that product. You cannot expect to return the product and get your money back.

A guarantee is more of a good will statement that whatever service or product a person or company has provided to their customer will meet their customer's approval. A guarantee may or may not have a time limit attached. Guarantees usually are more open-ended than a warranty, not as many rules attached. If the product or service provided to the customer does not satisfy the customer, and meets the terms of the guarantee, the customer can expect to refund of money or an exchange of one product for another.
A warranty is general coverage on the product that covers most things that could cause the product to stop working. It is good for a specific amount of time. It is there primarily to show the customer that their product is in good condition when they acquire it, and if something happens while the product is still relatively new, they will not be out their money. A warranty usually only offers repairs or replacement of a faulty product or parts within that product. You cannot expect to return the product and get your money back.

A guarantee is more of a good will statement that whatever service or product a person or company has provided to their customer will meet their customer's approval. A guarantee may or may not have a time limit attached. Guarantees usually are more open-ended than a warranty, not as many rules attached. If the product or service provided to the customer does not satisfy the customer, and meets the terms of the guarantee, the customer can expect to refund of money or an exchange of one product for another.

i will reply later after others' post :D

Bhag sala, jhat jalas na bal chal post kore. :mad:
dhora kaiso monu, kissu pare na:haha::haha::haha:

@levina @Talon @jarves @Srinivas @hinduguy @Armstrong (u must answer :D) @Alpha1 @Oscar @SarthakGanguly @thesolar65 @RAMPAGE@scorpionx and others :D
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It is a ploy to create confusion in the mind of gullible customer!! BTW the seller always has many excuses up his sleeve to subvert the warranty and Guarantee both!!
It is a ploy to create confusion in the mind of gullible customer!! BTW the seller always has many excuses up his sleeve to subvert the warranty and Guarantee both!!
so you are saying there is no difference ? :D

When you get married to a gal you 're guaranteed "a happy married life".
But nobody gives you the warranty to replace her incase she doesnt make your life happy (as predicted). :-)

Pata nahi sahi bola ki galat :girl_wacko:
If the seller can have a good consumer lawyer then only he can know what id the difference!!
OK here is the Copy Paste from another site.

"Both the guarantee and the warranty are used to safeguard the rights of a consumer. The difference while in a guarantee a seller is reliable for replacement of a purchased item for free , in a warranty the consumer pays for the rights and has the rights to sue the seller. A guarantee is provided by manufactures but a warranty is proved by sellers and distributors".

Sorry, it should be the Purchaser instead of seller and I have corrected it.
These days warranty has come to mean the formal written contract that binds the producer to fix,replace the product if defect appears within a certain time period from the date of purchase. Guarantee is just the verbal unbinding promise that the stuff will work properly or satisfy the buyer..
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