I can't make up my Mind .
I think these are important but People should not be exposed to them at an early stage .
There are both Pro's and Con's but I am struggling to make a fixed view on it .
@SarthakGanguly @Chinese Bamboo @Chinese-Dragon @Godman @Zibago
You have to look at them as "communication tools" ..
As a communication tool, there is nothing wrong with it ... it's just like your cell phone, telephone, letter, T.V etc. i.e an effective medium, infact as per some -- the most effective of em all.
what you have to be concerned about is the communication that flows through the medium, now I remember as children, you weren't supposed to hang around certain people, you weren't supposed to look at certain material on T.V, there were caps on how old you have to be and only then were you permitted to have a cell phone ... but these things were more controllable ...
With social networking, you have a medium that is not as controllable as its predecessors were. With that, the anonymity and fast two way communication, its very hard to control or monitor at all ... So, yeah it is a very difficult choice ... but a more interesting question would be ... Is there a choice at all ??
I remember, I got my first cell phone after I cleared high school ... and that was considered quite early at the time ... and now I look at kids in grade 4 or 5 with Ipads in their hands and their twitters and facebooks etc. With all this shift in technology and the peer pressure on kids to be "cool" and have all this ... is it really avoidable ... I think that should be a bigger question .. and if the answer comes as "no" ... then we should look for steps that can be taken to deal with the cons and maximize the pros of this communication medium ...