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West pits black against black to reap profit

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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‘West pits black against black to reap profit’

Interview with Randy Short

Press TV has conducted an interview with Randy Short, with the BANCO (Black Autonomy Network Community Organization) from Washington, to discuss systematic ethnic cleansing of Muslims in Central African Republic.

What follows is a rough transcription of the interview.

Press TV: Dr. Short let me understand here this overview that Julius Mbaluto gave us, it does not clearly explain what is going on with the killing of Muslims in the form and fashion that it is. I mean this country had little story of religious conflict, so that part is missing. How did this happen? I mean were the Muslims marginalized? Perhaps you can tell us what was occurring there.

Short: Well, he has been very, very factual in explaining how the conflict came in and so he is telling you that..., but what needs to be added which is not immediately made available for people to understand is that France put these young ... and others to topple the government of Bu Azizi because he began to engage in business negotiations with the Chinese, which meant that the French wanted him gone and what ended up happening..., yes, it is true that the majority of the people of the country are either Christian or they are following the traditional African religions, the people who are Muslims, many of them are from Chad or there was a history in the past where some of the people who were Muslim, engaged in slave trading of people who were not Muslim. There was some of this way back, it is not recent.

However the French, as have the British and others, have always worked to make people of color or different religions fight each other, so they can profit and this is at the heart of it.

There is not a Muslim-Christian problem per se that is deep-seated but what you see is the French using what is called a Gang-Countergang Strategy which the British used for their genocide in Kenya..., but it was called a Gang-Countergang Strategy.

This was developed in Malaysia to get Muslims and other people to kill each other when the British did not want to lose control and so this is what is happening, except in this instance the United States is trying to drive France out of all of Central Africa and they have been doing this since the 1980’s. It started with Museveni , it is with Paul Kagame and Kabila, they are all Tutsis who are being used as ethnic ... agents that are driving the French and Belgian and other interests out for America’s geopolitical strategies and to some degree the Great Britain.

Press TV: So if that is the case then, you said that there is a push by France and this would be to go against China, if I understood you correctly in the beginning of your statements.

Short: Yes, they did not want the Chinese to get an economic foothold there.

Press TV: Right, but then why is the US trying to push France out of Africa? What advantages are there for the US?

Short: Because they want it all. They want it all. I mean they have got Rwanda, they have got Uganda and they essentially have the Belgians and French out of Congo.

It is America’s..., through AFRICOM, they want to dominate the African continent to keep the Chinese and the other rival countries out to maintain control over the wealth of the African continent and they have been using, ethnic, religious and racial wars for the last 25 years and this is all because this is how the transatlantic trade and slavery of Africans was waged the same way. This is an old Anglo trick, get a black to kill a black.

Press TV: So that, kind of, goes in line with a news that came out months ago when it said..., if I recall correctly, that the US is now concentrating a large AFRICOM force in Africa. Lots of bases to be established and to have the focus on Africa.

Short: And the killing of Muslims everywhere. Somalia..., if you look at America’s policy, there is always a war and the poor people in Africa or the other countries die.

Press TV: Dr. Short I know that you want to jump in, go ahead.

Short: They have plenty of resources which is the reason that the Chinese wanted to do a multibillion dollar deal with the Bu Azizi government. You need to understand ..., Africa is the treasure house of the planet. Usually I see Africans who do not get it..., there is a lot of wealth there..., you name it.

These countries do not send soldiers there because the folks have peanuts, pickles and bananas. They send them there because they have got natural gas, they have got Uranium, they have got gold, they have oil; this is what makes Africa such a tender..., for the countries that want hard assets and resources and this is a war and in the case that people were marginalized that were Muslim but they are minority and then many of the people who have come into the Central African Republic are from Chad, a very poor country that has had wars between Christians and Muslims for decades and again the French on the side of the Christians and then the Muslims being marginalized and in the case of the Central African Republic, they supported the Catholics, but if you back, the man who is the father of the Central African independence was killed in an airplane crash in 1959 because the French wanted a weak head-scratching slave black to run the country and they killed him before they even gave independence.

So France will not deal with Christians who will not kiss their behinds, so they took Muslims that they could use, when Bu Azizi stood up and was going to work with the Chinese.

So they do..., these folks who operate with the Libyan crazy folks who are killing everyone, they will work with whomever they can work with to steal and control.

And you do not need stability for trade to go on, the diamond trade exploded in Sierra Léon with the war. They just took more diamonds out as they were cutting people’s hands off, raping and mass murdering people. They do no not care about life and they do not need stability if they can have a road or a way to bring the wealth out of Africa and take it to Europe, the way they have done it for the last 400 to 500 years.

Press TV: Dr. Short we got less than a minute. Tell us why this is happening. I mean are we looking at another case of Syria in which political leaders are feeding this religious divisions of which now our guest in London says that there is sectarian violence going on?

Short: The sectarian violence serves a political purpose, as it does in South Sudan, and it is about the oil and the United States created the South Sudan to weaken Sudan which should be united. There is no way to run from the greed of the West.

True, you have people on the ground that are manipulated and Africans need to be accountable but one of the first things they need to realize is that Africa is for Africans, we must have a united Africa and we should no longer let the Europeans or anyone else steal, divide or rob us.

PressTV - ‘West pits black against black to reap profit’
Kill each other and then blame the third guy watching.:lol:
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