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We support retributive justice for war crimes in Bangladesh, India on Nizami’s hanging

Nov 8, 2015
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Published May 13, 2016


Reacting to execution of top Islamist leader Motiur Rahman Nizami, India today said it was supportive of the judicial process to ensure justice in war crimes committed during the movement for the independence of Bangladesh in 1971.

“The issue of war crimes trial is internal to Bangladesh.It has wide popular support. India has also been supportive of a judicial process to address pending issues of retributive justice for war crimes committed during the movement for the independence of Bangladesh in 1971,” External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Vikas Swarup said, replying to a question.

Fundamentalist Jamaat-e-Islami chief Nizami was hanged on Tuesday night at Dhaka Central Jail for war crimes committed during Bangladesh’s 1971 Liberation War against Pakistan.

The 73-year-old leader of the Bangladesh’s largest Islamist party had refused to seek presidential clemency.

Nizami’s final appeal against his death sentence for war crimes was rejected by the apex court on May 5.

Clashes broke out between activists of Jamaat-e-Islami and police in several Bangladeshi cities after the execution.
India throwing her weight behind BD was necessary after this local issue being needlessly internationlised by Turkey and Pakistan. Congrats to Turkey now they are following the foot steps of Pakistan only more prudently.

Meanwhile Turkey recalled its Ambassador from Bangladesh.

Turkey is on friendship spree theses days , if you haven't already noticed. :lol:

But did you ever learnt about Turkey recalling her ambassador from KSA over beheadings in full public view ?? What a duplicity ??

Anyway did you listen about one of Turkish leader advocating expunging of secularism from their constitution ?? Yes that's the way they are headed in.

This time Hasina and her nutcases mukti bhani terrorist have eaten more then can chew on.

Really ?? You are reading too much in symbolic optics. On grounds it won't change. With India jumping in , you can be rest assured India will overcompensate the losses if any on grounds.
India throwing her weight behind BD was necessary after this local issue being needlessly internationlised by Turkey and Pakistan. Congrats to Turkey now they are following the foot steps of Pakistan only more prudently.

Turkey is on friendship spree theses days , if you haven't already noticed. :lol:

But did you ever learnt about Turkey recalling her ambassador from KSA over beheadings in full public view ?? What a duplicity ??

Anyway did you listen about one of Turkish leader advocating expunging of secularism from their constitution ?? Yes that's the way they are headed in.

Really ?? You are reading too much in symbolic optics. On grounds it won't change. With India jumping in , you can be rest assured India will overcompensate the losses if any on grounds.

The subject under discussion is Bangladesh under Hasina regime and these judicial murders. I am just showing the other side of things as to how people are looking into this circus in Bangladesh from outside this region. India can say whatever it wants. So lets keep the discussion within the context shall we?
The subject under discussion is Bangladesh under Hasina regime and these judicial murders. I am just showing the other side of things as to how people are looking into this circus in Bangladesh from outside this region. India can say whatever it wants. So lets keep the discussion within the context shall we?

Judicial Circus really ?? That's rich coming from a Pakistani. Chew on below given link

It is perfectly within context to lament upon character and current dealings of the countries involved in.
Really ?? You are reading too much in symbolic optics. On grounds it won't change. With India jumping in , you can be rest assured India will overcompensate the losses if any on grounds.

India is a third world country. Its like blind leading the blind. India own *** will be on fire pretty soon. Just keep on watching your north.

Judicial Circus really ?? That's rich coming from a Pakistani. Chew on below given link

It is perfectly within context to lament upon character and current dealings of the countries involved in.

Dont give a f*** to Indian media. hardly worth my time. Its a mouth peace of raw, better to drain it down the toilet.

What I am saying to you son, that outside world is looking to these events differently. Try to comprehend what I am saying to you.
Wow Wikipedia The Most Reliabale and Undisputed Encyclopedia In The World :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

This Comes From A Man Whose Country Was Once The Faithful Mistress of USSR And Is Now The Favourite Call Girl of US and Europe
do you have an alternative definition of term 'third world' than the one wiki offers ?
do you have an alternative definition of term 'third world' than the one wiki offers ?

Your Fellow Country Troll Thinks China Is 'Third World'.That Is Enough To Give An Idea Of His Intellectual Capabilities
Of course hindu india would support the murder of muslims.

Its up to muslims in Bangladesh to fight back against its india supported regime
Your Fellow Country Troll Thinks China Is 'Third World'.That Is Enough To Give An Idea Of His Intellectual Capabilities
well it's not, technically they were 'second world' commie allied.

lots of misconception about the word though, technically I think Pakistan was an ally (perhaps one of the closest) of the US all during the cold war, doesn't make it first world.

on topic, I think all terrorists should be hung, I support BD in this, I will also support Pakistan whenever they hang TTP guys etc, and if it's 100% confirmed that he was aiding the TTP and not just state/army propaganda, hang Kulbhushan Yadav also (but he'll get hung anyway) :P
Joint venture in Nepal ?? Lol. Nowadays You can't even control BD and Afghanistan . So stop hallucinating.

Hiding behind Yanks ?? Are you high on weed or something ?? We don't need to hide behind anybody to show you your place.

Rest of your post is trash.

BD will be back to normal, dont worry. Whoes the daddy of Afghan Taliban? Nepal is not giving bambo up yours for no reason. Hallucinating? where were you before yanks along with its allies came to Afghanistan. Oh yea I remember, the rat hole called panjsher valley in Afghanistan.

Mark my words, the day yanks pull the rug under your feet , you will come to your senses. And yes you do need plenty of help from western civilization to challenge us. you on your own are nothing.
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You seem to be living in some alternate world. Rawani giverment is on it's second consecutive term in BD and stop hallucinating about Afghanistan, we are there to remain there for considerable time . God bless Iran's new port. And less you talk about Nepal better it is for you. It's not us but Nepal is dependent on us for 90% of their supplies.

Coming to your begger and all that rant. Let me remind you our per capita income is better than yours and on hunger index we perform better than you.

Yes whole world saw why your PM ran to Uncle Sam's lap during Kargil.Nuff said talk is cheap.

Hasina regime is illegitimate because the last election was not held according to the law where she refused to backdown before the election and hence all opposition boycotted the election. She virtually grabbed the power by hook and crook and hence no legitimacy.

Educate yourself you fool. where were you in pre 9/11 Afghanistan? NO WHERE. you are riding on Uncle Sam shoulder in Afghanistan. understand your status.The day yanks leave Afghanistan, you will pack your bags or come back home in bags, either way.

You can build all sort of relationship with Iran, bottom line is, that southern Afghanistan which also called Pakhtoon belt, we control it through Afghan Taliban. We will see how far you go in your Charbahar wet dream.

Nepal may be importing a lot of stuff from you lot but still giving bambo up your arse as we speak. Should give you some indication as to what your worth is!!

You lot top the list of nation who received the American AID, surpassing even Israel, a remarkable feat I must say considering that majority of your miserable existence, you been licking soviet boots. Thats not the AID as in disease, but tell you what, the most HIV patients founds anywhere in the world are your slum dwellers.

We came inside your controlled territory , we spanked and we left back to our home when our mission of shock and awe was achieved. Your Atal vajpaee was begging clinton for intervention and Nawaz Shareef being who he is, a businessmen with interests inside India, did what he was suppose to do, a behavior he is exhibiting these days as well. The bottom line, we came, we saw, we spanked and when our hearts were content, we went back home. Savy!!
You Leased Charbatia to US To Spy On China

the recent Logistics Support Agreement is also not applicable to any wartime support either.

India remains largely non aligned, in the future the IN may even field a combination of Mig-29ks and F/A-18s off the same deck.

in the past too, I don't think there is any defence of the fact that while Pakistan was 'in too deep' with the US (it did yield tremendous economic benefits), the Indian relationship with the USSR was far more measured, ie, socialist leaning but never full-on commie.

too big to stooge, projected Indian 'middle class' numbers are almost double that of the entire population of Pakistan.. but that's another discussion..

the Indian partnership with the US will be like the Chinese partnership with the US, and hasn't that worked out great for the Chinese ?

with one significant caveat, it includes a military dimension, and the baniya will play it well ;)
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