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We get direct Orders from Nine Zero to KILL People

Peaceful Civilian

Oct 18, 2011
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I created a thread on this too! One MQM guy had done 8 murders and the other MQM poll rigger was confessing the names of MQM target killers.
MQM walon ka time bura chal raha hai. Unfortunately, as usual, PPP has betrayed the people of pakistan and has made an alliance with MQM in sindh to give them a protection. What a misery. But against, there is a ray of hope because MQM has been badly exposed in the past few months.
The problem is until we expose and get rid of all such parties who are responsible in protecting and harboring these mafias there won't be any change. The system is corrupt and MQM has always gotten away by issuing threats and targetted killings. Altaf Hussain can easily get away with all the killings his party is responsible for. He can give live statements direspecting The Quran as well as the founder of this state and no voice is raised against that.Unless this whole alliance is broken ( which btw includes PPP and PML N) we won't get rid of this state terrorism.
mqm go to helll bloody bori corporation ... stoned them to death :smitten:
Dude....why you people when you have disagreement in politics would like to kill each other man....There are other ways that you can oppose any political ideology...I see one thing whenever election time in Pakistan was at the peak...In couple of TV airing ...people are when get excited....they are all having AK 47 type of gun and they are shooting in the air....Is it gun culture is so common among the people?
reason why MQM was formed:

Karachi Mein Lisani Fasadat Ka Aghaz by Anwar Ahsan | Columnpk.com


Qasba Aligarh Massacre – a forgotten story

It has been more than a decade and a half but by actually going back to what really happened haunts me to the core. I didn’t knew the extent of this massacre until only recently, yes, I am guilty as charged and it was only recently I met some of the survivors out of an accident to realize what really happened to the residents of a remote place named, Qasba Aligarh in Karachi. It really was a massacre.

Qasba Aligarh is located with-in Karachi limits and consists of basically poor and lower middle class Mohajir families living side by side by Pashtoons brothers who mainly resides on the mountains mostly Afghan migrants who settled during the Afghan-Soviet War. Qasba Aligarh was basically made as a colony for journalists where amenity plots were handed out to the residents but due to the distance from the city most journalists sold their plots or give out to their relatives mainly Muslim Migrants from India to Pakistan.


It all started from an administrative decision from the than Governor Sindh, Gen.Retd. Jahandad Khan who took the decision on the orders from the federal government to start an operation at what we know as Al-Asif Square at Sorab Goth, Karachi, an illegally encroached properties by Afghan migrants during the late and early 1980’s. During the Afghan War in the 1980’s against the Soviet Occupation and General Zia(s) manufactured Islam and Islamization of Society more than 4 million refugees from Afghanistan were welcomed in Pakistan as temporary refugees. It was supposed to be the largest concentration of refugees in the world after the Second World War.

Apparently, this migration of refugees had a huge socio-economic impact on the Pakistani Society where Afghan Migration into Urban Pakistan promoted the Kalashnikov, Drugs and Encroachment Culture in Pakistan, a country which was previously drug free and largely deweaponized was flooded with automatic weapons apart from the population of drug users shooting up to over a million in 1980’s, it’s around 4 million now officially.
An over whelming proportion of settlers from Afghanistan settled in Karachi, the economic hub of Pakistan and the criminal elements from them started what they did best: land grabbing of precious land in Karachi apart from spreading the gun and heroine culture in Pakistan. At a same time, another political party with strong links to the Afghanistan and NWFP criminally give them a political cover on the basis of Pashtun Nationalism. One must also add that the conflict in Orangi town and Qasba area intensified after Biharis were repatriated from former East Pakistan where most of them were re-settled by Pakistani government in Orangi Town and adjoining area. Unfortunately, it was the time when ethnic violence intensified in Karachi. The war between Pashtun and Bihari dwellers still remains in the locality to this day over land.

The Operation at Al-Asif Square

The Operation initiated by Governor on the orders of Federal Government was against the drug barons, land encroachers and criminal elements who had previously illegally occupied the area post Afghan War –the operation was also forced upon Governor Sindh Jahandad Khan when the American Consulate in Karachi pointed at certain drug labs working in the locality. A team was made by the than Governor, Gen.(retd) Jahandad Khan which consisted of Deputy Commissioner Karachi, Sardar Ahmed under him were DIG Karachi, IGP, Sindh and Core Commander Karachi who were given duties to operate in the area and arrest criminal elements apart from relocation of illegal encroachers from Al-Asif Square to a new site at the National Highway.The tensions and political atmosphere was tense during those time where there earlier had been tensions

The Reaction

Unfortunately, some of the Pashtoon Groups based in Karachi as always thought that any operation at Al-Asif Square is against Pashtoons (although it was purely against criminals regardless of their ethnicity) unfortunately, a political party with her origins in Mardan who had traditionally capitalized on Pashtoon sentiments yet again capitalized on the situation and portrayed the action against drug barons, encroachers and criminal elements as if it was against a certain ethnicity which created lot of tensions in the city and calls for revenge were vowed in corner meeting of the party belonging to Mardan.

Meanwhile, Army and Para-Military troops patrolled the tensed city and were deployed in almost every area for a possible reaction from the Pashtoon-Afghan community. Qasba was pin-pointed as a high-tension area and atleast 2 fully armed Army Units were deployed in advance apart from keeping the police on high alert.

The Killing Spree

On December 15, 1986, a group of armed mostly Afghans and Hazara men attacked the Aligarh, Orangi and Qasba colonies and adjacent areas of Karachi and killed innocent people, burnt shops and houses. A total of 400 Mohajirs were killed in just two hours of this horrible massacre.

“They came inside out houses and asked for men”, “they killed indiscriminately with knifes and guns chanting Allah’o’Akber as if we were infidels” said one of the survivors who lost her father and elder brother sobbing and she was correct. Astonishingly mosques were used to mobilize people to kill and there were speeches and sermons given against the people living in Qasba Aligarh by pseudo Mullah’s that day branding Mohajirs as “Infidels” and that “killing them would take one to heaven”.

Mohammad Ibrahim another survivor who lost his elder brother told us that “they came in and started burning our houses, kicking the babies, raping our women and killing anyone in front of them …”.
More than 400 Mohajir Men and Women were brutally mutilated at Qasba Aligarh that day and nothing happened, no-one stopped them as if the establishment didn’t care about them , as if they were second class serfs who didn’t mattered. The question is: where were the law enforcement authorities? Where was the Army Unit employed by the government as a preventive measure for any reaction Post-Al-Asif
Operation against drug barons and arm-smugglers?

The details are not sketchy at all. On asking the survivors and those who were in administrative structure in Sindh during the time revealed a shocking tale of how the Army Unit deployed at Qasba was mysteriously pulled out just before the massacre and how police never reacted while the police station was less than a kilometer away from Qasba? All these questions were raised by the people of the area ; facts which are undeniable.

The army division which deployed to the Qasba Coloney was mysteriously pulled back just two hours before the incident took place whom you do think is responsible? I asked to a top administrative official who refused to be named and his reply was “whom you do think has the power to call the army back?, ofcourse the than Core Commander Karachi (name from Wikipedia). “ Obviously the Generals can not be questioned in Pakistan since they belong to the super-unquestionable class. The police? Well we in Karachi know their line of work? From Bushra Zaidi Case to the one recently in actually promoting land mafia in Karachi.

Justice Sajjad Ali Shah the former Chief Justice of Supreme Court is the man who wrote the inquiry report or the fact finding report which was send to Islamabad where he criticized, “army, administrative and governor’s role in the event and clearly wrote in the report, “that it is the worst kind of massacre I had ever witnessed, where women, children and men from Mohajir community were slaughtered by people from illegal immigrants and Core Commander Karachi should have questioned as to why Army was asked to retreat approximately 2 hours before the incident took take. There clearly seems to be a foul-play”.

And what’s more shocking is the total silence on this issue to this day? Except of MQM who was the only political party which actually protested heavily and got a compensation of Rs.4 carore approved for the victims.

The conflict continues in the locality to this day where ethnic death squads of both sides kills each-other members everyday.
MQM is a criminal organization, it needs to be removed and destroyed.
these are just forced confessions nothing more, how many times ajmal pahari has been prosecuted?
MqM should know Murders and homicide doesn't solve all your problems there are other ways aswell.

I am not a fan of MqM but they are better than PPP.
MqM should know Murders and homicide doesn't solve all your problems there are other ways aswell.

I am not a fan of MqM but they are better than PPP.

& this truth shouldbe told to the murderers of BB too?
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