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Was OBL's sea burial permissible?

They gave him an Islamic prayer, wrapped him in white sheet. They were trying to give him an Islamic burial. Bin Laden is not a Muslim. This is an insult to Islam.

Islamic prayer- Yes
wrapped him in white sheet- Yes
thrown at sea- Not an Islamic way

the other scenario could be

Islamic prayer- Yes
wrapped him in white sheet- Yes
and burned- Not an Islamic way

So relax- it was not an Islamic way- But you do know even non- Muslims corpses should be buried properly with respect?- Its in Hadiths-
Islamic prayer- Yes
wrapped him in white sheet- Yes
thrown at sea- Not an Islamic way

the other scenario could be

Islamic prayer- Yes
wrapped him in white sheet- Yes
and burned- Not an Islamic way

So relax- it was not an Islamic way- But you do know even non- Muslims corpses should be buried properly with respect?- Its in Hadiths-

That is not the point. They "attempted" and discussed/researched it thourghly to give him an Islamic burial. :angry:
That is not the point. They "attempted" and discussed/researched it thourghly to give him an Islamic burial. :angry:

Either you are naive or not a Muslim- If you are not a Muslim then it should not concern you- If you are you should know the Islamic way of burial-
His daughter just made up the story too right? Stop living in denial. Life is not some conspiracy.
Osama's daughter watches unarmed father killed - Times LIVE

what do we have here? timeslive? bbc? they all are being fund by israelis . . zionists . . americans .. they are being handled by zionists. . . ofcourse they would publish these kind of news to catch the attention . .this is so obvious when imran khan went on protesting against the drone attacks. . americans knew that pakistani people have had enough . so they came up with this new thing with the help of ISI . . .this SO CALLED OSAMA killing . . to divert the attention from drone attacks to osama in abottabad . . now the next target is invade pakistan just like they did iraq byy blaming that al qaeda is all over in pak . . this is what has been happening from 10 years . . they killed osama right? so what war are they upto now? comeon be logical think logical . .. this is not a pakistan america war . . this is a world war now .. they want to rule the world and we all know that . besides. . when saddam was caught .. why was he hung . .? . .why were they so happie jumping around .. but we didnt even get to see osama's photos . .and as they say BURIED IN SEA .. are u kidding me? the most wanted terrorist as they say was not brought to US as per the law .. but instead buried in sea ? SO OBAMA BIN LADEN THINKS THE WORLD IS DUMB ENOUGH TO ACTUALLY BELIEVE THIS? . . i hope u research now ! . .just go through alexjones channels . there are so many american journalists who are against this . . just go to youtube and see the videos . . and u might be aware of what beijing said this morning . . they gave a warning to US . . im quoting. ' IF YOU MESS WITH ISLAMABAD .. YOUR MESSING WITH BEIJING' . . this is true allies . .!
what do we have here? timeslive? bbc? they all are being fund by israelis . . zionists . . americans .. they are being handled by zionists. . . ofcourse they would publish these kind of news to catch the attention . .this is so obvious when imran khan went on protesting against the drone attacks. . americans knew that pakistani people have had enough . so they came up with this new thing with the help of ISI . . .this SO CALLED OSAMA killing . . to divert the attention from drone attacks to osama in abottabad . . now the next target is invade pakistan just like they did iraq byy blaming that al qaeda is all over in pak . . this is what has been happening from 10 years . . they killed osama right? so what war are they upto now? comeon be logical think logical . .. this is not a pakistan america war . . this is a world war now .. they want to rule the world and we all know that . besides. . when saddam was caught .. why was he hung . .? . .why were they so happie jumping around .. but we didnt even get to see osama's photos . .and as they say BURIED IN SEA .. are u kidding me? the most wanted terrorist as they say was not brought to US as per the law .. but instead buried in sea ? SO OBAMA BIN LADEN THINKS THE WORLD IS DUMB ENOUGH TO ACTUALLY BELIEVE THIS? . . i hope u research now ! . .just go through alexjones channels . there are so many american journalists who are against this . . just go to youtube and see the videos . . and u might be aware of what beijing said this morning . . they gave a warning to US . . im quoting. ' IF YOU MESS WITH ISLAMABAD .. YOUR MESSING WITH BEIJING' . . this is true allies . .!

God bless you.
only an idiot will believe it was osama was died in that raid, it may some innocents died in that raid, like drone attacks

Conspiracy theory? if Bin La-Deen is dead, i am sure he or one of his associates would tell us that he is alive and americans are lying. The same thing happend with Hamkeeo Mehsud, he was alive, his men denied his death and that was true.

- - The burial that allows body to be thrown is sea is that: If a muslim dies on a ship and you know that his body will not preserve till you reach land; then in that case you can wrap him in some cloth, say prayers and throw body in the sea. .
what do we have here? timeslive? bbc? they all are being fund by israelis . . zionists . . americans .. they are being handled by zionists. . . ofcourse they would publish these kind of news to catch the attention . .this is so obvious when imran khan went on protesting against the drone attacks. . americans knew that pakistani people have had enough . so they came up with this new thing with the help of ISI . . .this SO CALLED OSAMA killing . . to divert the attention from drone attacks to osama in abottabad . . now the next target is invade pakistan just like they did iraq byy blaming that al qaeda is all over in pak . . this is what has been happening from 10 years . . they killed osama right? so what war are they upto now? comeon be logical think logical . .. this is not a pakistan america war . . this is a world war now .. they want to rule the world and we all know that . besides. . when saddam was caught .. why was he hung . .? . .why were they so happie jumping around .. but we didnt even get to see osama's photos . .and as they say BURIED IN SEA .. are u kidding me? the most wanted terrorist as they say was not brought to US as per the law .. but instead buried in sea ? SO OBAMA BIN LADEN THINKS THE WORLD IS DUMB ENOUGH TO ACTUALLY BELIEVE THIS? . . i hope u research now ! . .just go through alexjones channels . there are so many american journalists who are against this . . just go to youtube and see the videos . . and u might be aware of what beijing said this morning . . they gave a warning to US . . im quoting. ' IF YOU MESS WITH ISLAMABAD .. YOUR MESSING WITH BEIJING' . . this is true allies . .!

I have no words to say..but Alex Jones is making his livelihood through idiots like you. Not bad Alex.
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