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Walt Disney bans import from Pakistan

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Walt Disney bans import from Pakistan
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Updated 2014-04-03 10:51:05
FAISALABAD: US licensor Walt Disney has dropped Pakistan from its list of ‘Permitted Sourcing Countries’ from April 1, sources in the textile industry confirmed on Wednesday.

The US entertainment giant banned any import from Pakistan as the country failed to satisfy the trading partner company of its intentions to improve what it considered “poor governance standards”.

“There is no ambiguity in the position taken by Disney. No shipment is permissible to any certified agent or vendor dealing in the brand of Walt Disney merchandise after April 31,” Azhar Majeed Sheikh, the chairman of Arzoo Textile Mills, told Dawn.

“Anyone (importer or exporter) found violating the ban will be liable to heavy penalties besides being blacklisted,” he said.

The US company’s decision has stripped Pakistan of $200-million exports of textile products.

The firm issued stiffer warning to Bangladesh when it decided to put Pakistan on its watch list because of repeated incidents of factory fires in textile garment units.

However, Bangladesh government managed to get a waiver by getting a placement in ILO/IFC ‘Better Work Programme’ that allows close monitoring of the country for social audit.

“It is an irony that Bangladesh managed to evade the ban and continues to trade with Disney, but the inefficient and ineffective doyens of commercial relations occupying cushy seats at the ministry and the Trade and Development Authority of Pakistan failed the business community,” a frustrated textile exporter commented.

“The people responsible for the fiasco should be taken to task if the government wishes to fare better on the governance scale,” another businessman said.
Only 200 million dollars,Not a big sum for Pakistani gov.
This is little absurd...what Walt disney has anything to do with governance issues...

A large percentage of their earnings are from products - toys, accessories, clothing, etc of their animated franchises. These are outsourced to countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, China, Vietnam to reduce costs.

Pakistan scored just 19 points in the WGI, six points below the threshold level. The decision could be reversed if the country joined the Better Work programme to prove compliance in factories, continuou s improvement and stakeholder engagement including government, employers, workers, and buyers.

A relatively simple means of recovering that $200mln and providing a reputation boost to our industry with an added side effect of improving working conditions.
Disney's loss luckily there are trillion other companies that need to sell textiles

My personal Tuxedo is all Made in Pakistan
Disney's loss luckily there are trillion other companies that need to sell textiles

My personal Tuxedo is all Made in Pakistan

I think it is more of an issue like Apple had with Foxconn. Bad working conditions caused bad publicity. Disney trying to avoid a similar situation.
it will have chain reaction effect now.. other brands like Levis, Timberland, Tommy Hilfiger etc will follow.. !!!
Unfair treatment while bangladesh got away. may the workers get other high value orders
^^^ correct, but they did enroll in the programme as mentioned in the news bite..its like you get a warning but you can trade. Pakistans case was harsh....maybe they too did recieve warnings they chose to ignore.
In the end the poor man suffers :(
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