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Wahab Raofi: Why Afghans fear their own election


Jan 20, 2013
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United States
Excellent opinion piece written "Wahab Raofi" -- An Afghan American, Graduate of the Kabul University Law Program, a Civil Servant who now works as a translator for ISAF.

Critical points:
1. Afghans now have low enthusiasm for the elections.
2. If Abduallah Abdullah comes to power he will prosecute the Karzai Family (that is the fear)
3. Karzai is negotiating with the Taliban to let his proxy (Putin style) continue in the Presidential Palace
4. He thinks the ANSF is still no match for the "ideologically driven Taliban"
5. He provides what I think is an unsatisfactory explanation for why Afghan are not out in the streets asking for Karzai to sign the BSA.

I guess Afghanistan will take Pakistan down with her -- The Pakistani people are asleep!

Original article here (you will find it syndicated at other places too) excerpts below:


So why aren’t Afghans taking to the streets to demand the resignation of Karzai for not signing the BSA? ...


... Afghans know that their nascent security force is no match for ideologically driven Taliban fighters. The Taliban’s return looms like a Sword of Damocles over the Afghan nation’s collective head.


If Karzai signs the BSA before the election, it may generate a small boost of enthusiasm for the upcoming election, but if a real political solution is not found soon, the election looms as nothing more than a new chapterof uncertaintyin Afghanistan’s endless war.

And if Karzai refuses to sign the BSA and the West abandons this country, it will no longer matter who occupies the presidential palace. U.S. Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s prophecy will become a reality: Afghanistan will descend into a civil war. Afghans will vote with their feet, flee their country in large numbers and trigger yet another refugee crisis.
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