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Wages in North Korea suddenly increase 100 times


Jun 26, 2012
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Russian Federation
Yesterday, 21:00
Wages in North Korea suddenly grow to 100 times

Photo: EPA

VOICE OF RUSSIA From North Korea are surprising news: In the mine in Musan, in which Kim Ch'aek metallurgy factory and other enterprises that produce for export, were paid wages amounting 250000-350000 Won in October. In other words: It came to wage increases by 50 - to 100-fold.

Objectively 300,000 Won not very much money, according to the current market rate are the 30-40 dollars. However, according to North Korean standards, it is a huge sum, because so far made the official pay only 3,000 to 4,000 won per month from. That was just enough time for one to two bags of rice on the market, which is why most workers earned their livelihood through income from their work in the market or in the private sector. In order for the employees of the Musan-mine and other privileged companies have received a wage for the first time in 20 years, with which one can live physically real.

This wage increase is an extremely problematic issue. The main problem is of course inflation. Hardly go the employees of exporting companies with pockets full of cash on denMarkt, prices inevitably shoot there in the air. It is not excluded that inflation is kept under control, but only in the case when the wage increase affects only a few companies. However, this means that workers of different companies would get a wage for the same work in a city of about five to 50 - to 100-fold to come apart, and the inevitably brings diverse political and economic inconvenience by itself.

The intensification of inflationary way, is the most likely consequence of formed are situation.

This is what is probably in Pyongyang. Evidence of the decision to spend some of the new wages in goods. It is not excluded that the North Korean leadership is counting on to keep the situation under control by various prohibitions.So it has already been communicated to the employees made happy, they would be prohibited from now to take advantage of the market offers.

If such prohibitions help? The answer to this question is obvious: they will not. Evidence of the experience of the monetary reform of 2009, when the North Korean government had also proclaimed a 100-fold increase in wages and then, when she was confronted with a huge price increase, trying to stabilize the situation with the help of a variety of administrative bans. These efforts went nowhere.

It would seem that the North Korean leadership has decided once again to defy the law of supply and demand. One can assume that this goes about as like all previous attempts.

It is interesting but something else: The show now taken measures to ensure that the leadership of North Korea has grasped the fact that the economy has Bedraf to changes. Even if the current attempt a complete lack of success, one can assume that this experiment will be followed - and it is not excluded that will then be better prepared and go out successful.

The main problem of the North Korean reformers not to the field of the economy: In North Korea reforms à la China are politically dangerous because it could lead to internal political destabilization. The late Dear Leader Generalissimo Kim Jong Il was at its fully aware of, and therefore he must have also refrained from reforms.

The Supreme Leader Marshal Kim Jong Un lacks this understanding probably. By the way, he would have would that not change the situation. Kim Jong Un is forced to follow the path of reforms, notwithstanding that this is associated with a risk.

Andrej Lankow

Weiterlesen: Google Übersetzer
most N. Koreans are too poor to afford rice, they eat corn instead. Only the fat Kim eats rice.
very sad for the North Korean people.
North Korea is indeed the weirdest country in the world.
These communist (so called) are destroying North Korea.
North Korea is indeed the weirdest country in the world.
actually the three Kims have destroyed the country, the actual Kim is fcking crazy, too. There is no hope for the N. Korean people. Look, the top military commanders listen to him and write everything into their books. Kim´s words have the power of a God.

actually the three Kims have destroyed the country, the actual Kim is fcking crazy, too. There is no hope for the N. Korean people.


If they try to reform and opening up, the people will soon know how ridiculous and unbelievable useless their leaders are and there will be a civil war -> bad result.

If they try to maintain the way of laurels, the country will still end up either from economic collapse, rebellion or invasion from other nations -> bad result.

No matter what they try to do, they are still screwed.
People needs to have job in the first place to get wages. Whole of North Korea is like a prison. Any news or any pictures that comes out of NK are the ones authorized by Kim's regime. North Korea's strong military & nuclear arsenals are a real curse to it's people. Really feel bad for ordinary North Koreans...
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actually the three Kims have destroyed the country, the actual Kim is fcking crazy, too. There is no hope for the N. Korean people. Look, the top military commanders listen to him and write everything into their books. Kim´s words have the power of a God.

quiz question... who among the four was actually in that place when the photo was supposedly taken. :pop:
Actually Indians dont like North Korea for their "missile partnership" with Pak:-)
regardless of the problems of north koreans.... they are best in one thing.......... parades, marches...their synchronization is simply the best in the world :D
regardless of the problems of north koreans.... they are best in one thing.......... parades, marches...their synchronization is simply the best in the world :D
they better be good at things that their govt wants them to do... or else... :sniper:
regardless of the problems of north koreans.... they are best in one thing.......... parades, marches...their synchronization is simply the best in the world :D

People have an uncanny ability to goose-step in remarkable coordination when the alternative is to spend the rest of your life in a concentration camp.
these crazy nut head kim jong ping pong have fckd their people in heads , cou
Kim´s "success":

source: Statistics | Think Children

  • Nearly 300,000 people have fled North Korea, one of the most isolated and dangerous countries in the world. Learn more about this country and its refugee crisis.
  • Official name: Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)
  • Capital: Pyongyang
  • Government: Centralized Communist state; one-man, one-party dictatorship of “Dear Leader” Kim Jong Il and the Korean Workers Party
  • Population: 22.7 million
  • More than 1 million North Koreans perished in a devastating famine in the mid-1990s.
  • 33 percent of the population is undernourished.
  • 37 percent of children are stunted, 23 percent are underweight and 7 percent are wasted away.
  • Up to 200,000 are unjustly imprisoned in Soviet style gulags
  • Prisoners in these camps experience extreme abuse, torture, rape, forced abortions and even executions
  • More than 400,000 have died in these political prison camps
  • Up to 300,000 refugees are hiding in China
  • Approximately 80 percent of North Korean refugees in China are women
  • Of these women, 70 to 90 percent end up sexually trafficked, sold repeatedly or forced into marriages.
  • These women can be bought for anywhere from a few hundred U.S, dollars up to $2,000.
  • One in five children had diarrhea, and one in eight showed symptoms of acute respiratory infection. Mothers appear to have made no progress: a third were anemic and malnourished, the same figure as two years ago.
Height Difference in North and South Koreans


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