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‘Virginity Test’ Stokes Indonesia Debate

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Feb 5, 2011
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‘Virginity Test’ Stokes Indonesia Debate


Indonesian policewomen stood guard at a protest in Jakarta in 2012. Many female police recruits face virginity
inspections. Credit Adek Berry/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

JAKARTA, Indonesia — Col. Sri Rumiati made her career in the Indonesian National Police, but the day she was tested for it, in 1984, is one she would rather forget.

During a mandatory physical examination, a doctor led her into a private room, asked her to disrobe and administered a so-called virginity test, inserting two fingers to determine whether her hymen was intact.

“I was not comfortable with the test,” said Colonel Rumiati, who is now a police psychologist. “The test can be stressful on women and embarrassing.”

It mattered little that the doctor who tested her was a woman. It felt like a violation, she said, one that does not determine virginity, that has no comparable equivalent for male police recruits, and that does not achieve its ostensible goal: evaluating a recruit’s morality.

“You learn about the morality of a candidate from prosocial behavior testing,” or evaluating a person’s actions, she said. “It’s not about virginity.”

Women who apply to be police officers in Indonesia have been subjected to virginity testing since at least 1965, when the police force was placed under the command of the military. The Indonesian military has conducted virginity testing on female recruits for even longer, said Maj. Gen. Fuad Basya, a spokesman for the armed forces.

But the issue has set off heated debate here since Human Rights Watch, the international nongovernment organization, released a report and a video last month with evidence that the policy was still in force.

The organization said it had interviewed eight current and former female police officers and applicants in six cities, including two who said they had undergone virginity tests this year. Married women are not eligible to become police officers.

“We don’t know how widespread the practice is, and we don’t know if it’s nationwide,” said Andreas Harsono, a researcher for Human Rights Watch in Indonesia.

“But it’s there,” he said, “and the testing is because of morality. The argument has been, ‘We don’t want prostitutes in the police force.’ ”

Indonesia is a socially conservative country where official state doctrine still encourages women to be homemakers and caregivers to their children.

The National Police chief, Gen. Sutarman, told journalists during a visit to West Java Province last month that female recruits did not undergo virginity tests. He said there was a required “medical examination,” but did not go into details, according to Detik, a leading Indonesian news portal.

Hours later, however, two high-ranking National Police officials in Jakarta were quoted by the local news media confirming that the police force does in fact conduct virginity tests on morality grounds.

While failing the virginity test does not disqualify a police applicant, she “may get fewer points if her hymen is not intact,” Brig. Gen. Arthur Tampi, head of the National Police’s medical and health center, told The Jakarta Post. “Still, she can pass the recruitment process.”

Local women’s and human rights groups counter that examining the hymen is not conclusive in determining virginity and have demanded an end to the practice. A hymen can be damaged through contact sports, horseback riding or an accident, and some babies are born without them, they say.

“The test is associated with prejudices about women’s morality, has no medical benefit in determining the health of an individual and causes trauma for those who undergo it,” the National Commission on Violence Against Women, an independent state body, said in a statement. “Similar tests are not carried out for men because of differences in anatomy, but also because sociologically, it is women who are considered the symbol of purity, not men.”

Men are not even asked about their virginity, women’s groups say.

Last year, the head of a local education office in South Sumatra Province suggested conducting virginity tests on high school girls to discourage promiscuity and thwart teenage prostitution. Thousands of Indonesians took to social media sites to criticize the idea, which was quickly dismissed by national government officials in Jakarta, the capital.

It is unclear how widespread the practice is. Col. Dede Rahayu, who runs the Police Women’s School in Jakarta, which conducts a seven-month training program for new recruits out of high school, said she did not have a virginity test when she applied to join the force in 1991.

She also said she had never heard of any of her students or staff members having to undergo one.

The policewomen “who said they had that test didn’t understand what a virginity test is,” she said, noting that all applicants do undergo a rectal exam and that they may have confused the two.

“Or maybe they want people to think they were still virgins when they joined,” she said, half in jest. “A single woman not being a virgin is taboo in Indonesia.”
The virginity test is stupid, The hymen can be broken by literally doing anything

Riding a bike, horse, impact sports, falling etc etc
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Lolz...how do these people come up with such ideas.
any such talibani nonsense will generally be courtesy usa government... i leave it to the members to answer why.
This cannot be passed, the police has tried it before under SBY administration and they failed, and now they try to do it once again in a new government. For you guys information, our police is not a respected one here currently, all corruption cases are conducted by other institution (KPK). But we do respect their ability to combat terrorism here. It is their biggest achievement.
Taking the cop out of copulation
WHEN Sri Rumiati joined the police, she had to take a virginity test. It was uncomfortable and humiliating, she recalls. Not to mention unscientific and irrelevant to police work.

Ms Rumiati, who is now a commissioner, has campaigned to have such tests for female recruits abolished. Officially they ended last year, after Human Rights Watch, a pressure group, condemned the practice. Badrodin Haiti, Indonesia’s national police chief, insists that there are now no virginity tests, but what there is, he says, “is a test for reproductive health, which is part of the overall health examination.” The police website warns female cadets to expect a “pregnancy test”.

However, Dr Musyafak, the chief medical officer of Jakarta’s metropolitan police, says that the new tests still involve a doctor examining the cadet to see if her hymen is intact. Whenever possible, female doctors conduct the tests, but in rural provinces, where female doctors are rare, cadets may have to endure being examined by a man.

“Failing” the test no longer affects the overall fitness score that helps determine whether a cadet can become a fully fledged police officer, says Dr Musyafak. However, in as vast an archipelagic nation as Indonesia, is it hard to tell how uniformly this reform is enforced. Meanwhile, the Indonesian army continues to subject female recruits to virginity tests.

Two assumptions lie behind such tests, both wrong. First, that you can tell if a woman is a virgin by probing her hymen. Such tests reveal nothing about a woman’s sexual history. The second assumption is that virgins make better police officers or soldiers, because they are more “moral”. As a senior policeman told reporters in 2014: “If [a candidate] turns out to be a prostitute, then how could we accept her for the job?”..........................Read more


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