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Vietnam Angle to the Netaji Mystery


Feb 28, 2013
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Few of us decided to bring an end to the crying injustice done to one of India’s bravest and deserving sons and thereby to India herself and started scouting for all kinds of information available on this great leader under a movement called Mission Netaji. Very soon we were caught into a web of information’s coming to usfrom different sources, some made immediate sense and some were too raw for usto understand them, and some were hearsay and out rightly rejected by us. After categorizing them in these parameters, we started work with the immediate information’s available to us and simultaneously started researching on the raw data to fill in the gaps and fit in all the pegs correctly. These were days when 24 hours seemed short and we prayed for a few more.

Few such leads pointed towards Vietnam. Our research on those Vietnam leads took us deeper and deeper into the subject and brought to light alot of stunning facts, we came to know about the occurrence of a secret meeting between Netaji, Ho Chi Minh and the Chinese General Liu-Po-Cheng on the 19thof August’1945, when the world was told that he died due to an air crash on the 18th of August’1945. Similarly, War correspondent Mr. Alfred Wagg sighted him at Saigon, much beyond the official date of his death. We came across some papers talking about him being sighted at an Airport in France in the late sixties. An eminent journalist and once the High Commissioner of India to Singapore Mr. Prem Bhatia, appeared beforethe Khosla Commission of Enquiry and filed an affidavit mentioning about his meeting with Mr. Trikha who had sighted Bose at the Saigon Airport in 1971. All these facts came from different credible sources at different points in time and from people who had nothing to do with Subhas Chandra Bose. While we were trying to fit the zig-saw puzzle together we came across the following Newspaper article filed by Prabha Jagannathan, who had accompanied Prime Minister Narsimha Rao
on his official visit to Vietnam, where he was apparently told that Vietnam has enough documents on Bose to bring the mystery to rest once and for all. This report, fortunately escaped the scrutiny and got published but everything else was supressed and no one was able to reach Pratibha after this…


The Telegraph, 26 September 1994.

She was summoned several times by the Justice Mukherjee Commission of inquiry which was set up to inquire into the death of Netaji, to explain her story which was published in the Telegraph in 1994, but she did not turn up. Fortunately, a few years back I was lucky enough to have a small chat with her…


Chat with Prabha

Following the lead, I visited Ho Chi Minh City and found a couple of pictures in their Museum, my inquiries regarding the identity of the person in question, from the Museum authorities and then from the Vietnam Cultural,Foreign Affairs, and Defence Ministries went in vain. We had them cross examined by few other researchers, and we all came to the conclusion that though they aren’t very clear but if we relate these images with the information we have then it does corroborate the fact that the death story was a smoke screen and that it was no one else but him in this image dated 1953. Another important factor which helped us to be doubly sure that we were on the right direction came from a mistake of the people who are keeping an eye on us, to my astonishment during my subsequent visits to the same Museum for finding a better quality image, I found every document and picture exactly at the same places (I can say that, since I had clicked all the images that were there in the museum, wall to wall) only these two pictures were removed.


Asia Pacific Congress held in Bejing, China to support the anti French colonists Resistance of Vietnamese people, 1953.


Asia Pacific Congress held in Bejing, China to support the anti French colonists Resistance of Vietnamese people, 1953.

After this we were sure that following the Vietnam angle will lead us closer to our goal and thus we decided to focus on it and started researching on the sensational revelations of Gumnami Baba or Bhagwanji as was lovingly addressed by his followers several of whom were of unimpeachable integrity and had decades-long association with Netaji, and saw their"long-dead" leader in Bhagwanji. The list included the Head of the INA secret service, trusted INA men, childhood companion Mrs. Leela Roy and even Netaji's elder brother Suresh Bose, who swore in 1972 that his brother was still alive. Bhagwanji stated that post-1949 he was involved in behind the scene activities, he said that he visited Vietnam several times and that he was very much there in Paris. To those he trusted, Bhagwanji narrated his life and times before and after 1945, "My realidentity is that I am a dust particle of Bengal. My false identity is Frankenstein, which I neither did want nor deserved." Claiming that he and his Japanese friends "concocted" the story of an air crash so that he could make good his escape to the "land of bears", Bhagwanji astoundingly referred to his secret visit to Soviet Russia in December 1944. Declassified documents in New Delhi's National Archive show that Netaji could have visited USSR surreptitiously at the same time. About Nehru he once said, “Maybe Mahatmaji very aptly and correctly said, 'He is non-Indian...with his head and heart in England and only his feet in India.' He shall always plangrandiose, which shall always fail. He shall always rave; spew and curse the English for hours and hours - but shall always act just the opposite.’” On another occasion with a Cigar rolling in his mouth, he prophesied at the peak of Soviet Russia's power that "Communism shall die at the place of its birth". It’s really very hard to comprehend how a mere Sannyasi could have such profuse knowledge about World Political Affairs and talk about it at ease in the 1960 and 1970’s. He used to call Ho Chi Minh as the ‘Poet President’ and once he mentioned to his followers, that it was him who had advised the Poet President somewhere around 1966 to dump "the very most special cocaine and opium in South Vietnam for free, he went on to say that even if the American’s fight this war for a 100 years they will not be able to win because it is drugs, not blood flowing in their veins now". Thankfully due to the declassification of the Vietnam War documents in 1991, we now know that the United States was battling deadly drug menace among her troops in the region. Even more mind-boggling was his claim that "Ho Chi Minh's pride of 9 generals and a shadow behind them" were in Paris when the Americans and the Vietnamese discussed truce. He went on to say, “It is not for nothing that an old man in the course of the recent months went out of India twice, braving all the fatal hazards to his life and frail body. The result is before you. As I have told you, war is not an emotional business. It is a cold calculated affair.”

It didn’t take Anuj much time to discover what could possibly be the photograph of this shadow (about whom Bhagwanji had mentioned) which accompanied the Nine Generals of Vietnam in the Paris peace talks between Vietnam and the US. One of our associates Sid Satbhai helped us to acquire the same, and is still working on few stuffs which when out will probably lead to the end of the mystery. Some time back Anuj Dhar, author of India's biggestcover-up used the image and made the following interesting post.

Vietnam Angle to the Netaji Mystery... | MissionNetaji.org
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