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Uth Jao: Pakistan still matters


Dec 11, 2016
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United States
If Pak didn't matter, why would there be so much attention to it and CPEC. Here is a day old documentary from the Wall Street Journal which explains exactly why the US remains interested in Pakistan; no, it's not "security" anymore.
(Published on Sep 10, 2018)

Lots of propaganda, but some nuggets on why Pak can smartly leverage its relationships to help either China or the US as they need us for the number 1 spot.

Key point: In Pakistan, China and the U.S. are clashing over China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). To understand what's at stake, it helps to take a look at why China is in Pakistan in the first place.
  • China and US are fighting for global dominance via new trade routes through Pakistan.
  • Through CPEC and BRI, China can become the NEW center of Global Trade and overtake the US economically, while the U.S. wants to frustrate their hopes.
  • US wants to discredit BRI by gaining leverage over Pak. IMF loans are the way currently to "expose" CPEC, at least that's what the media will say.

Pakistan Matters! Pakistan can be in driver's seat if we stay focused on our development. Forget about other's priorities, they are better at us at taking care of their own needs.
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The main reason why the US is pushing that is to get Pakistan and Central Asia to turn against the PRC I am glad I met actual Uighur in real life and told me the real story whats going on there the situation in Xinjiang isnt a bad as the western press say it is the area is pretty safe and all there is mistrust towards the Han and Hui(Chinese Muslims) from the Turkic Uighurs but the young gen I am told are now more open
There is mistrust towards hui mislims because of the hui generals from the thirties. they had on occasion fought with uighur rebels in xinjiang

The Chinese Civil War was a shitfest Hui,Hans,Kazakhs,Uighurs killing each other then Japanese invasion Mao may be hated by westerners and Anti-PRC Chinese but without him China would be in a different shape today
The Chinese Civil War was a shitfest Hui,Hans,Kazakhs,Uighurs killing each other then Japanese invasion Mao may be hated by westerners and Anti-PRC Chinese but without him China would be in a different shape today

Pakistanis still admire Chairman Mao to this day. He united China and made them a strong nation.
"Still" matters?

So have you fallen prey to the propaganda? Do you believe Pakistan could "not matter" and yet be a target of all of this 5th gen warfare onslaught for the last two decades?
The main reason why the US is pushing that is to get Pakistan and Central Asia to turn against the PRC I am glad I met actual Uighur in real life and told me the real story whats going on there the situation in Xinjiang isnt a bad as the western press say it is the area is pretty safe and all there is mistrust towards the Han and Hui(Chinese Muslims) from the Turkic Uighurs but the young gen I am told are now more open
Finally some balanced view is told...
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