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US Think Tank Paid $100,000 to Haqqani to Write Book Against Army


Aug 15, 2009
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ISLAMABAD: Smith Richardson Foundation, an American think tank, claims that it paid $100,000 to Husain Haqqani to write a book, which attacks the Pakistan army and the military-mosque alliance and its implications for US policies.

Haqqani came up with a book within two years and the controversial memo reflects many of the thoughts stated in his book.

The think tank also claims that it funded another $175000 to Carnegie Endowment for International Peace for developing a new US policy toward Pakistan in 2004 and Carnegie Endowment for International Peace hired Husain Haqqani for the purpose.

Smith Richardson Foundation is an American think tank whose mission is ‘to contribute to important public debates and to help address serious public policy challenges facing the United States.

The Foundation seeks to help ensure the vitality of our social, economic, and governmental institutions. It also seeks to assist with the development of effective policies to compete internationally and to advance US interests and values abroad. This mission is embodied in our international and domestic grant programs.’

The website of Smith Richardson Foundation shows under the link: Smith Richardson Foundation username=&lg=1 that in 2003 a sum of $100,000 was given as grant to Carnegie Endowment for International Peace regarding ‘Mosque-Military Alliance in Pakistan and Implications for US Policy’.

The website describes the usage of grant as, “Husain Haqqani will research and write a book on the relationship between Pakistan’s military and the country’s radical Islamic forces and assess the implications of that relationship for US security.”

Interestingly Haqqani came up with a book in 2005 titled ‘Pakistan between Mosque and Military’ and he wrote in the concluding paragraphs of his book: “Washington must not ignore Pakistan’s state sponsorship of Islamist militants, its pursuit of nuclear weapons and missiles at the expense of education and healthcare, and its refusal to democratize; each of these issues is directly linked to the future of Islamist radicalism.”

Smith Richardson Foundation’s website further says that it granted $175,000 in 2004 to Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Developing and explained that ‘Husain Haqqani will lead an effort to develop new ideas for US policy toward Pakistan.

He will organize working groups of US and Pakistani experts and commission papers. He will write a blueprint for a US policy to encourage Pakistan to adopt a more moderate and democratic political system. The project’s findings will appear in a series of monographs and a policy report.’

It is worth mentioning here that Haqqani in the concluding paragraphs of his book has also written “The United States clearly has few good short term policy options in relation to Pakistan.

American policy makers should endeavor to recognize the failings of their past policies and avoid repeating their mistakes. The United States has sought short-term gains from its relationship with Pakistan, inadvertently accentuating that country’s problems in the process.

Pakistan’s civil and military elite, on the other hand, must understand how their three-part paradigm for state and nation building has led Pakistan from one disaster to the next. Pakistan was created in a hurry and without giving detailed thought to various aspects of nation and state building. Perhaps it is time to rectify that mistake by taking a long-term view. Both Pakistan’s elite and their US benefactors would have to participate in transforming Pakistan into a functional, rather than ideological, state.” Haqqani was tried to be contacted and an SMS was also sent on his number but no reply was given till filing of this report. A message was also sent on his verified twitter account but that was also not replied.

US Think Tank Paid $100,000 to Haqqani to Write Book Against Army | PKKH.tv
There are two grants that are listed , totaling quarter of a million dollars ... this bastard has been raking in the dollars by selling the country to the americans!!!

I've captured this screen shot from the grants database of Smith Richardson foundation before they remove it from their records
Why a sitting Pakistani ambassador is doing research work for foreign foundations ?!?!? What for is this dog writing policy papers for the Americans ?!?!

I hope that that ***** asma jhangir reads this and give answers about this
Smith Richardson Foundation Anual report 2003 - Hussain Haqqani given grant of $100,000

Mosque-Military Alliance in Pakistan and Implications for U.S. Policy
Husain Haqqani will research and write a book on the
relationship between Pakistan’s military and the country‘s
radical Islamic forces and assess the implications of that
relationship for U.S. security.

Smith Richardson Foundation Anual report 2004 - Hussain Haqqani given grant of $175,000

Developing a New U.S. Policy Toward Pakistan
Husain Haqqani will lead an effort to develop new ideas for
U.S. policy toward Pakistan. He will organize working groups
of U.S. and Pakistani experts and commission papers. He will
write a blueprint for a U.S. policy to encourage Pakistan to
adopt a more moderate and democratic political system. The
project’s findings will appear in a series of monographs and
a policy report.

Total listed grants for Hussain Haqqani 275,000 $
Why a sitting Pakistani ambassador is doing research work for foreign foundations ?!?!? What for is this dog writing policy papers for the Americans ?!?!

I hope that that ***** asma jhangir reads this and give answers about this

he is US citizen so he is doing his duty. remeber he is saying to Mansoor Ijaz that they are playing for the "same team"? in the alledged BB messages?
he is US citizen so he is doing his duty. remeber he is saying to Mansoor Ijaz that they are playing for the "same team"? in the alledged BB messages?

Y dont we hang these Aholes who have betrayed Pakistan for some money.

I am in total favour of hanging this Mansoor and Haqani .Both are same third world class bas***ds working against Pakistan.

May both finds the lowest place in the hell where they can burn forever and ever.Ameen
May God protect this Country of ours, with this Haqqani-type treacherous people slithering in the corridors of powers of Pakistan it is indeed very worrying

Just look at this liar ... he fakes crying over being called a traitor and then brings his mother's and father's grave into covering his treachery saying that they are buried in Pakistan therefore he cannot be a traitor
Hussain Haqqani Traitor Crying On TV - YouTube
We totally deserve these kind of people because our retarded population keeps voting for PPP and PML-N so Pakistani Nation is totally responsible for what's happening to them.Thankfully we have few patriots in our Armed Forces otherwise Pakistan would cease to exist.
haqqani bit the dust. . .he was smart to resign, knowing that he was caught with his pants down and his crack brown.

he can write whatever he damn well pleases.....the only people clinging on to him are a few butt-buddies he made in Washington, and a few of his apologists in Islamabad who are completely out of touch with reality.

this haramzada's got a lot of balls to even be showing his miserable face in Pakistan --the country he's always been ready to sell out

a man who is willing to sell out his mother country should not even be breathing soundly
Haqqani hates the army and its a universal truth like sun rises from east and I blame the Army for accepting him for the most important job at the first place.

hah! the same man who was indirectly involved in the first plot against "Mohtarma bibi"....the same man who was nawaz sharif's protege some decades back

a man of many hats, but nothing could buy him honour or sense of dignity
May God protect this Country of ours, with this Haqqani-type treacherous people slithering in the corridors of powers of Pakistan it is indeed very worrying

Just look at this liar ... he fakes crying over being called a traitor and then brings his mother's and father's grave into covering his treachery saying that they are buried in Pakistan therefore he cannot be a traitor
Hussain Haqqani Traitor Crying On TV - YouTube

his lies and scum-baggery lay behind him and his grave lies in front of him
well, we shouldn't be surprised. It is what Pakistan is since sixty five years.

Not only Haqqani, there are many more traitors alive in Pakistan.
Dual nationality people shouldn't be given any GVT jobs(which are sensitive in nature) and official or electoral positions (unless they surrender foreign nationality as Sonia did in India), Altaf is another example of dual nationality.
Dual nationality people shouldn't be given any GVT jobs(which are sensitive in nature) and official or electoral positions (unless they surrender foreign nationality as Sonia did in India), Altaf is another example of dual nationality.

i agree :)
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