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US seeks security of diplomats


Sep 18, 2011
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The US on Tuesday appealed to India to uphold the Vienna Convention principles and ensure the safety and security of its diplomats stationed in the country, as New Delhi took a series of steps in response to the arrest and inhuman treatment of its diplomat in New York last week.

"We have conveyed at high levels to the government of India our expectation that India will continue to fulfil all of its obligations under the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations and consular relations. Obviously the safety and security of our diplomats and consular officers in the field is a top priority," the State Department Deputy Spokesperson Marie Harf told reporters at her daily news conference.

"We'll continue to work with India to ensure that all of our diplomats and consular officers are being afforded full rights and protections. Safety and security of our facilities as well is something we take very seriously, and we'll keep working with the Indians on that," she said.

Harf was responding to questions about the withdrawal of certain privileges given by India to US diplomats in the country after the arrest and the alleged inhuman treatment of Devyani Khobragade.

The Indian government was informed about the allegations of visa fraud against Khobragade in September, she claimed.

"The State Department advised the embassy of the Republic of India in writing in September of allegations of abuse made by an Indian national against the Deputy Consular General of India in New York," she said in response to a question.

The United States will continue to have conversations with the Indian government to make sure their facilities are properly secured, Harf said.

Top State Department officials, including the Deputy Secretary William Burns, the Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia Nisha Desai Biswal and the US Ambassador to India Nancy Powell have been in close communications with top Indian officials in this regard, she said, adding that a lot of demarches have been issued by India on this issue.

She said US Secretary of State John Kerry is aware of the issue.

"We have called on them to uphold all of their obligations under the Vienna Convention, everything that they are obligated to do according to our diplomats' rights and all of the things that go under the Vienna Convention," Harf said.

Read more at: US seeks security of diplomats after India retaliates over Devyani Khobragade arrest : Americas, News - India Today
So the US first violates the Geneva Convention and then tells India they cannot follow suit and must follow the Geneva Convention.

That makes a whole lot of sense....

Of course , like Good Hindus , India will turn the other CHEEK ( and I don't mean the facial Cheek ). :P
So the US first violates the Geneva Convention and then tells India they cannot follow suit and must follow the Geneva Convention.

That makes a whole lot of sense....

Of course , like Good Hindus , India will turn the other CHEEK ( and I don't mean the facial Cheek ). :P

If we were Pakistani's we would have obviously obliged by lubricating and then bending over - unfortunately for the US we are not. :lol:
We are and we will give protection to US Diplomat. No question of withdrawing the protection but no special privilege.
USA should withdraw all the special privileges for indian diplomats

I do not think that Indian diplomats enjoys any special privileges (Compare to what is given to other Diplomats) in US Bu US Diplomats certainly do.
well US can do without lubricating even.

thats the issue

vienna convention is a nose of wax for them

The lubricating part would be an added bonus offered by Pakistan. :lol:

OT: this gives IFO excellent opportunity to balance the scale now.
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The US on Tuesday appealed to India to uphold the Vienna Convention principles and ensure the safety and security of its diplomats stationed in the country, as New Delhi took a series of steps in response to the arrest and inhuman treatment of its diplomat in New York last week.

"We have conveyed at high levels to the government of India our expectation that India will continue to fulfil all of its obligations under the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations and consular relations. Obviously the safety and security of our diplomats and consular officers in the field is a top priority," the State Department Deputy Spokesperson Marie Harf told reporters at her daily news conference.

"We'll continue to work with India to ensure that all of our diplomats and consular officers are being afforded full rights and protections. Safety and security of our facilities as well is something we take very seriously, and we'll keep working with the Indians on that," she said.

Harf was responding to questions about the withdrawal of certain privileges given by India to US diplomats in the country after the arrest and the alleged inhuman treatment of Devyani Khobragade.

The Indian government was informed about the allegations of visa fraud against Khobragade in September, she claimed.

"The State Department advised the embassy of the Republic of India in writing in September of allegations of abuse made by an Indian national against the Deputy Consular General of India in New York," she said in response to a question.

The United States will continue to have conversations with the Indian government to make sure their facilities are properly secured, Harf said.

Top State Department officials, including the Deputy Secretary William Burns, the Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia Nisha Desai Biswal and the US Ambassador to India Nancy Powell have been in close communications with top Indian officials in this regard, she said, adding that a lot of demarches have been issued by India on this issue.

She said US Secretary of State John Kerry is aware of the issue.

"We have called on them to uphold all of their obligations under the Vienna Convention, everything that they are obligated to do according to our diplomats' rights and all of the things that go under the Vienna Convention," Harf said.

Read more at: US seeks security of diplomats after India retaliates over Devyani Khobragade arrest : Americas, News - India Today

Nao Problema!
India can ring the US Embassy with a Regiment of Tanks. All the security that one can need!!

The Amreekan Diplos will be "as snug as a Bug in a Rug" after that..........:-)

Fancy that the Yanquis are NOW INVOKING the Vienna Convention?! :laugh:

So the US first violates the Geneva Convention and then tells India they cannot follow suit and must follow the Geneva Convention.

That makes a whole lot of sense....

Of course , like Good Hindus , India will turn the other CHEEK ( and I don't mean the facial Cheek ). :P

Like Raymond Davis in your LHR, hunh? :laugh:

Seems like your memory is getting weak; Sathiya ja raha hai kya? :coffee:
Nao Problema!
India can ring the US Embassy with a Regiment of Tanks. All the security that one can need!!

The Amreekan Diplos will be "as snug as a Bug in a Rug" after that..........:-)

Fancy that the Yanquis are NOW INVOKING the Vienna Convention?! :laugh:

What's good for the goose....

This is the right time to get some parity into the treatment meted out both ways to diplomats on both sides...
The lubricating part would be an added bonus offered by Pakistan. :lol:

OT: this gives IFO excellent opportunity to balance the scale now.

bonus or no bonus the fking is there for both India too.

What IFO will do ?

So what other cards India have?

you removed barricades. now what follows?
bonus or no bonus the fking is there for both India too.

What IFO will do ?

So what other cards India have?

you removed barricades. now what follows?

No, the fking is reserved for a certain lot of countries only.

What IFO will now do is put conditions.

Cards? this isn't a game.

Now they respond.
bonus or no bonus the fking is there for both India too.

What IFO will do ?

So what other cards India have?

you removed barricades. now what follows?

Now we declare War on Amreekan Shaitans.
And then launch some Nuklear Bumbs on them.
Before that we can borrow some Amreekan Parchams (Flags) from Beardos like Hafizzzzzz Said and burn them.

Happy Now? :laugh:
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