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US Navy's SSC hovercraft progresses through production


Apr 28, 2011
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The USN's SSC, shown here in an artist's rendering, is to replace its legacy fleet of LCACs, with the first SSC expected in 2017. Source: Textron Systems
The US Navy's (USN's) first production model Ship-to-Shore Connector (SSC) hovercraft is entering its next manufacturing stages as the hull has been completed.

The craft's buoyancy box is to now transition from a hull assembly line to the first craft assembly station for integration of above deck modules such as the personnel and equipment module, command module, and engine module, navy officials said in a 4 December statement.

The first production-model SSC, LCAC 100, is scheduled for delivery by contractor Textron Systems in 2017.

According to the navy, "the craft's hull is initially constructed upside down for ease of welding and construction, and then flipped to complete its assembly." To do this, LCAC 100's 40-ton hull was attached to a turnover fixture and winches help move the craft while a crane pulls the hull up and over, the service explained.

The SSC is to have a 74-ton payload at speeds of more than 35 kt. It can use an enclosed personnel transport module to carry up to 145 combat-equipped marines or 108 casualty personnel, and can accommodate current Abrams main battle tank configurations. The vessel measures 90 ft long and 40 ft wide.

It is meant to supplant ageing Landing Craft Air Cushion (LCAC) hovercraft, the original prototypes for which date back to the 1970s and were designed with a 20-year service life. The USN hopes to buy 73 SSCs (a one-for-one replacement with one craft for testing) for a USD47 million average per unit cost and achieve an initial operational capability in 2020 with eight hovercraft.

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US Navy's SSC hovercraft progresses through production | IHS Jane's 360
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