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US lawmakers worried about Russia-China gas deal

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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US lawmakers worried about Russia-China gas deal


After negotiating for 15 years, China and Russia have finally struck a deal to get into the natural gas business together.

US lawmakers have expressed concerns over a new multibillion dollar gas deal between Russia and China, urging Washington to take action over the case.

Democratic Senator John Hoeven called on his colleagues to approve legislation to export more gas from the United States.

He also called the agreement as another option for Russian President Vladimir Putin, The Hill reported on Saturday.

“This gives Russia another option. It strengthens their hand vis-à-vis what they decide to do in Eastern Europe,” Hoeven said.

“And it makes it even more imperative that we advance our legislation to allow exports of LNG (liquefied natural gas) to Europe so that they have alternative sources.”

Earlier this week in Shanghai, Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping signed a 30-year, $400 billion deal in which China will be allowed to buy energy from Russia’s state-owned gas supplier Gazprom.

The US senator and other lawmakers say the Obama administration should boost its own LNG exports in order to weaken Russia’s energy influence.

“Clearly, our providing LNG to Europe and working with Europe for them to develop other sources of energy supply weakens Putin’s hand,” Hoeven said.

Rep. Cory Gardner said the agreement shows that the US needs to export gas to remain competitive economically.

“As the United States buries our energy development in bureaucracy, the world is moving beyond us,” Gardner warned. “So I think it’s just one more sign that we have to move forward in as expeditious a fashion as possible to remain competitive at the global level and to give our allies an additional option.”

The lawmaker has sponsored legislation to speed up the process for approving permits for LNG export terminals.

PressTV - US lawmakers worried about Russia-China gas deal
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