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US hopes to give Pakistan drones within a year


Feb 27, 2009
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WASHINGTON: The Pentagon aims to deliver a fleet of surveillance drones to Pakistan within a year, but weaponized versions of the unmanned aircraft are still off-limits, a US military official said on Monday.

US Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced plans in January to provide Islamabad with what aides said at the time were 12 Shadow drones, aiming to boost its ability to track insurgents, reports Reuters.

But a senior US military official, briefing reporters at the Pentagon on the condition of anonymity, said Islamabad was still weighing whether Shadow drones were the model of unmanned aircraft best suited to its needs.

“We looked at Shadows. We looked at Scan Eagles and other tactical UAVs that are out and about and what we want to do is try to find out which model is best,” the official said, referring to drones as unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs.

Shadows are manufactured by AAI Corporation, a unit of Textron Systems, while Scan Eagles are manufactured by Boeing Co.

Islamabad has also pressed for weaponized drones, like the ones the CIA is covertly using in Pakistan to track and kill Al-Qaeda and Taliban insurgents.

The official, asked about that request, said general US policy was not to export weaponized capabilities of any drone aircraft. Washington has been reluctant to share sensitive technology so far.

The number of surveillance drones that the United States would eventually provide to Pakistan depends on the cost of the model selected, the official said.

“A key factor will be how quickly we can get the capabilities to them,” the official said.

Pressed on timing, the official said: “I would like to think that we would get them there within a year.”

Pakistan is already using some non-US, imported drone technology and has modified a C-130 military transport aircraft to allow some surveillance activities, the official said.

Drones have proven to be a crucial technological advantage for the US military in Afghanistan and Iraq, allowing it to remotely track militants and giving commanders battleground imagery in real time.

Gates told a Senate hearing last week it was in the US interest to try to help close allies get drone technology, despite limitations on exports imposed by an international pact, known as the Missile Technology Control Regime.

The MTCR is a pact among at least 34 countries aimed at curbing the spread of unmanned delivery systems that could be used for weapons of mass destruction. :pakistan:

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | US hopes to give Pakistan drones within a year
WASHINGTON: The Pentagon aims to deliver a fleet of surveillance drones to Pakistan within a year, but weaponized versions of the unmanned aircraft are still off-limits, a US military official said on Monday.

Good development india just want this that no weaponized drones should given to pakistaan rest is fine . :bounce:
Yup soon Buraq will be Operational INSALLAH.(My Opinion could be wrong).
Washington: The Pentagon hopes "within a year" to deliver around a dozen unarmed drone aircraft to Pakistan to aid its fight against Islamic extremism, a US senior military official said Monday.
"I would like to think that we would get them there within a year, but quantity and so forth, I think, will depend on what are the right ones, and how many make sense for the fight that they're in," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

The official told reporters that while the United States is looking at sending about a dozen aircraft to Islamabad, the actual number of drone aircraft "could be more or less, depending on the need."

"What we are trying to do is get with them to be able to articulate the requirements of what they need," the official said.

Efforts are underway by US officials to "match the right equipment to the requirements. That's what we are trying to work them through."

Pakistan previously has also urged Washington to outfit its military with armed aerial vehicles like the Predator and Reaper.

US drone missile strikes against Al-Qaeda and Taliban figures in Pakistan have fueled anti-American sentiment because of civilian casualties, and drawn public condemnation from the government in Islamabad.

The United States has carried out nearly 100 attacks with unmanned drones in Pakistan since August 2008, killing more than 830 people. Figures range widely on how many civilians have been killed.

The unnamed official said Washington could supply around a dozen smaller, unarmed Shadow drones to Islamabad, to help with their surveillance and reconnaissance activities.

"We looked at Shadows, we looked at ScanEagles," among other drones, the official said. "Shadow drones may in fact be the right platform at the end of the day."

Shadow drones -- smaller than the armed Predator and Reaper aircraft -- are about 11 feet (three meters) long and have a wing-span of 14-feet (4.3 meters) with sensors and cameras feeding video images back to operators on the ground.

Pakistan's military already has some drones of its own production which it uses for surveillance, but which are less sophisticated than those manufactured by the United States.

Last week, Pakistan's foreign minister said the United States would improve its public standing if it let Islamabad spearhead armed drone attacks.

Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, in Washington for high-level talks, acknowledged in a CNN interview that drone attacks by US forces against Islamic extremists on Pakistani soil have "taken out some valuable targets."

But he said: "The issue of sovereignty is there. People of Pakistan feel strongly about it.

"We want the ownership. We make the decision when to operate," he said. "It will help improve the feelings in Pakistan," he said
The question is what ARE THEY DELIVERING AND WHAT DO WE WANT? Does anyone have an answer.
I think its pretty easy to weaponize the drones.

Its the advanced sensors, cameras and other electronics we need.

If we can reverse engineer the Shadow Drones and combine them with Burraq.

I am 100% confident that within 2-3 years Pakistan will be able to produce its own weaponized Drone.
Good development india just want this that no weaponized drones should given to pakistaan rest is fine . :bounce:

Why are you so scared about a Weaponized Drone?

Weaponized Drones are lethal against terrorists who have no anti-air capability.

How does a Weaponzied drone threaten India exactly?

Don't you have any missiles that can shoot it down?
Why are you so scared about a Weaponized Drone?

Weaponized Drones are lethal against terrorists who have no anti-air capability.

How does a Weaponzied drone threaten India exactly?

Don't you have any missiles that can shoot it down?

With all due respect sir do you think it make sense to use missiles and shoot down drones and end up exposing your batteries??? B/w can you please tell what is the cost of a predator(My idea is around $4-6 million)?? With such a low cost and so effective they will surely be a pain in the butt though i agree they are sitting ducks for SAMS however using SAMS would not be a good idea...
i really do'n;t think if pakistan got drones its good waipons against india. we shotdown indian UAV they shotdown ours its mean this baby not work in indo pak times yes may be pak vs Taliban ok.
With all due respect sir do you think it make sense to use missiles and shoot down drones and end up exposing your batteries??? B/w can you please tell what is the cost of a predator(My idea is around $4-6 million)?? With such a low cost and so effective they will surely be a pain in the butt though i agree they are sitting ducks for SAMS however using SAMS would not be a good idea...

Actually its more then 10 million$ a unit.
i really do'n;t think if pakistan got drones its good waipons against india. we shotdown indian UAV they shotdown ours its mean this baby not work in indo pak times yes may be pak vs Taliban ok.

Hay I know a guy who worked on the Indian drone shot down by Pakistan. He told me drone was made up of self-degenerating material and has high radio-active layer that was supposed to serve purpose of security in case drone had fallen into the adversary's territory. They had to use special suit to get into the room where that Indian drone was kept. He mentioned it was made in Israel and we not only came to know what tech India was using but we also developed means to engage their drones someway. Its good that he didn't tell me any details or I might have shared everything here :D
So which drones and how many drones are we getting for certain?

I thought we were going to get TOT of the none armed drones which could be useful for urban operations to detect hostile terrorist
Good development india just want this that no weaponized drones should given to pakistaan rest is fine . :bounce:

What india wants & doesn't want doesn't matter ... if they haven't given the armed drones its no worries we will be making our very own. And hence not everything or everytime we get wepons or make our own wepons are against india its the stupid thinking some have :tdown:
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