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US had planed 9/11 to attack & capture Muslim's States and Resources!!!


Apr 2, 2008
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Special Features
By Gideon Polya

Swiss Scientists Doubt Bush Official Version

Two Swiss scientists, Professors Daniele Ganser and Albert A. Stahel of the University of Zurich, reported in the largest Swiss newspaper, "Blick", have seriously questioned the "official Bush version" of what happened on 9/11 (see: - «Je mehr wir forschen, desto mehr zweifeln wir» - 9-11 - Ausland - News - Blick.chJe mehr wir forschen, desto mehr zweifeln wir".

Of course Scholars for 9/11 and many other rational, eminent and technically expert people also have profound scepticism about the Bush version. Indeed the "penny has dropped" for even the long-suffering American people aka "mushrooms" (kept in the dark and fed manure) – recent polls indicate that one third of Americans believe that the US Government was involved (e.g. see: "More than a third of the American public suspects that federal officials assisted in the 9/11 terrorist attacks or took no action to stop them so the United States could go to war in the Middle East, according to a new Scripps Third of Americans suspect 9-11 government conspiracy | ScrippsNews Howard/Ohio University poll".

Professor Ganser: "3,000 humans were sacrificed for strategic interests. The more we explore, the more we doubt the Bush version. It is conceivable that the Bush government was responsible. Bush has lied so much already! And we already know that the US government planned an operation in 1962 that was approved by the Pentagon that would have sacrificed innocent US citizens for the government's own interests …We only ask questions."
To quote Professors Ganser and Stahel on their 3 hypotheses: "There are three theories, which we should treat equally:

1."Surprise theory" - Bin Laden and Al Qaeda implemented the attacks.
2."Let it happen on purpose" - The US Government knew the Al Qaeda plans and did not react in order to legitimize a series of wars.
3. Made it happen on purpose" - The attacks were actually planned and orchestrated by the Pentagon and/or US secret services."

How do these 3 hypotheses about the 9/11 atrocity stack up?

#1. A former top German Government Minister Von Buelow suggests US was involved in 9/11 (see: here Former Top German Minister Rejects Official Story Of 911 Attacks, 1/15/02 and a former Russian military and intelligence chief, former head of the Russian military General Ivashov suggests that Western interests were behind 9/11.

These highly-placed European experts rejected "the men in caves" hypothesis as utterly implausible because the 9/11 operation needed the resources of a major state intelligence operation operating within the US. The only real candidates are accordingly the CIA and Israeli Mossad.

#2. According to the New York Post quoting a 2007 poll, two thrids of Americans believe that the US Government was passively complicit in the 9/11atrocity and that the Bush Government allowed 9/11 to happen (just as the US Government is now generally believed by most Japanese scholars to have known about the impending Pearl Harbor attack and deliberately allowed it to happen).

Even US Establishment figure Al Gore blames the Bush Administration for 9/11Thus former Vice President Al Gore in his recent book "The Assault on Reason" (Chapter 6, National Insecurity, pp178-179), while dismissing the widely-held hypothesis of deliberate passive complicity of the Bush Administration in 9/11, condemns the Bush Administration for effective passive complicity in the 9/11 atrocity i.e. they let it happen, just as a fore-warned US Administration permitted the Pearl Harbor attack to happen in 1941:

"Their behaviour, in my opinion, was reckless, but the explanation for it lies in hubris, not in some bizarre conspiracy theory …These affirmative and repeated refusals to listen to clear warnings [prior to 9/11] constitute behaviour that goes beyond simple negligence. At a minimum, it represents a reckless disregard for the safety of the American people."
#3. Former 7-year president of Italy, law professor, senator for life, Western "Gladio" terrorist group intimate and Western intelligence intimate Francesco Cossigo, in an interview with one of Italy's top newspapers, Corriere della Sera, in November 2007, declared that the CIA and Israeli Mossad were responsible for 9/11; that they had done it to further US and Zionist interests; and that major Western intelligence agencies were aware of this (see MWC NewsMWC News - A Site Without Borders - - Were US & Israel Behind the 9/11?).

Of course in relation to ALL three hypotheses, "Al Qaeda" and their Islamist Mujahadeen associates were funded, supported and backed by the US and its Saudi surrogates for a dozen years in the 1980s in Afghanistan and up to the middle 1990s in the Balkans (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-QaedaAl-Qaeda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ). Indeed, given the enormous strategic and political benefits to the American Empire and Apartheid Israel from Muslim-origin non-state terrorism it is highly likely that such terrorists are still variously supported by US or Israeli state terrorists throughout the world. Thus the Gladio terrorist organization with which Francesco Cossiga was linked performed terrorist outrages for which "state enemies" such as Communists would be held responsible. Indeed in Philip Agee's "Inside the Company. CIA Diary" (Penguin, London, 1975) the author describes how his CIA colleagues ran a terrorist group in Ecuador in the 1970s who went around bombing Catholic Churches so that the Communists or Socialists would be blamed. Such state-sanctioned atrocities are clearly being conducted in a huge scale in Occupied Iraq (see "US, UK and Israel behind Iraq Mosque Bombing?" on MWC NewsMWC News - A Site Without Borders - - Behind Mosque Bombing).

On whom would you place greater weight? One of the most eminent Western European statesmen and former Italian president Francesco Cossiga? Top German and Russian intelligence intimates? The Scholars for 9/11 and other decent citizens attempting to address the 9/11 atrocity scientifically? Or the Bush Administration that told 935 lies about Iraq between 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq (as reported by conservative media George W Bush, White House told 935 lies after September 11 | NEWS.com.au

In assessing the 3 hypotheses of Professors Ganser and Stahel one should also consider the "Means, Opportunity and Motive" – the intelligence services of the US and its surrogate Israel certainly had the technical Means; they had the Opportunity (through being there and through the well-documented and notoriously comprehensive "switching off" of US air and intelligence defences); and they had the Motive (the security of Israel as a violent, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, imperialist, colonialist , anti-peace, rogue state increased with the devastation and massive depopulation of Occupied Iraq in an ongoing Iraqi Genocide; Bush America expanded a huge US- or US-surrogate-occupied Empire stretching – with several gaps – from Occupied Somalia to Occupied Afghanistan and US-bombed Waziristan in Pakistan).

We are still awaiting a proper judicial investigation of who did 9/11 – with hypothesis #3 of direct US and Israeli involvement the most compelling on present evidence. While we still don't know for sure who murdered 3,000 innocent Americans on 9/11 we do know who is responsible for the carnage of the Bush War on Terror (in horrible reality a War on Arab, Muslim, Asian and non-European Women and Children) – in the Occupied Iraqi and Afghan Territories alone post-invasion excess deaths total 2 million and 3-7 million, respectively; post-invasion under-5 infant deaths total 0.6 million and 2.3 million, respectively; and refugees total 4.5 million and 4 million, respectively (see MWC News).

However the domestic cost in the complicit Western Murdochracies is measured in money (e.g. the $3.5 trillion accrual cost to the US of the War on Terror that has "bankrupted" the US according to 2001 Economics Nobel Laureate Professor Joseph Stiglitz); the human cost of domestic excess deaths due to warped administration priorities (e.g. 160,000 under-5 year old American infants have died avoidably because of Bush war priorities); and immense civil rights and human rights abuses (the US Patriot Act and related Nazi-style "anti-Terrorism" laws in other Western Murdochracies).

What can Americans, Australians, Canadians, Britishers and indeed the citizens of other complicit Western Murdochracies do about do about the racist Zionist and Bush-ite trashing of our wealth, our health, our liberties, our institutions and our very reputations?

Jewish-American investor, philanthropist, and Holocaust survivor George Soros has demanded the "de-Nazification" of Bush America (see: MWC News). However America and the other Western Murdochracies must also remove the lying, traitorous, racist, anti-Arab anti-Semitic Zionists from their current domination of Western political life with their obscenely false "terror hysteria" (see MWC News) just as weight of considered public opinion has removed other racist, Nazi-style fanatics such as the Nazis, neo-Nazis and the KKK from Western public life.

The likelihood that the Zionists and Bush administeration were actually responsible for the execution of the 9/11 atrocity (3,000 deaths) in addition to their clear involvement in its horrendous aftermath (up to 9 million post-invasion violent and non-violent excess deaths in the Occupied Iraqi and Afghan Territories, the devastation of Muslim countries from Occupied Somalia to Waziristan in Pakistan and the moral and financial bankruptcy of America) should give added urgency to the need for scrupulously human rights-observant, judicial cleansing of the Western democracies from the lying, racist and traitorous Zionist and Bush terrorists and mass murderers.
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What a crock of $hit. I say this as a downtown Manhattan resident who caught the show live.

But for all those people out there who love the conspiracy theories... here's something for you.
What a crock of . I say this as a downtown Manhattan resident who caught the show live.

But for all those people out there who love the conspiracy theories... here's something for you.

hm.........its really wonder, Well... tkx to spotlight on such debunking stories, and for your link too.
I appreciate, if you would plz guide me the truth & legitimacy of peoples engaged to debunk 9/11, and why they do so???
hm.........its really wonder, Well... tkx to spotlight on such debunking stories, and for your link too.
I appreciate, if you would plz guide me the truth & legitimacy of peoples engaged to debunk 9/11, and why they do so???

Ahhh let me explain something to you PK.
Did you think this theory up yourself? Or did you attach yourself to it because you like to think that in fact no one in the world other than Americans do bad things?

Why do people like to think up 9-11 conspiracies? Well maybe it's because its the sign of lazy thinking? Maybe its something thats used by governments to stop people from paying attention to the real wrongs that they commit? I get angry at lazy thinking like this.And frankly a lot of the 9-11 debunkers probably feel the same way.

For every theory out here there is a simpler explanation. In another thread I used the term occams razor and got accused of trying to sound clever so heres another less ostentatious term.(from the army)
It's called KISS and it means Keep it simple stupid. In other words if you have to think up complex convoluted theories that would require LOTS of people to know and could easily be debunked by geniuses on the internet....THEN it's probably not gonna be the "Truth"

Here's a poster for ya ;)


  • x-files1.jpg
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Ahhh let me explain something to you PK.
Did you think this theory up yourself? Or did you attach yourself to it because you like to think that in fact no one in the world other than Americans do bad things?

Why do people like to think up 9-11 conspiracies? Well maybe it's because its the sign of lazy thinking? Maybe its something thats used by governments to stop people from paying attention to the real wrongs that they commit? I get angry at lazy thinking like this.And frankly a lot of the 9-11 debunkers probably feel the same way.

For every theory out here there is a simpler explanation. In another thread I used the term occams razor and got accused of trying to sound clever so heres another less ostentatious term.(from the army)
It's called KISS and it means Keep it simple stupid. In other words if you have to think up complex convoluted theories that would require LOTS of people to know and could easily be debunked by geniuses on the internet....THEN it's probably not gonna be the "Truth"

Here's a poster for ya ;)

Cheers! :cheers:I really admired of your brief but far-reaching illumination.:tup:
I am proud to be a member of a valued forum where I got such calibrated & dedicated fellows, like you. :enjoy:
Keep sharing your brilliant views, enhance knowledge, and rectify thinking approach of fellows like me:lol:,
Wish you all the best. God Bless you, God bless all of us as whole nation.
Long Live :pakistan:Pakistan:pakistan:
Cheetah786;181463]Would u believe cheetah has discovered water on Mars pakipatriot.Americans are spending billions to do the same.:yahoo::smokin::yahoo:

Great! :cool: You could be a unique asset for global humanity, specially Pakistan.:cool:
Cool sense of humor, :enjoy: I appreciate your wittiness:cheers:
Cheers! :cheers:I really admired of your brief but far-reaching illumination.:tup:
I am proud to be a member of a valued forum where I got such calibrated & dedicated fellows, like you. :enjoy:
Keep sharing your brilliant views, enhance knowledge, and rectify thinking approach of fellows like me:lol:,
Wish you all the best. God Bless you, God bless all of us as whole nation.
Long Live :pakistan:Pakistan:pakistan:

AH sarcasm...........the lowest form of wit.
. .
Eh tu 23march? :lol:

Ok I feel like Sisyphus again here..........All you guys should go and find out how long it takes to rig a building for demolition.....Then how MANY people it would take to do so. THEN how NO-ONE noticed whilst all those charges were placed. (And how all these people would keep quiet after being partof the mass murder of 2000+ people)

It's amazing how little you people know about these things. Yet you keep trotting out the same old crap because its easier to beleive bullshit than deal with reality.

Puffs Of Dust
Claim: As each tower collapsed, clearly visible puffs of dust and debris were ejected from the sides of the buildings. An advertisement in The New York Times for the book Painful Questions: An Analysis Of The September 11th Attack made this claim: "The concrete clouds shooting out of the buildings are not possible from a mere collapse. They do occur from explosions." Numerous conspiracy theorists cite Van Romero, an explosives expert and vice president of the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, who was quoted on 9/11 by the Albuquerque Journal as saying "there were some explosive devices inside the buildings that caused the towers to collapse." The article continues, "Romero said the collapse of the structures resembled those of controlled implosions used to demolish old structures."

FACT: Once each tower began to collapse, the weight of all the floors above the collapsed zone bore down with pulverizing force on the highest intact floor. Unable to absorb the massive energy, that floor would fail, transmitting the forces to the floor below, allowing the collapse to progress downward through the building in a chain reaction. Engineers call the process "pancaking," and it does not require an explosion to begin, according to David Biggs, a structural engineer at Ryan-Biggs Associates and a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) team that worked on the FEMA report.

Like all office buildings, the WTC towers contained a huge volume of air. As they pancaked, all that air — along with the concrete and other debris pulverized by the force of the collapse — was ejected with enormous energy. "When you have a significant portion of a floor collapsing, it's going to shoot air and concrete dust out the window," NIST lead investigator Shyam Sunder tells PM. Those clouds of dust may create the impression of a controlled demolition, Sunder adds, "but it is the floor pancaking that leads to that perception."

Demolition expert Romero regrets that his comments to the Albuquerque Journal became fodder for conspiracy theorists. "I was misquoted in saying that I thought it was explosives that brought down the building," he tells PM. "I only said that that's what it looked like."

Romero, who agrees with the scientific conclusion that fire triggered the collapses, demanded a retraction from the Journal. It was printed Sept. 22, 2001. "I felt like my scientific reputation was on the line." But emperors-clothes.com saw something else: "The paymaster of Romero's research institute is the Pentagon. Directly or indirectly, pressure was brought to bear, forcing Romero to retract his original statement." Romero responds: "Conspiracy theorists came out saying that the government got to me. That is the farthest thing from the truth. This has been an albatross around my neck for three years."

I could go on and on.....but you would keep trotting out he same old crap because YOu want to believe!
Keysersoze did you even watch the video? even though i am not that great at physics and it doesn't take a genius to figure out that simply jet fuel can not bring down a mammoth 110 floor structure and derbies from WTC cant bring down a freakin 52~ floor WTC-7! PLEASE WATCH from 20:00 till end.

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