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US drones traumatising tribal children


Aug 30, 2010
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United Kingdom
The buzz of US drones is like the death knell for tribesmen.
The United States claims that its no-more-covert drone campaign is effective in fighting al Qaeda and their cohorts – but it has unleashed a reign of terror in the tribal region.
Nabeela and Naeema – both cousins and below 10 – survived a recent drone attack in the Tappi area, 15 kilometres from Miramshah, the main town in North Waziristan Agency.
“I was watering animals and my three brothers were harvesting the maize crop when a drone struck,” said Nabeela, 8, sitting alongside her father Rafiqur Rehman in a guest house in Islamabad. Eight members of her family were wounded. Shrapnel from the missiles also hit Nabeela and Naeema. Subsequently, the family fled from their village, perhaps for good.
“I had spotted the drone before it rained missiles. Then I heard a huge explosion. The missiles landed and shrapnel hit all of us,” Nabeela told The Express Tribune. “I do not want the US drones [to] fly over our villages again,” she said, before urging that drone strikes be stopped.

US drones traumatising tribal children – The Express Tribune

Her cousin Naeema said she was playing with other children when the drone fired missiles, injuring her. “I was hit by shrapnel. I cried in pain as my arm bled,” she said, recalling the horror.
According to a September 2012 US study, US drone strikes in Pakistan have killed far more civilians than the US has acknowledged, traumatised innocent tribesmen.
The study by Stanford Law School and New York University’s School of Law called for re-evaluation of the strategy, saying the number of “high-level” targets killed as a percentage of total casualties was extremely low – about 2%, according to CNN.
Rafiqur Rehman, whose mother was killed in the strike, asked: “Was my 65-year-old mother a terrorist or are these little girls terrorists?” He took Nabeela, Naeema and the rest of the injured family members to Islamabad for treatment.
Rehman condemned the gun attack on child activist Malala Yousafzai – but at the same time he said, “I want to ask our government and the world community as to why don’t they raise [their] voice for our children.”
Published in The Express Tribune, December 19th, 2012.
bastard PPP and army chief

What will these child learn by seeing this violence in the days of playing. Such violence will only turn them violent .Violent people will not be any good for this nation. Youth of this nation has been ruined
bastard PPP and army chief

What will these child learn by seeing this violence in the days of playing. Such violence will only turn them violent .Violent people will not be any good for this nation. Youth of this nation has been ruined

The reality is that we can't do anything,and at most we can convince the world that Pakistan is the victim in this scenario.The current government has no interest in doing that,and IK did a better job in showing the world how bad and counter productive the drone strikes really are.
Don't blame the army.We don't want a war with the United States and killing off one of their drones is more than a reason for them to strike back.The U.S certainly can't afford to occupy Pakistan,but they can afford and are more than capable of striking us back.If we do take a drone down,chances are that the U.S will go apesh*t on us just the way they toke on Iraq in 1991.
Yeah. Drones traumtize little kids

And Mullahs and Isl@mists bring candies for the same kids and make them happy happy pappy by blowing up their schools.

Time for us to decide if we want

A-- Blown up schools by Uzbeks
B-- Blown up Uzbeks by drones.

Go ahead make your mind and make my day.

Asta la vista baby!
The reality is that we can't do anything,and at most we can convince the world that Pakistan is the victim in this scenario.The current government has no interest in doing that,and IK did a better job in showing the world how bad and counter productive the drone strikes really are.
Don't blame the army.We don't want a war with the United States and killing off one of their drones is more than a reason for them to strike back.The U.S certainly can't afford to occupy Pakistan,but they can afford and are more than capable of striking us back.If we do take a drone down,chances are that the U.S will go apesh*t on us just the way they toke on Iraq in 1991.

We dont want a war so we let them kill over civilians wow now thats an excuse. for those people there is no meaning of "independent state" left ...they will be crying over those days when their elders sacrificed to get Pakistan...If they were to loose their children, siblings and parents like this they would have in united india why wasted so many lives over a country who is not able to defend her citizens

Dont always come up with army defending attitude .The fact is we say we have 6th largest military, nuclear state blah blah these things are enough for chest thumping but in reality they didnt give us anything .... even if we go back to the era of musharaf ,he too did the same thing what PPP is doing ,he was a general, could have choosen a strong stance but the reality is when it comes to US they all have stakes and no body wants to make US angry

War lol my a$$ war, US would never have waged a war with a nuclear state , even the suspicion of a nuclear weapon is keeping them away from Iran,

And dont tell me the embargo excuses ,because those few toys are not more important than the lives of our civilians .....

Dont compare Pakistan with 1991 of Iraq ...
Yeah. Drones traumtize little kids

And Mullahs and Isl@mists bring candies for the same kids and make them happy happy pappy by blowing up their schools.

Time for us to decide if we want

A-- Blown up schools by Uzbeks
B-- Blown up Uzbeks by drones.

Go ahead make your mind and make my day.

Asta la vista baby!

So by your logic just to kill uzbeks we let them to kill innocnet children and citizens as well wow...i wish you would have been living there with your family ..then would have asked form you and see how good your logic have gone ....

Can't your dumb mind think that by killing innocents you are converting these people into violent ones with a wish to take revenge these people gonna hit this country one or the other way ....By making them violent you are not doing any good to these people or yourslef but in such way you are creating more taliban supporters and fighters ...

Let me ask you if your young ones die in such drone attack how would you react to that ......

And like we dont know who is supporting these terrorists in Pakistan...Its a doule game by US create terrorists then in an excuse of attacking them kill thousands of innocent along

In your hate for taliban and ;love for US you are ignoring the blood of many innocents
but they can afford and are more than capable of striking us back.If we do take a drone down,chances are that the U.S will go apesh*t on us just the way they toke on Iraq in 1991.

Just the way US has been stricking back Iran right? (Oh man it's hard to express sarcasm on the forums)
Just the way US has been stricking back Iran right? (Oh man it's hard to express sarcasm on the forums)
& @Mani2020
The United States has absolutely no need to engage on a war with Iran,there would be no public support at all.Pakistan on the other hand,they have a thousand excuses (harboring Taliban,fears over Nukes getting into wrong hands,other sorts of BS tales) which people will find plausible-and lets face it,nuclear power,6th (7th now,actually) largest military capacity,whatever,we cannot face the U.S military might,they can isolate us completely from the world and turn every country against us,just like the Gulf War in 1991.Its a fair comparison if you think about it.

There is a good reason for which nobody in the brass or the government is retaliating against drone strikes,it will be counted as an act of war after all.I want it to end too,but what's better? The unfortunate and unjust loss of a few lives,or the destruction and Balkanization of a country for the sole reason of defending itself?
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& @Mani2020
The United States has absolutely no need to engage on a war with Iran,there would be no public support at all.Pakistan on the other hand,they have a thousand excuses (harboring Taliban,fears over Nukes getting into wrong hands,other sorts of BS tales) which people will find plausible-and lets face it,nuclear power,6th (7th now,actually) largest military capacity,whatever,we cannot face the U.S military might,they can isolate us completely from the world and turn every country against us,just like the Gulf War in 1991.Its a fair comparison if you think about it.

There is a good reason for which nobody in the brass or the government is retaliating against drone strikes,it will be counted as an act of war after all.I want it to end too,but what's better? The unfortunate and unjust loss of a few lives,or the destruction and Balkanization of a country for the sole reason of defending itself?

for waging a war US need no excuses neither they are much worried about the public support we know how US public has turned against US many times for either waging a war or un-necessarily interference but did that stop US? If US want to wage a war on any country they can make up excuses for that like they did during iraq war which after the war turned out to be bogus and just a made-up thing..

For iran they already have excuses that include iran support of Hezbollah against israel , and the fact that iran was involved in many terrorist activities according to them including the attack on bus carrying israeli tourists etc ....but yet they are not attacking the reason is they have already poked their nose in many of the issues including afghan war, syrian conflict etc etc

Its not the US that was back then in 2001 ..they are having fragile economy, un-employment, public raising question marks against their policies, army personal being killed and their families protesting against war,protests amongst Nato countries, some NATO countries even pulling out their troops ;all of them are refraining them from waging another war ; above all the reality that iran may be weak militarily but not as weak as afghanistan or iraq and they may face a higher level of retaliation plus at the same time handling various conflicts will take a toll on their economy and military

Suspicion that iran may posses a nuclear weapon is also taking them away. just imagine if iran posses a nuclear weapon and fire it what would the consequences be

For Pakistan its even more difficult for them to wage war directly ...because another factor here will be China ...For China Pakistan is an important partner not only economically but also to restrict india and any US involvement will make china to interfere directly or indirectly like what happened in korean war or in vietnam and China is not afghanistan or iraq any major conflict will change the balance of the region which may have adverse effect on many countries
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یہ 83 بچوں کی لاشیں ہیں ، جنہیں پاکستان کے علاقے دم دولا ، باجوڑ ایجنسی میں ڈرون حملوں نے نشانہ بنایا !!
میرا آپ لوگوں سے صرف اتنا سا سوال ہے کہ کیا یہ قبائل کے علاقے پاکستان میں موجود نہیں ، کیا انکی حفاظت کا ذمہ پاکستان آرمی کے اوپر نہیں ، کیا یہ پاکستان کے شہری نہیں ؟؟
میں آپ کو یہ نہیں کہتا کہ طالبان کی حمایت کرو مگر واللہ ان معصوموں کے جو قاتل ہیں انہیں قاتل تو بولو !
تم تو خوش ہوتے تھے کہ یہ پاکستانی میزائل ، بڑے بڑے ٹینک شاید امریکہ یا انڈیا کے لیئے بناۓ گئے ہیں مگر افسوس افسوس آج یہ فوج ، آج یہ اسلحہ بھی ان قبائلیوںپر استعمال کیا جا رہا ہے !!
ہم اپنی آنکھوں سے سب دیکھتے ہیں مگر سچائی قبول کرنے کے لیئے تیار نہیں!
دراصل تم شکار نہیں ہوۓ اسکے ، خیر اللہ سے دعا ہے کہ اللہ پاکستان سمیت دنیا بھر کے مسلمانوں پر اپنا رحم فرماۓ!
اور آپ تمام پیج ممبرز کو سلام
السلام علیکم ورحمتہ اللہ وبرکاتہ

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