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US Drones target suspicious behavior not act on intelligence


Mar 24, 2006
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Obama and Drone Warfare | Dissident Voice

In addition to hit lists, Obama has granted the CIA the authority to kill with even greater ease using “signature strikes,” i.e. strikes based solely on suspicious behavior. The article reports State Department officials complained that the CIA’s criteria for identifying a terrorist “signature” were too lax. “The joke was that when the C.I.A. sees ‘three guys doing jumping jacks,’ the agency thinks it is a terrorist training camp, said one senior official. Men loading a truck with fertilizer could be bombmakers — but they might also be farmers, skeptics argued.”

You know what this means...

They didn't know for sure in the hundreds of strikes they did that the targets were terrorists, they simply killed based the type of activity they saw.

If a building was visited by trucks and 4wd, they were bombed. If three cars traveled together like a caravan they were bombed. If there was a large congregation like a jirga, they were bombed.

This is a slaughter of our people and I fail to understand why the entire world is not up in arms. This is not quelling terrorism at all, they are just killing Pakistanis out of their frustrations.

Read the rest of the article, close aides of Obama have shined light upon what a monstrous mentality he harbors.
Obama and Drone Warfare | Dissident Voice

You know what this means...

They didn't know for sure in the hundreds of strikes they did that the targets were terrorists, they simply killed based the type of activity they saw.

If a building was visited by trucks and 4wd, they were bombed. If three cars traveled together like a caravan they were bombed. If there was a large congregation like a jirga, they were bombed.

This is a slaughter of our people and I fail to understand why the entire world is not up in arms. This is not quelling terrorism at all, they are just killing Pakistanis out of their frustrations.

Read the rest of the article, close aides of Obama have shined light upon what a monstrous mentality he harbors.

I agree with you. Most (infact all) of these strikes were conducted on the fair assumption that there are potential terrorists. The first drone strike conducted in 2006(?) at Dama dolla targeted poor students of madrassa doing P.T/physical exercises after fajr prayers. Its open secret that Mushsharf marked this target himself...same goes for most of these strikes. What more can we expect from them when they are given free hand to operate on any target of interest?
This is what I had said in the past & I will say it again that there is ‘NOHUMAN INTELIGENCE collected by the CIA’ they just go & bomb as if they are on a picnic or playing video game.

Why drone strikes are taking place inside Pakistan is because of the corrupt politicians who are working for the US & are getting their objectives from them. After the convection of Mr. Bastard Gillani US said even though he is convicted & with so many problems we are happy to work with them (PPP). It should had been clear that these jabroni spineless bastards are working for their Lord US.

If anybody doubts Pak Army then they should not because they are very pissed & very angry on these corrupt spineless politicians & their Lord US, for whom they originally work for.

As long as PPP, PML-N ,PML-Q, ANP, MQM, JUI are in Pakistan there will be no success in Pakistan & they will continue to work for their Lord US & forever. They are puppets & army of Dajjal.

In the eyes of US, Israel & India there is no value for Muslim life’s, they are on killing rampage or killing spree.
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