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US disturbing balance of power in South Asia, says report



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January 13, 2007 Saturday Zilhaj 22, 1427

US disturbing balance of power in South Asia, says report

By Anwar Iqbal

WASHINGTON, Jan 12: An apparent new US embrace of India, particularly the recently concluded nuclear pact, has fuelled Pakistan’s anxieties about the balance of power in South Asia, says a report formulated for the US Congress.

The Congressional Research Service (CRS), which prepares policy briefs for US lawmakers, notes that the “joint US-India military exercises and arms sales negotiations can cause disquiet in Pakistan, where there is concern that induction of advanced weapons systems into the region could disrupt the ‘strategic balance’ there.”

The report adds: “Islamabad worries that its already disadvantageous conventional military status vis-à-vis New Delhi will be further eroded by India’s acquisition of sophisticated force multipliers.”

The report points out that Pakistan is not alone in feeling the heat of a rapidly increasing defence relationship between the United States and India. “In fact, numerous observers identify a pro-India drift in the US government’s strategic orientation in South Asia.”

Washington, however, regularly lauds Islamabad’s role as a key ally in the US-led counterterrorism coalition and “assures Pakistan that it will take no actions to disrupt strategic balance in the Subcontinent.”

The report warns that some policy analysts consider the apparent arms race between India and Pakistan as “posing perhaps the most likely prospect for the future use of nuclear weapons by states.”

The CRS recalls that the May 1998 nuclear tests by India and Pakistan created a global storm of criticism and represented a serious setback for two decades to the US nuclear non-proliferation efforts in South Asia.Following the tests, President Clinton imposed full restrictions on non-humanitarian aid to both India and Pakistan as mandated under Section 102 of the Arms Export Control Act. Despite these concerns, the United States concluded a nuclear deal with India last year, agreeing to provide reactors for producing energy. Critics say that this would free India’s own reactors for military uses and trigger a new nuclear race in South Asia.

According to the CRS report, India currently possesses enough fissile material, mainly plutonium, for 55-115 nuclear weapons; Pakistan, with a programme focused on enriched uranium, may be capable of building a similar number.

Both countries have aircraft capable of delivering nuclear bombs. India’s military has inducted short and intermediate-range ballistic missiles, while Pakistan itself possesses short and medium-range missiles. Pakistan, the report adds, has allegedly acquired these missiles from China and North Korea. Pakistani authorities say that while they may have received technical assistance from outside, they are now capable of making their own missiles.

All short and medium-ranged missiles in Pakistan’s arsenal “are assumed to be capable of delivering nuclear warheads over significant distances,” the report says.

The Congressional Research Service views proliferation in South Asia as part of a chain of rivalries — India seeking to achieve deterrence against China, and Pakistan seeking to gain an “equalizer” against a conventionally stronger India.In 1999, a quasi-governmental Indian body released a Draft Nuclear Doctrine for India calling for a “minimum credible deterrent” based upon a triad of delivery systems and pledging that India will not be the first to use nuclear weapons in a conflict. In January 2003, New Delhi announced creation of a Nuclear Command Authority. After the body’s first session in September 2003, participants vowed to “consolidate India’s nuclear deterrent.” India thus appears to be taking the next steps toward operationalising its nuclear weapons’ capability.

Simple fact, Supporting Islamic nations is not in the interest of US. There is no way they can change the prespective of muslims towards the West. So better get prepared for the inevitable.
Simple fact, Supporting Islamic nations is not in the interest of US. There is no way they can change the prespective of muslims towards the West. So better get prepared for the inevitable.

I Agree with you 1 million%.but its up to Muslim Countries to read the writing on THe wall which is very unlikely.:cry:

On A different Matter i love the Westren Media.Every time they talk about MUslim countries Weapons they bring up china north korea or Russia help.BUT never ever its said about any other nation Thats not MUslim.
Every media has its baises, It is unrealistic to assume Western Media wont have a lil bit of Bias towards western policies, same with any other media. The very same fact, with Al-jazeera which blames very thing in the world as US fault, but fail to show responsiblities as well as accountabilities on Arab leaders.
The biggest conspiracy is on Muslim people is by their pwn leaders. Simple fact you have Bush standing for american ideals as he should, while at the same time you can see the Saudi King also guarding american ideals, though his people clearly does not wish so.
It is a bad idea for the U.S. to approve or sale any major military equipment to India, even though Pakistan wouldn't interfere with such sales, it will take charge to have capabilities to counter such equipments, and it always has. Therefore, arms race, unstability in the negotiations, and Pakistan siding with China more and more, therefore funds for China to advance its military technology.
Every media has its baises, It is unrealistic to assume Western Media wont have a lil bit of Bias towards western policies, same with any other media. The very same fact, with Al-jazeera which blames very thing in the world as US fault, but fail to show responsiblities as well as accountabilities on Arab leaders.
The biggest conspiracy is on Muslim people is by their pwn leaders. Simple fact you have Bush standing for american ideals as he should, while at the same time you can see the Saudi King also guarding american ideals, though his people clearly does not wish so.

Again i Agree with ya.
Iam hoping MUslims are waking up to reality that it isnt west we need to fight.its west puppies sooner we get rid of them better we will be.you are right on the money.:army:
True, but Pakistan was always capable of giving India a good fight. Wining War's is another matter.

Pakistan is capable of giving India a good fight. That goes without saying.

In regards to this thread, I think its the same type of issue as the one that the Indians raised in the US (by lobbying) about sales of Military hardware to Pakistan...so a bit of noise here and there is the norm.

Pakistan is destined to be outnumbered by India...the only thing is that the relative capabilities should keep an asymmetrical balance (as they have in the past in terms of ratios) so that the smaller side does not go through the rungs in the nuclear escalation path quickly. Pakistan's concern is that if the conventional disparity grows too large, then the response to even a serious conventional challenge may have to be a nuclear one, which as you can see is not in anyone's interest.
Pakistan is capable of giving India a good fight. That goes without saying.

In regards to this thread, I think its the same type of issue as the one that the Indians raised in the US (by lobbying) about sales of Military hardware to Pakistan...so a bit of noise here and there is the norm.

Pakistan is destined to be outnumbered by India...the only thing is that the relative capabilities should keep an asymmetrical balance (as they have in the past in terms of ratios) so that the smaller side does not go through the rungs in the nuclear escalation path quickly. Pakistan's concern is that if the conventional disparity grows too large, then the response to even a serious conventional challenge may have to be a nuclear one, which as you can see is not in anyone's interest.

And they should be, There is nothing wrong in Pakistan trying to make a noise on India sales, as It should.

I would never try to belittle Pakistani capability or valor which in turn would have proportional impact Indian achievements and success. In the indian context views they see a pakistani threat in a short term, while gearing up to meet the long term threat of china.
And i am not convinced about pakistans nuclear capability, but then again its me..lets leave at that
And i am not convinced about pakistans nuclear capability, but then again its me..lets leave at that

We blew the damn bomb in '98 etc, we have the capability to deploy them on our missiles, I mean come on don't you think China, co. and Pakistani engineers were involved, what if I say i'm not convined about India's nuclear capability? No country would spend billions if it can't deploy a nuke. And please speak with facts, or the conversation looses it's taste.

Anyways...The article is somewhat true, but remember if US and Co, support India., Pakistan will look forward to China it will always be an arms race, 1 trying to get parity over the other, etc. If pakistan and india fight right now, conventionally, etc it will be a stale mate none will really achieve their goals, India with it's huge army, etc will fight Pakistan and all the militia's so really its no gain for either side we seen the results before (71 is a different story)., but now a days we all know Pakistan will get China support pakistan has other arabs countries that can supply them aswell like the wars before, etc. and India Russia...and only the suppliers will benefit. Like India has more and somewhat advanced jets like SU-30MKI pakistan is now acquiring High-tech sams, etc. What one gets the other will offset.

Honestly., ask any Indian or pakistani a fight between Pakistan and India will be useless. Both armies can fight and hold their ground neither really has the advantage as of right now (patritoism aside), to over take the other, if we go to invasion of others land what we see in Iraq will be far worse for the indians (since Indian doesn't have superior armour like the Western nations) etc., or economy to sustain an invasion for a prolonged time aswell as pakistan.
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