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US-China Trade War Is Good News for Some Countries


Jun 18, 2012
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Viet Nam

Don DiCostanzo, CEO and co-founder of Pedego, moved his bike manufacturing from China to Vietnam because of trade tariffs imposed by the U.S. on goods from China, including electric bikes. (VOA/ R. Kim)

FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CALIF. - As with any war, there are winners and losers. That is also the case with the U.S.-China trade war.

As the two countries battle, companies affected by high tariffs are looking to manufacture their products elsewhere, and businesses outside of the U.S. and China are seeing economic booms.

Two factories in Vietnam currently make electric bicycles for Pedego, an American company based in Fountain Valley, California. Eighty percent of Pedego’s bike parts used to be from China, but not anymore.

“Now, we’re probably 70% in Vietnam, and 30% in Taiwan,” said Don DiCostanzo, Pedego’s co-founder and CEO.

Boxes of bikes from Vietnam are stacked in the warehouse of Pedego Electric Bikes in Fountain Valley, California. The bikes are assembled at the company's headquarters. (VOA/E. Lee)

Shift to Vietnam

In February 2018, DiCostanzo said he made the decision to shift production to Vietnam because of the threat of high European Union tariffs on Chinese-made electric bikes. Production in Vietnam started seven months later in September, the same month the U.S imposed a round of tariffs on Chinese made goods that included electric bikes.

“We then were immediately able to accelerate that production. And we began producing bikes in Vietnam for this country (the U.S.) in September right after the tariffs went in place, and by Jan. 1, (2019), we eliminated all production in China and managed to move all of our production and supply chain to Vietnam,” DiCostanzo said.

By the beginning of this year, the factories in Vietnam were producing bikes for Pedego. While some bike components were still coming from China, DiCostanzo kept looking to source components from other countries, and Pedego’s dependence on Chinese components decreased over time.

Trade war helps Vietnam and Mexico

Pedego is not the only company moving manufacturing away from China because of the trade war. The U.S.-based company GoPro moved production of its U.S.-bound cameras out of China and into Mexico in June. GoPro said it wanted to insulate the company “against possible tariffs as well as recognize some cost savings and efficiencies.”

GoPro cameras for markets outside the U.S. continue to be produced in China.

“The two countries that are benefiting the most are Vietnam and Mexico. They are benefiting because of the ability to take advantage in terms of capacity and because of their geography. And everybody else is looking at them with envy,” said Kevin Klowden, executive director of the Center for Regional Economics at the Milken Institute, a think tank based in Santa Monica, California.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, goods imported from Mexico increased by more than 6% for the first six months of 2019, compared to the same period in 2018. Imports from Vietnam during those same periods rose by more than 33%. Chinese imports for the same periods decreased by more than 12%.

“The Vietnamese government has done an incredible job of making themselves ready and available to facilitate moving manufacturing. They’ve been positioning themselves as a direct competitor to China for a while, particularly on cost,” Klowden said.

DiCostanzo said he found the quality of products from Vietnam has also been better than from China.

FILE - China Shipping Company containers are stacked at the Virginia International's terminal in Portsmouth, Va., May 10, 2019.
Return manufacturing to US

Manufacturing and outsourcing in a global economy is a fickle business, however. Any weather disruptions, political instability or the emergence of a cheaper competitor can cause businesses to shift to a different manufacturing hub.

“Manufacturing has shown itself to be mobile in a way that we never could have imagined years ago,” Klowden said.

Some companies in the U.S., such as Pedego, eventually would like to manufacture their products in America.

“A number of companies would like to move manufacturing back to the U.S. just because of proximity to market because of stability. The catch is that manufacturing that moves back to the U.S. employs dramatically fewer people than it would have 20, 30 years ago,” Klowden explained.

Any business that manufactures in the U.S. and can successfully compete in the global economic would use automation and robotics.

“These robots, you don’t have to pay them overtime, and they don’t have to take time off, and they work 24/7,” Pedego’s DiCostanzo said. “So, the idea of robotics and the efficiency of a robot could actually drive the prices down.”

DiCostanzo is part of a coalition of American bike manufacturers that is pushing for legislation to exempt bicycle assembly-related components from tariffs for 10 years, action that could spur the opening of automated bike factories in the U.S.

„DiCostanzo said he found the quality of products from Vietnam has also been better than from China.“

Wow impossible!

Now Vietnam apparently can make products not only with better quality, but with just half of the costs.
Not a good news for China manufacturing jobs.

„DiCostanzo said he found the quality of products from Vietnam has also been better than from China.“

Wow impossible!

Now Vietnam apparently can make products not only with better quality, but with just half of the costs.
Not a good news for China manufacturing jobs.


VOA.. What can I say? Never say a good thing about China and always half bake story. The low tech alloy frame is made in Vietnam but I can bet the motor and batteries are all imported from China. I am still waiting for Vietnam to make a carbon T800 grade bicycle frame to compete with China. :enjoy:

China is smart to ram up Spratly island issue now on Vietnam and more aggressive on Vietnam. It is to force Vietnam to ram up anti-China pressure in Vietnam and start another round of anti-China and burn foreign factories action which burn up all the good mood of Vietnam attracting more foreign investment.


Vietnam is in a deadlocked. It cannot act too aggressive on China which can trigger anti-China riot but its navy is no match against PLAN. I guess Vietnam just need to eat humble pie and allow China rule over spratly island. :enjoy:
VOA.. What can I say? Never say a good thing about China and always half bake story. The low tech alloy frame is made in Vietnam but I can bet the motor and batteries are all imported from China. I am still waiting for Vietnam to make a carbon T800 grade bicycle frame to compete with China. :enjoy:

China is smart to ram up Spratly island issue now on Vietnam and more aggressive on Vietnam. It is to force Vietnam to ram up anti-China pressure in Vietnam and start another round of anti-China and burn foreign factories action which burn up all the good mood of Vietnam attracting more foreign investment.


Vietnam is in a deadlocked. It cannot act too aggressive on China which can trigger anti-China riot but its navy is no match against PLAN. I guess Vietnam just need to eat humble pie and allow China rule over spratly island. :enjoy:
Giving up Spratlys because of fear anti chinese riot? What a nonsense!
Anti chinese riots are nothing special in Vietnam. Actually in many places, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc.
Why should we give up $5 trillion?

As for weak navy, I see more submarines are coming on the horizon. We are off topic though.
Giving up Spratlys because of fear anti chinese riot? What a nonsense!
Anti chinese riots are nothing special in Vietnam. Actually in many places, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc.
Why should we give up $5 trillion?

As for weak navy, I see more submarines are coming on the horizon. We are off topic though.
Talk is cheap. Please go ahead and start anti-China riot. I am waiting. Its easy for you to spew nonsense here but fact is you have no balls proceed to action besides act tough on internet. :enjoy: I am waiting for vietnamese to burn Chinese factories in Vietnam or beat up Chinese on vietnam soil.

Your navy is no matched for China. Those kilo sub we have 2 decades ago and what you receive from Russia is no different from us. While Yuan sub and Type 93A SSN are totally new and unknown to you. You dont even know how to counter it :lol:
Talk is cheap. Please go ahead and start anti-China riot. I am waiting. Its easy for you to spew nonsense here but fact is you have no balls proceed to action besides act tough on internet. :enjoy: I am waiting for vietnamese to burn Chinese factories in Vietnam or beat up Chinese on vietnam soil.

Your navy is no matched for China. Those kilo sub we have 2 decades ago and what you receive from Russia is no different from us. While Yuan sub and Type 93A SSN are totally new and unknown to you. You dont even know how to counter it :lol:
Very hard to beat up chinese now. They dress like locals, speak like locals, eat like locals. Unless we put some suspects under interrogation we don’t know if they are chinese or not.

you don’t know hence I tell you: Vietnam submarines are more advanced than China outdated Kilos!

Here launch of a Vietnam Kilo subs


Very hard to beat up chinese now. They dress like locals, speak like locals, eat like locals. Unless we put some suspects under interrogation we don’t know if they are chinese or not.

you don’t know hence I tell you: Vietnam submarines are more advanced than China outdated Kilos!

Here launch of a Vietnam Kilo subs



Really? I dont see any different from our Kilo sub. What so specical? 7 skew blade is nothing new. Do you know our Kilo sub relegate to patrol sewage, the same one you bought from Russia. :lol:

Yuan and Type93A are the elite of our sub. :enjoy:

As for anti-China riot, what a mockery nonsense.. You cant ID them? They talk in loud mandarin and Chinese factories will display big Chinese character. How can you miss them? I am waiting for vietnamese like you to burn down the factories in Vietnam and chase them out. Why wait? You got balls bigger than globe. Come on, go burn Chinese factories and chase out the foreign investment. Our 3901 and 2901 giant cutter going to ram your oil rig. I am waiting for Vietnam to respond. Dont make me wait too long :lol:
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„DiCostanzo said he found the quality of products from Vietnam has also been better than from China.“

Wow impossible!

Now Vietnam apparently can make products not only with better quality, but with just half of the costs.
Not a good news for China manufacturing jobs.

Citing someone who flee to vn to talk about quality...Should he say made in vn is crap??? lol... Same trick as last time about a failed HTC phone... You'd better ask Elon Musk who make better Teslas... Oh.. wait... does vn make Tesla???:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Next time, try harder...
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Citing someone who flee to vn to talk about quality...Should he say made in vn is crap??? lol... Same trick as last time about a failed HTC phone... You'd better ask Elon Musk who make better Teslas... Oh.. wait... does vn make Tesla???:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Next time, try harder...
Ok keep laughing
we Viet people are actually not too stupid. I don’t see why we can’t make the same products you make.

“Vietnam and B-S-J-G (China) combined have slightly fewer students than the United States, but twice as many top math performers.”

Very hard to beat up chinese now. They dress like locals, speak like locals, eat like locals. Unless we put some suspects under interrogation we don’t know if they are chinese or not.

you don’t know hence I tell you: Vietnam submarines are more advanced than China outdated Kilos!

Here launch of a Vietnam Kilo subs


dude, are you serious or just being goofy? whether it's outdated or not, let's put it on the back burner. Vietnam got only 6 kilos if my memory serves me well. Question: Why would China use Russian kilos to hunt Vietnamese Russian kilos? That doesn't even make sense. Shouldn't China take various anti submarine measures or use nuclear subs?
Are Vietnam's Russian kilos more advanced than China's Russian kilos? well, it's possible. China bought 12 kilos from Russia three decades ago and have been serving for a long time. But I don't think 12 cannot outlived 6 even if put in your imagined "kilo VS kilo" scenario. Needless to say, that 6 kilos won't guarantee you anything in real combat.
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Ok keep laughing
we Viet people are actually not too stupid. I don’t see why we can’t make the same products you make.

“Vietnam and B-S-J-G (China) combined have slightly fewer students than the United States, but twice as many top math performers.”

I'm sure Vietnamese are as smart as anyone else. But your data seems irrelevant. Top performers in math? Do assembly line workers need to know how to solve equations? modern factories are standardized. products are churned out on assembly line at a fast pace. assembly line workers have little to do with the quality of goods. the price has. if products made in Vietnam are so good and so cheap, they should really all relocate to Vietnam. we really don't want these low paid factories. I'm not sure if Vietnam is able to handle the capacity. that's 1/4 of the world's total goods.from lighters to airplanes. from underwear to semi conductors.from needles to satellites. Everything! It's not surprising the lower value chain products will continue phasing out. That's a normal even before trade war. you're missing the point.
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Ok keep laughing
we Viet people are actually not too stupid. I don’t see why we can’t make the same products you make.

“Vietnam and B-S-J-G (China) combined have slightly fewer students than the United States, but twice as many top math performers.”

Talk is cheap... I can list a million things made in China which you can not make, and I don't have to show them over and over again, and you can check my previous posts...
BTW, why should they put vn together with Chinese provinces/cities??? Does that mean Bill Gates and I together own a total of 100 billion Dollars? lol...
Talk is cheap... I can list a million things made in China which you can not make, and I don't have to show them over and over again, and you can check my previous posts...
BTW, why should they put vn together with Chinese provinces/cities??? Does that mean Bill Gates and I together own a total of 100 billion Dollars? lol...
Ok I know you will say we make only 1% of China. VN/CN trades were $150 billion plus last year. That means you are something $15,000 billion worth or $15 trillion. Congrats!

dude, are you serious or just being goofy? whether it's outdated or not, let's put it on the back burner. Vietnam got only 6 kilos if my memory serves me well. Question: Why would China use Russian kilos to hunt Vietnamese Russian kilos? That doesn't even make sense. Shouldn't China take various anti submarine measures or use nuclear subs?
Are Vietnam's Russian kilos more advanced than China's Russian kilos? well, it's possible. China bought 12 kilos from Russia three decades ago and have been serving for a long time. But I don't think 12 cannot outlived 6 even if put in your imagined "kilo VS kilo" scenario. Needless to say, that 6 kilos won't guarantee you anything in real combat.
They have 70 submarines or so. But they can’t field all against us. Chinese are surrounded by enemies. Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, the US. Russia will not support China in any war of aggression. I see a bit more relax than you. Besides we can increase the number of submarines in no time if necessary.

Back in the years of 1970s southern Vietnamese navy alone had more warships and aircraft than China and many countries in the region combined.
Ok I know you will say we make only 1% of China. VN/CN trades were $150 billion plus last year. That means you are something $15,000 billion worth or $15 trillion. Congrats!
Ask the World bank not me...

They have 70 submarines or so. But they can’t field all against us. Chinese are surrounded by enemies. Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, the US. Russia will not support China in any war of aggression. I see a bit more relax than you. Besides we can increase the number of submarines in no time if necessary.
Back in the years of 1970s southern Vietnamese navy alone had more warships and aircraft than China and many countries in the region combined.
Typical Viet style big talk...lol...

China keep thousands of fighter planes and hundreds of warships in Mao's ara... Southern Vietnamese navy alone??? Come on, you have enough B.S here...

Check how many J-6 (mig19) and J-5 (mig 17) we have built:
That is 4500+ and 1800+
Majority were served in PLA air force through the 70s...
Not to mention thousands of J7(mig 21) and Q-5, H-6 etc. etc.

About ships you also have no match... We have destroyers, frigates, subs, and nuclear subs...

Next time, when you want to brag, at least give some support... Otherwise, you make yourself a joke here again and again...
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