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US based Human Rights Watch chief denied entry to Hong Kong

smooth manifold

Aug 8, 2019
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United States

The head of US-based group Human Rights Watch (HRW) says he has been denied entry to Hong Kong, where he had been planning to launch a report focusing on China's "assault" on human rights.

HRW said the move to block Kenneth Roth highlighted "vanishing freedoms" as a result of pressure from Beijing.

Hong Kong has been gripped by months of anti-government protests.

China had threatened sanctions on HRW and other American NGOs, which it said supported "anti-China" forces.

In a video filmed at Hong Kong International Airport and shared on Twitter, Mr Roth - a US citizen - said officials told him he was barred for "immigration reasons", even though he had visited the city before.

The BBC has contacted Hong Kong's immigration department for comment.

This year's HRW annual World Report, Mr Roth said, focused on "how the Chinese government is trying to deliberately undermine the international human rights system".

The demonstrations originally focused on a now withdrawn bill that would have allowed the extradition of suspects to mainland China, but later evolved into a broader movement demanding democratic reform and investigations into police brutality.

Hong Kong was a British colony until 1997, after which it was returned to China under the "one country, two systems" arrangement. Under the agreement, Hong Kong is expected to have a high degree of autonomy.

"I had hoped to spotlight Beijing's deepening assault on international efforts to uphold human rights," Mr Roth said in a statement. "The refusal to let me enter Hong Kong vividly illustrates the problem."
So? Human rights chief died when Kashmir violence happened...He was unresponsive for Palestine and other issues...I suggest he stay that way!
Have any Western politicians been prosecuted for their crimes? No? Then take your human right watch and shove it up your ***.

The head of US-based group Human Rights Watch (HRW) says he has been denied entry to Hong Kong, where he had been planning to launch a report focusing on China's "assault" on human rights.

HRW said the move to block Kenneth Roth highlighted "vanishing freedoms" as a result of pressure from Beijing.

Hong Kong has been gripped by months of anti-government protests.

China had threatened sanctions on HRW and other American NGOs, which it said supported "anti-China" forces.

In a video filmed at Hong Kong International Airport and shared on Twitter, Mr Roth - a US citizen - said officials told him he was barred for "immigration reasons", even though he had visited the city before.

The BBC has contacted Hong Kong's immigration department for comment.

This year's HRW annual World Report, Mr Roth said, focused on "how the Chinese government is trying to deliberately undermine the international human rights system".

The demonstrations originally focused on a now withdrawn bill that would have allowed the extradition of suspects to mainland China, but later evolved into a broader movement demanding democratic reform and investigations into police brutality.

Hong Kong was a British colony until 1997, after which it was returned to China under the "one country, two systems" arrangement. Under the agreement, Hong Kong is expected to have a high degree of autonomy.

"I had hoped to spotlight Beijing's deepening assault on international efforts to uphold human rights," Mr Roth said in a statement. "The refusal to let me enter Hong Kong vividly illustrates the problem."

No issue ... if one door is closed others are open he could shower his love for humans in Indian held Kashmir.
Yankees are under the delusion of being world super hero.

The meaning of help in modern time:

If you succeed, there's a regret.

If you fail and still struggling, there's a sense of superhero and angel.

I think China should send a team of "human rights watch" to the Middle East as well, about USA.

And I don't think USA is going to be very happy about it.

And USA is going to invent a new label for Chinese human rights watch, the Communist Propagandist/Agent", and discredit their works.
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