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US and Pakistan: Two nations striving to succeed


Apr 30, 2010
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United States
United States
Not a day goes by when every single detail is scrutinized under a microscope and facts are deliberately taken out of context with a sole purpose of creating a rift between Pakistan and the US. Conspiracy theories attempt to undermine the effort of both nations who are accused of working their own agendas. At the same time, we must not under-appreciate our achievements. Pakistan is a key ally in the shared fight against terrorism that threatens both of our peoples and countries. As President Obama stated, “We have been able to kill more terrorists on Pakistani soil than just about any place else. We could not have done that without Pakistani cooperation.” The killing of Al Qaeda leader and international terrorist OBL and then the capture of Younis al Mauritani (a key member of the Al-Qaeda’ leadership) in the last few months highlights the benefits of our combined efforts.

At the same time, it would be unfair to imply that everything has gone perfectly and that both nations have no differences and no disagreements. As Admiral Mullen stated during a recent high level meeting between Pakistani officials, “It is going to go up and down…”we have had a very tough patch here during the last several months”. During the same meeting, Secretary Panetta also said, “The bottom line still remains that we are moving in the right direction” and “we have made progress against the Taliban, but we cannot let some of these sporadic events deter us from the progress that we are making.”

The thing to remember is that credit given where it is due is far more productive than the blame game. Should we not applaud both governments for continuing to make their nations’ safety a priority? Should we not appreciate that terrorism and extremism are a threat to the United States, as they are to Pakistan, and that both nations are determined to work together to end this threat?

Maj TG Taylor
DET- United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
Was expecting the "peace" seller. Nice to seeya buddy.
Rift widens with new US allegations, blunt threat | Newspaper | DAWN.COM

U.S.: Pakistanis supported Afghan attacks - Checkpoint Washington - The Washington Post

“I don’t think it would be helpful to describe what those options would look like and talk about what operational steps we may or may not take,” Secretary Panetta told the Senate Committee on Armed Services when asked what actions could the US take against Pakistan if it failed to curb the Haqqani network. “Are Pakistani leaders aware of what options are open to us so that they’re not caught by any surprise if in fact we take steps against that network?” asked the committee’s chairman Senator Carl Levin.

“I don’t think they would be surprised by the actions that we might or might not take,” said Mr Panetta while noting that US leaders had recently had a series of meetings with Pakistani leaders on the issue.
Dont you just get amazed at the hypocrisy of some here?
The comments of the thread starter and those of the US Administration, intelligence and military officials he supposedly represents ...

---------- Post added at 07:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:01 PM ----------

and facts are deliberately taken out of context with a sole purpose of creating a rift between Pakistan and the US
There is nothing to 'distort' about the blatant smear campaign based on lies and 'distortions' against Pakistan launched by the US Administration.

Mullen should have thought about 'creating a rift' when he back-stabbed Kayani, mentioning none of what he said in his testimony to the Senate, in his meeting with Kayani days earlier.

Mullen should have thought about 'creating a rift' when he back-stabbed Kayani, mentioning none of what he said in his testimony to the Senate, in his meeting with Kayani days earlier.

Not only has Mullen thought about it, he and his team would have the next ten moves planned for a number of possible scenarios, and keeping everything under constant re-evaluation.
I think there is far too much talking going on here. Both sides should talk a bit less. If at all they have to talk, talk to each other and not to the media.
Not only has Mullen thought about it, he and his team would have the next ten moves planned for a number of possible scenarios, and keeping everything under constant re-evaluation.


Mullen, Panetta, Biden, Obama...

These men are not idiots spouting off impromptu attacks. The ongoing demonization of Pakistan is all part of a carefully crafted media campaign to prepare the American (and global) public for the US administration's future moves.

Lessons learned from Iraq...
Not a day goes by when every single detail is scrutinized under a microscope and facts are deliberately taken out of context with a sole purpose of creating a rift between Pakistan and the US. Conspiracy theories attempt to undermine the effort of both nations who are accused of working their own agendas. At the same time, we must not under-appreciate our achievements. Pakistan is a key ally in the shared fight against terrorism that threatens both of our peoples and countries. As President Obama stated, “We have been able to kill more terrorists on Pakistani soil than just about any place else. We could not have done that without Pakistani cooperation.” The killing of Al Qaeda leader and international terrorist OBL and then the capture of Younis al Mauritani (a key member of the Al-Qaeda’ leadership) in the last few months highlights the benefits of our combined efforts.

At the same time, it would be unfair to imply that everything has gone perfectly and that both nations have no differences and no disagreements. As Admiral Mullen stated during a recent high level meeting between Pakistani officials, “It is going to go up and down…”we have had a very tough patch here during the last several months”. During the same meeting, Secretary Panetta also said, “The bottom line still remains that we are moving in the right direction” and “we have made progress against the Taliban, but we cannot let some of these sporadic events deter us from the progress that we are making.”

The thing to remember is that credit given where it is due is far more productive than the blame game. Should we not applaud both governments for continuing to make their nations’ safety a priority? Should we not appreciate that terrorism and extremism are a threat to the United States, as they are to Pakistan, and that both nations are determined to work together to end this threat?

Maj TG Taylor
DET- United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command


Thanks for telling the joke at our expence----. But let me tell you another joke----the mighty sperstar u s millitary had trained to fight its match----people with similiar training---with with similiar equipment---people with similiar civilization, values, equipment, houses, properties, families, transportation, technology etc etc etc----. People who would fight in a similiar manner, with similiar equipment, and when the final confrontation arrives---will win or lose on similiar ideologies and ocne they realize that there is no winning---they would lay their arms down---like sane educated people do and after the loss go back to thei rlives---like in japan---germany russia----.

But you forgot---these are the stone age warriors----whose simple joy is to kill and die in the process----.

Are you a fan of STAR TREK-----an old episode with Captasin Kirk was it---or with Jean Luc Piccard there is a character TASK---he is being hunted and even though the captain wantts to provide him with sanctuary---he wants to kep running---why because he is the TASK-----.

That is what yiu have in afghanistan----a TASK---either he will kill you or you will kill him----and it is all in fun and joy----no personal regrets---no personal vendettas---no personal grudges----just pure and simple killing----just for the sake of killing---.

After close to ten years---you got nothing to show for in afg----you got nothing to show for your aid in pakistan either----except to fill the pockets of your vendors-----.

You came in swinging on the backs of northern alliance 10 years ago and they have ripped you apart---stole all your money---you cannot move your equipment without the support of the taliban---the troops cannot move around without threat of attacks---and that after close to 10 years of occupation----.

I want to ask you---for how long are you going to fool yourself---the american public and the rest of the world----you got some very serious problems and now you have alienated pakistan----are you people really that much clueless to what has happened.

Thanks for telling the joke at our expence----. But let me tell you another joke----the mighty sperstar u s millitary had trained to fight its match----people with similiar training---with with similiar equipment---people with similiar civilization, values, equipment, houses, properties, families, transportation, technology etc etc etc----. People who would fight in a similiar manner, with similiar equipment, and when the final confrontation arrives---will win or lose on similiar ideologies and ocne they realize that there is no winning---they would lay their arms down---like sane educated people do and after the loss go back to thei rlives---like in japan---germany russia----.

But you forgot---these are the stone age warriors----whose simple joy is to kill and die in the process----.

Are you a fan of STAR TREK-----an old episode with Captasin Kirk was it---or with Jean Luc Piccard there is a character TASK---he is being hunted and even though the captain wantts to provide him with sanctuary---he wants to kep running---why because he is the TASK-----.

That is what yiu have in afghanistan----a TASK---either he will kill you or you will kill him----and it is all in fun and joy----no personal regrets---no personal vendettas---no personal grudges----just pure and simple killing----just for the sake of killing---.

After close to ten years---you got nothing to show for in afg----you got nothing to show for your aid in pakistan either----except to fill the pockets of your vendors-----.

You came in swinging on the backs of northern alliance 10 years ago and they have ripped you apart---stole all your money---you cannot move your equipment without the support of the taliban---the troops cannot move around without threat of attacks---and that after close to 10 years of occupation----.

I want to ask you---for how long are you going to fool yourself---the american public and the rest of the world----you got some very serious problems and now you have alienated pakistan----are you people really that much clueless to what has happened.

Check Mate.
Not only has Mullen thought about it, he and his team would have the next ten moves planned for a number of possible scenarios, and keeping everything under constant re-evaluation.
That was precisely my point, and Mr. CENTCOM should not be over here trying to argue 'distortion' and 'misunderstandings', should he?

And I am sure Hitler and the Nazis had 'the next ten moves planned for a number of possible scenarios, and keeping everything under constant re-evaluation' as well, does not make what they did any better or right.
That was precisely my point, and Mr. CENTCOM should not be over here trying to argue 'distortion' and 'misunderstandings', should he?

And I am sure Hitler and the Nazis had 'the next ten moves planned for a number of possible scenarios, and keeping everything under constant re-evaluation' as well, does not make what they did any better or right.

I do not make judgements of "better" or "right", but I do agree with the remainder of your post.
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