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US Ambassador to Pakistan Cameron Munter supports drone strikes

Darth Vader

Jun 19, 2011
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United Kingdom
Pakistan Observer

Hub: Defending CIA drone attacks in lawless tribal belt, US Ambassador to Pakistan, Cameron Munter Saturday said that these attacks help in eliminating terrorists, the common enemy of US and Pakistan.

Speaking to media here, Munter said that US is committed to obliterate the safe sanctuaries of militants who attack both Pakistanis and Afghan people.

US drones fired at least 10 missiles in North Waziristan Agency on Friday night, killing at least 21 people on Friday a couple of days after it got Nato supplies re-opened.

He said it targets militants, having safe havens in Pakistani areas near Afghan border. However, independent sources said often civilians are killed in the US attacks which prove counter-productive and provide the militants with the opportunity to recruit local people.

The US ambassador reiterated that Washington is concerned over Pakistan-Iran gas pipeline deal.
Congrats to US, they are doing a commendable job, americans have done well in identifying symptoms and the disease and the treatment formulated is exceptional. all sane people will continue to welcome. I would personally assist US in any way I could if given a chance. Kudos and Keep it up:tup:
American have created this disease. I m against drones and against Pakistan staying in this war. We need an independent leader who is a genuine thinker not a Musharraf type defeatist or Zardari type kameena ( roughly translates to depraved).
Congrats to US, they are doing a commendable job, americans have done well in identifying symptoms and the disease and the treatment formulated is exceptional. all sane people will continue to welcome. I would personally assist US in any way I could if given a chance. Kudos and Keep it up:tup:

keeping politics aside, may i ask you what have drone strikes achieved till now and why it should be carried on, esp considering the UN stance on drone strikes which calls it illegal? if the best american pet dog can have guts to call it illegal, so not the worlds biggest democratic nation according to india ofcourse?
Even Pakistan supports the drone strikes and that's why they have been allowed to operate there. As simple as it.
Even Pakistan supports the drone strikes and that's why they have been allowed to operate there. As simple as it.

oo bhai koon sa Pakistan support Drone strike ?? corrupt leader and ***** Kiyani ?

Even Pakistan supports the drone strikes and that's why they have been allowed to operate there. As simple as it.

oo bhai koon sa Pakistan support Drone strike ?? corrupt leader and ***** Kiyani ?
curiously, it was said he was outgoing - i could be wrong

as for the pipeline, he can be concerned to his hearts content. It's an internal matter between Pakistan and govt. of Islamic Republic of Iran
Remember NYTimes published his off the air comment where he said I did not sign up to kill civilians.This is just his official government stand.

The administration’s failure to forge a clear detention policy has created the impression among some members of Congress of a take-no-prisoners policy. And Mr. Obama’s ambassador to Pakistan, Cameron P. Munter, has complained to colleagues that the C.I.A.’s strikes drive American policy there, saying “he didn’t realize his main job was to kill people,” a colleague said.

I'll give him credit for sticking to his government's policies regardless of his personal opinions.

Anyways, the US has no business talking on the Pak-Iran pipeline. Our government has put atleast one matter of national interest before their own personal motives.
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