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UN grills US on human rights record on secret programs

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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UN grills US on human rights record on secret programs

The United Nations has grilled Washington for failing to meet its international civil rights obligations, urging the US for transparency in its spying programs and drone strikes.

The UN report said that the United States has failed on a series of human rights issues including lack of transparency in its electronic surveillance programs, torture, targeted drone killings, secret detentions, and closure of the Guantanamo Bay prison.

The report delivered by the UN's human rights committee assessed how the country is following the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights [ICCPR].

The UN Human Rights Committee, chaired by the British law professor Sir Nigel Rodley, is composed of 18 independent experts from different countries.

The committee strongly denounced the data collection of citizens and officials under the PRISM program and its negative effect on privacy.

Other major concerns addressed by the panel include prolonged solitary confinement of prisoners, sentencing of life without parole and racial disparities in the use of the death penalty.

The report comes as Washington accuses other countries of human rights violations.

In its 11-page report, the committee also criticized the Obama administration for failing to prosecute senior members of its armed forces and private contractors involved in torture and target killings.

The US is urged to "ensure that all cases of unlawful killing, torture or other ill-treatment, unlawful detention, or enforced disappearance are effectively, independently and impartially investigated, that perpetrators, including, in particular, persons in command positions, are prosecuted and sanctioned."

Continued use of death penalty in 16 US states and high population of black people in the country’s jails were among other problems the panel was concerned about.

PressTV - UN grills US on human rights record on secret programs
No. United Nations only has one goal. Global one world government. Russia has no ambitions to rule the world and other nations. Putin is fine to only rule Russia.

So you don't want international law or a functioning organization that serves world peace? An organization where all states, regardless of how small they are, have the same rights and duties?
So you don't want international law or a functioning organization that serves world peace? An organization where all states, regardless of how small they are, have the same rights and duties?

First part is true about UN, second part is not. It is actually completely, 180 degree false. UN is created so major powers would have a place to settle their disputes (often at the expense of smaller nations) so world war III doesn't occur.
now suck that US of A

UN grills US on human rights record on secret programs

The United Nations has grilled Washington for failing to meet its international civil rights obligations, urging the US for transparency in its spying programs and drone strikes.

The UN report said that the United States has failed on a series of human rights issues including lack of transparency in its electronic surveillance programs, torture, targeted drone killings, secret detentions, and closure of the Guantanamo Bay prison.

The report delivered by the UN's human rights committee assessed how the country is following the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights [ICCPR].

The UN Human Rights Committee, chaired by the British law professor Sir Nigel Rodley, is composed of 18 independent experts from different countries.

The committee strongly denounced the data collection of citizens and officials under the PRISM program and its negative effect on privacy.

Other major concerns addressed by the panel include prolonged solitary confinement of prisoners, sentencing of life without parole and racial disparities in the use of the death penalty.

The report comes as Washington accuses other countries of human rights violations.

In its 11-page report, the committee also criticized the Obama administration for failing to prosecute senior members of its armed forces and private contractors involved in torture and target killings.

The US is urged to "ensure that all cases of unlawful killing, torture or other ill-treatment, unlawful detention, or enforced disappearance are effectively, independently and impartially investigated, that perpetrators, including, in particular, persons in command positions, are prosecuted and sanctioned."

Continued use of death penalty in 16 US states and high population of black people in the country’s jails were among other problems the panel was concerned about.

PressTV - UN grills US on human rights record on secret programs
First part is true about UN, second part is not. It is actually completely, 180 degree false. UN is created so major powers would have a place to settle their disputes (often at the expense of smaller nations) so world war III doesn't occur.

I know, that's why I'm talking about a real UN that serves all nations.
Just waiting for the usual defenders of this regime to show up.
Where is that kid 'Jay'? I'm waiting for him to condemn western human rights abuses. Just once at least.
I know, that's why I'm talking about a real UN that serves all nations.


If Hitler was alive he would definatly be UN General secretary. UN means no limitation of Power. UN means no oppositon. UN means absolute control over life and death of all mankind.

When all nations are forced into submission. UN will roll over your rights and dead bodies with Tanks and ARMORED VEHICLES.
USA did grow from a british colony into the worlds only Superpower in less than 2 centuries. How did that happen? o_O

a) Honest Work of brave americans
b) Dirty Tricks and Cheating from an exclusive elite, leading the countries Foreign policy.

Looking at the quality of your immigrants, i surely would chose answer B. o_O

Why are there only two Political Parties (Republicans and Democrats) in the US? Why there is no REAL third Party? USA cant be a real Democrasy. Somebody controls both Parties. Somebody dont allow a third party beeing successfull. o_O


Yin and Yang? WTF? USA cant be a headless chicken. A huge group of well educated and rich people are holding the strips behind the curtain. They are ancestors of the MAYFLOWER passengers. Do the average american immigrant even know the MAYFLOWER??? o_O

How could somebody like George Bush become president?


That must be a fuckin Joke!

He is member of Skull and Bones, thats why.o_O

Now it is Obama, to calm down the growing unpatience of black americans in the USA.


Remember the Yin and yang? o_O Well done Mr. Obama. You brought the blacks back on track.

Even United Nations is a creation of the COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS CFR.

CFR was established in 1923 from US Government. Even that is enough to proove that USA isn´t a normal Country. It is a tool to force the Worlds Nations under the UN Umbrella/Global One World Government. o_O

USA pumping up its Military and forcing all nations worldwide into an arms race. US has 30.000 Military bases around the World! o_O

NSA the NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY is a Organisation seperate from the CIA. It has a Budget of 50 Billion dollars! What is NSA doing with this Money? It is more Money than Indias WHOLE Defence budget! A country with 800 Million population. o_O

It is simple, US military, UN and NSA going hand in hand to form the one world government.

-US Military forcing Arms race upon the Earths Nations. Intimidating enemies and easing partners. carrot and stick.

-UN comitting humanitarian Mission and implementing structures for a one world government.

-NSA colecting all possible data about humanity to find effective ways of global mass controll. Even ways of developing Human DNA into the wished result.

As a Person who has already faced NSA Power, i can only warn you people. This WONDERLAND you live in has a date of last Usage. The elite consists of Nature lovers and Human haters, they wont allow the sheeples to waste global resources at this tempo anymore. After implementing the One World Rule, they will end the dream and cut the rights of the "Useless eaters". o_O

NSA has another Meaning, it is New Secret Age.



You notice that Key? The Key is KNOWLEDGE and Information. Google is a search engine. But it is used both ways. NSA collects every activity of every single Internet User in the world.


Obama is a Figure. A public relations Agent. He has no real Power and control. The NSA has the control. It would be foolish to give so much power into the hands of a person who can only be president for 8 years. US Foreign policy and continuity would colapse. Only weak countries have real democrasies. A real democrasy is a total chaos.

NSA brings order to the Chaos, through INFORMATION.


Director of National Security Agency
General Keith B. Alexander

“We Must Win, There Is No Substitute for Victory”

NSA is winning. Constantly. There is no force on earth which could stop them. Nobody will rescue you. o_O

They are collecting Data to improove Human DNA. Google is a search engine and NSA has access to NASA satelites. They collect Data of every single species on earth through Nasa satelites which can record Lightspectrum from Ultraviolet to Infrared. They collecting specific DNA results and experimenting with it to have full controll over the reproduction process.

The second rule of the new ten commandments.

  1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
  2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
  3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
  4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
  5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
  6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
  7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
  8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
  9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
  10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
Georgia Guide Stones

Soon (2021) only the chosen people will be allowed to have children. The standard sheeple will be gased and liquidated in concentration camps. Google for United Nations Agenda 21.

The Age of Aquarius has arrived. And none of you is ready. You are still sleeping in the old world. You know what..they will let those old world colapse over your heads. o_O

If Hitler was alive he would definatly be UN General secretary. UN means no limitation of Power. UN means no oppositon. UN means absolute control over life and death of all mankind.

When all nations are forced into submission. UN will roll over your rights and dead bodies with Tanks and ARMORED VEHICLES.

"Dude", no need to repeat the same thing over and over. Try to undersand what I was saying.
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