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Ukraine Prepares To Snub China In Aerospace Deal With U.S. Help


Nov 18, 2019
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Withholding U.S. defense aid to Ukraine became the talk of town in Washington D.C. during the impeachment hearings. Meanwhile, a different drama has been unfolding in Ukraine around a key strategic aerospace company, Motor Sich, that the U.S. is trying to stop China from buying.

Ukraine’s antitrust authority is preparing a case to potentially block a deal that would give Beijing access to unique defense technology, and the U.S. diplomacy and technical assistance has played a key role in the process, according to the agency’s chairman.

The final decision on the deal is expected by the end of March.

Created in 1907, Motor Sich is a leading manufacturer of helicopter and aircraft engines, including engines for the world’s largest cargo plane An-225, also known as “Mriya.” A major chunk of its business is also built around servicing and upgrading Soviet-made defense technology.

Motor Sich has clients in some 120 countries, especially those that historically built their military capacity using Soviet-made technology.

In June, Chinese aerospace company Skyrizon announced they were buying a controlling stake in the enterprise for an undisclosed amount, pending approval of Ukraine’s Antimonopoly Committee.

But now the antitrust authority says it might have a strong case against the deal, which has become a major sticking point in the global military and political rivalry between China and the U.S.

The latter has worked hard to halt the deal, and will most likely succeed in its effort.

“Currently we are effectively investigating two issues: the market consequences of this transaction, and the second – we are investigating the fact that the Chinese side may have illegally acquired control over Motor Sich as of the beginning of 2017,” says Yuriy Terentyev, chairman of the Antimonopoly Committee.

Terentyev says there is a trove of independent evidence that Skyrizon already controls Motor Sich through offshore companies.

Moreover, President of Motor Sich Vyacheslav Boguslayev told the national press agency Ukrinform in December that the sale had indeed been finalized.

“I could close the plant, cut the number of workers. This was a problem ahead of me. We found an investor… Owners of shares sold them through our stock exchange. I sold my shares,” the agency quoted Boguslayev as saying.

Motor Sich and Skyrizon did not respond to requests for comment for this story.

Anton Ponomarenko, general manager for Beijing Xinwei Technology in Ukraine, the group behind the deal that controls Skyrizon, says a group of Chinese individuals have long owned more than 80% of Motor Sich.

The shares were bought legally in 2016-17 and in portions each less than 10% of the company, which did not require approval by the Antimonopoly Committee, he says.

“But for serious investments, the company needs better manageability, which is why an application for concentration was filed, meaning purchase from a group of Chinese by one Chinese person,” Ponomarenko says.

If found in violation of antitrust laws, any changes of ownership over the Ukrainian company would be reversed, and Motor Sich could be fined up to 5% of its turnover, which would deal a massive blow to its already dire finances.

The company declared a turnover of $256 million and a loss of $21 million in nine months of 2019, the latest data available. Motor Sich lost a major part of its business in Russia when the war between the two countries broke out and traditional defense ties were severed.

There are other indications that official Kyiv is not expecting the deal to go through.

Last year, the finance ministry budgeted for an income of $100 million from the new Chinese owners as payment into a special fund dedicated to the development of the aerospace industry in Ukraine.

But the 2020 budget contains no such line, Finance Minister Oksana Markarova said. The economy ministry, which oversees developments at Motor Sich, does not expect to receive an income from its sale.

The Ukrainian authorities fear that if a Chinese buyer takes control over Motor Sich, the company will once again open up for Russian business and strengthen its military capacity, thus undermining domestic security.

Ukraine’s Security Service is already investigating alleged illegal supplies of technology to Russia by Motor Sich, an act that could be classified as treason, the agency said in September.

But there is an even bigger geopolitical game at play around Motor Sich, as the United States has manoeuvred to block its sale to China.

In August, U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton discussed the case with top officials in Ukraine, including President Volodymyr Zelensky. In November, the Wall Street Journal reported that President Donald Trump’s Administration approached Erik Prince, a private security contractor and informal adviser to President Trump to buy the company.

A former senior U.S. official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said that the U.S. government would not object to other buyers, including foreigners. “We just don’t want China to get the deal,” he said.

To complement its diplomatic effort, the U.S. has been working behind the scenes in Ukraine to thwart the deal. Representatives of the United States met with Ukraine’s Antimonopoly Committee at least four times about this case in recent months.

The U.S. Embassy in Ukraine had no comment on this issue.

Terentyev said that the U.S. “gave us part of the information” about Xinwei. In particular, his agency was interested in details about final beneficiaries of offshore companies that currently own Motor Sich, as well as other projects by Xinwei, their ties with Russia, and any outstanding investigations in other jurisdictions against the group and its executives.

The information his agency received from the U.S. and from other channels is currently being analyzed, Terentyev said.

Xinwei has a diverse portfolio of businesses in some 30 countries around the globe in areas ranging from telecommunication networks to an exotic and controversial project like Nicaragua Canal, a $50 billion, 300-kilometer waterway that aims to connect the Caribbean Sea with the Pacific Ocean.

But its business has suffered a number of setbacks globally in recent years as deals fell through and the company struggled to pay back loans. In July, Bloomberg reported that the Shanghai-listed company lost $21.5 billion in value since its record high in 2015.

Because of the pending Motor Sich deal, the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine also initiated a letter to the president’s office to create a new investment control procedure for sensitive acquisitions, says Terentyev of the Antimonopoly Committee. His agency supported the process, which would set transparent rules for blocking transfer of strategic technology to third parties.

“We had a number of meetings back in 2018, where representatives of the American Embassy said that Ukraine has no such instrument, and it would make sense to launch it,” Terentyev said.

But multiple sources in the defense industry say it may be too late to worry about the transfer of technology from Motor Sich to China.

“The Chinese may have taken out all of documentation a long time ago, as well as people, but they can’t legalize it [without an acquisition],” says a former Ukrainian defense official who was closely involved in the deal. He spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of retributions.

Source Forbes

@aliyusuf @The Eagle @Mangus Ortus Novem
Connect this with what we were conversing on the Ukraine Air Chief visit to Pak.
Definitely Air Chief won’t come for Oplot sort of discussions...
China is the only country that might to some extent mediate between Ukraine and Russia. After all, this is the nightmare that keeps on US and NATO fueling Ukraine with thingies...

Something is cooking for sure.
Something that won’t disappoint us :-).
BTW, Ukrainian participation in AZM, is that possible ?
@Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Irfan Baloch We have got an interesting topic in hand
I think the PAF would be more interested in getting Ukrainian experts to teach in Pakistan. It's probably the only way to get some value from these types of countries. Otherwise, when it comes to hard material inputs or tech, the US will always be there to block or obstruct transfers.

On the other hand, if the Ukrainians want to participate in AZM from the view of their own long-term needs (they too have an air force, after all), then we might be able to get both things (experts and tech).
It is definitely not impossible.
Pakistan might get sensitive metallurgical tips from Ukraine ... about the turbine blades for turbofans??
You are getting to the point ;);).
Turbine blade is something that was a hurdle for China, they had hard time producing them upto standard and as per their requirements.
How do you want to do it?
Motor Sich has a good Knowledge and experience on TurboShafts.

An indigenous National Helicopter Program, or maybe, some sort of Long term solution to Safeguard upcoming T-129s from Engine related sanctions in future, Motor Sich could be helpful to come along for a JV. Russia still seems uninterested to share tech with us, let’s get to Ukraine.

Another interesting product of Ukraine is AL-222 turbofan used on Hongdu L-15 and YAK-130. If we are coming up with some sort of National LIFT platform for specifically for training, this would explain a lot !!!

Their created engine is used on AN-124 and Myria.

Furthermore, they provide industrial solutions for engine maintenance facility building as mentioned on their website (RD-93 local overhaul comes to mind)

How about a JV between Pak, Ukraine and Turkey ? That is very very much possible and could very well happen.

@Bilal Khan (Quwa) You are silent, I thought you liked these convos, come on man, join in. You can eventually make up some article with this for Quwa

@HRK @Dazzler @Signalian @Irfan Baloch
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Motor Sich has a good Knowledge and experience on TurboShafts.

An indigenous National Helicopter Program, or maybe, some sort of Long term solution to Safeguard upcoming T-129s from Engine related sanctions in future, Motor Sich could be helpful to come along for a JV. Russia still seems uninterested to share tech with us, let’s get to Ukraine.

Another interesting product of Ukraine is AL-222 turbofan used on Hongdu L-15 and YAK-130. If we are coming up with some sort of National LIFT platform for specifically for training, this would explain a lot !!!

Their created engine is used on AN-124 and Myria.

Furthermore, they provide industrial solutions for engine maintenance facility building as mentioned on their website (RD-93 local overhaul comes to mind)

How about a JV between Pak, Ukraine and Turkey ? That is very very much possible and could very well happen.

@Bilal Khan (Quwa) You are silent, I thought you liked these convos, come on man, join in. You can eventually make up some article with this for Quwa

@HRK @Dazzler @Signalian @Irfan Baloch
Any JV with Motor Sich will have to be with Motor Sich being the principle partner. This way Ukraine will earn much needed foreign exchange and Turkey & Pakistan will benefit from the sharing of technology. We do need to start at some point. And this seems to be a good way to start if we can pull it off.
This company is needed for Akinci strategic drone i hope everything is solved in the right direction and they continue supplying engines to Turkey
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