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UK soldier and veteran suicides 'outstrip Afghan deaths'


Feb 12, 2013
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More British soldiers and veterans took their own lives in 2012 than died fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan over the same period.

BBC Panorama learned that 21 serving soldiers killed themselves last year, along with 29 veterans.

The Afghanistan death toll was 44, of whom 40 died in action.

Some of the soldiers' families say the men did not get enough support. The Ministry of Defence (MoD) said every suicide was a "tragedy".

The Panorama programme obtained the figure of 21 through a Freedom of Information request to the MoD.

The MoD said that rates of suicide and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) within the serving military were lower than comparative rates in the civilian population.

Seven serving soldiers have been confirmed as having killed themselves last year, and inquests are pending for a further 14 deaths where suicide is suspected.

The British government, unlike its American counterpart, does not record the suicide rate among ex-soldiers.

But Panorama has independently established that at least 29 veterans took their own lives in 2012.

It wrote to every coroner in the country to ask for the names of soldiers and veterans who killed themselves last year and also analysed newspaper reports of coroners' inquests.
'Hell on earth'

One serving soldier who killed himself was L/Sgt Dan Collins, who had fought in Operation Panther's Claw in Helmand province, Afghanistan, in the summer of 2009.

Number of suicides, open verdicts and suspected suicides awaiting inquests among serving soldiers

2010 - 7
2011 - 15
2012 - 21

Source: Ministry of Defence

L/Sgt Collins, a Welsh Guardsman, twice survived being shot and was blown off his feet by a roadside bomb.

His friend, L/Cpl Dane Elson, was blown to pieces just yards away from him.

L/Sgt Collins's mother Deana had noticed a difference in her son during his time in Afghanistan.

"The phone calls changed and I remember him telling me, 'Mum, this place is hell on earth and I just want to get out of here'," she said.

After a six-month tour, L/Sgt Collins came home, returning to his girlfriend Vicky Roach's house.

Miss Roach said: "Obviously then I started noticing things. Nightmares were the main thing. It was pretty clear he was back there reliving everything."
Return to duty

The Army diagnosed L/Sgt Collins with PTSD.After 10 months of intermittent treatment, the Army told L/Sgt Collins he had recovered and would soon be ready to return to duty.

Over the next three months, he twice tried to kill himself.

He started missing his weekly NHS appointments and told his girlfriend his flashbacks were getting worse.

"I wanted to help him but I didn't know what to do," said Miss Roach. "It takes a toll on your relationship and I just asked him to leave."

On New Year's Eve in 2011, L/Sgt Collins left her house, put on his Army uniform, and drove into the Preseli mountains in Pembrokeshire.

He recorded a farewell video on his phone and then hanged himself. He was 29. The inquest into his death is still to be held.
A 'natural response'

Clinical psychologist Dr Claudia Herbert said PTSD is the body's "natural response" to distressing events.

It can take years to emerge but is treatable if caught early. Symptoms include flashbacks, severe anxiety and depression.

The MoD said 2.9% of serving soldiers developed PTSD, which is lower than the general population.

The number of soldiers with PTSD has more than doubled in the past three years among those who served in Afghanistan, according to MoD figures obtained via Panorama's FOI request.

But Dr Herbert said: "Post-traumatic stress disorder in itself should not lead to suicide."

"PTSD is a condition that indicates something has deeply disturbed the system and is a warning that the system needs help and needs to regulate again."

Nobody can be sure how many of the 21 soldiers and 29 veterans who took their own lives in 2012 were suffering from PTSD as the reasons for suicide are complex.

"The evidence suggests there's more of a problem than the government and the MoD are admitting to," said Colonel Stuart Tootal, a former commander of 3 Para.

The former head of the British army, General Sir Richard Dannatt, wants the suicide rate among veterans to be monitored.

"It's pretty clear to me that it should be happening because once you have some statistics you can start to do something about it," he said.
'Victims of war'

The MoD said it was not prepared to talk about individual cases but has committed £7.4m to ensure there is extensive mental health support in place for everyone who needs it.

It said 134,780 soldiers have been deployed to Afghanistan since 2001.

Number of soldiers with initial diagnosis of PTSD who served in Afghanistan

2009 - 108
2010 - 180
2011 - 183
2012 - 231

Source: Ministry of Defence

The National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire honours the military casualties of every conflict since WWII.

The names of soldiers who killed themselves in Afghanistan are engraved on the wall but those who took their own lives after returning home are not mentioned.

L/Sgt Collins was a serving soldier at the time of his death on 1 January 2012 but his name will not be on the memorial.

"It's heartbreaking because Daniel would have been so proud to have his name carved somewhere," said Mrs Collins.

"Soldiers with PTSD are exactly the same. They're victims of war and they should be treated exactly the same."

source: BBC News - UK soldier and veteran suicides 'outstrip Afghan deaths'
There is something called karma.... Nothing can beat karma law.... Only 3 gods can beat it but choosed not to burst karma.... Majority of soldiers dies by various deaths. Some by in war, Some in domestic voilence, Some by disease, some by suicides.... If they cross age 50 than cancer is the disease always haunts them. Cancer is most common among retired soldiers.... Its all about karma. Just because a soldier protecting nation doesnt mean he can avoid karma's grip.... Murder is a murder. Karma judge everyone equally. The reason gangster were created was to target bad karmic and when gangster time is up than gods orders planets to end the life of gangster.... Same with bin landen, saddam, gaddafi etc etc. Same happened with kennedy, same will happen with bush and obama. Bush wife got skin cancer.... Its all karma.... Better do good karma and live long and healthy.
Weight of conscience takes its toll. Considering what these people have done in war just because they were following orders. Still some bastards sitting up stairs can sleep peacefully.
Weight of conscience takes its toll. Considering what these people have done in war just because they were following orders. Still some bastards sitting up stairs can sleep peacefully.

Don't make it because of "the things they have done"- war is hell and causes unknown stress upon an individual. It has NOTHING to do with them killing Muslim children or whatever.
Don't make it because of "the things they have done"- war is hell and causes unknown stress upon an individual. It has NOTHING to do with them killing Muslim children or whatever.

On the contrary it has everything to do with things they have done. If you think that a person can sleep after killing someone without any reason then think again. Secondly i never mentioned muslim killings as killing is wrong whether it is muslim or non muslim.
On the contrary it has everything to do with things they have done. If you think that a person can sleep after killing someone without any reason then think again. Secondly i never mentioned muslim killings as killing is wrong whether it is muslim or non muslim.
I apoligise, I think I jumped the gun and made assumptions about the meaning behind your post.
Same thing happened after the Falkland war where more soldiers were lost after the war (through suicides) then during it. It's a cruel and harsh reality of war and does things to people. The UK government should do more to diagnose and treat people returning from war instead of expecting them to casually integrate back into society as though it's no biggie.
Indeed, the British Government should in do more to help those who return from war zones. Post Traumatic Distress Disorder is the most common cause of suicides among soldiers. The realities of war are often too much to cope with. However, I understand that the British do already have an excellent programme in place for suicide prevention and help for its troops, and we have to understand that there will always be some suicides. Regrettably.

In the Indian Army, suicides are at alarming rates. Over 1,300 Indian soldiers have committed suicide in the last 11 years (2001 - 2012) due to "a lack of discipline" and "poor leadership". Search for yourself: BBC Indian army suicides blamed on 'poor leadership'.

Another article, published this time by Asia Sentinel, reports the high suicide rates are a result of "... harsh service conditions... low pay, incompetent leadership and a culture of humiliation of enlisted men by their officers."

There are also numerous of accounts of rape and sexual humiliation of Indian soldiers by their officers. I suggest people look them up for themselves.

The Indian Army is in a bad shape. Poor guys. Just think how high the suicide rates would be if they were fighting an actual war?
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