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UK floods: David Cameron turns to Brussels for aid


Aug 13, 2013
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UK floods: Cameron turns to Brussels for aid - Telegraph

David Cameron said Britain must “do better as a country” to protect itself from floods in the future as the Government prepared on Thursday to put aside politics and ask Brussels for help.

The Prime Minister said “we cannot let this situation happen again” as ministers completed their application for “natural disaster” assistance from the European Union solidarity fund.

Ministers will also review the Defra formula which requires every £1 spent on flood defences to deliver at least £8 of economic benefit. There are concerns that the formula unfairly penalises rural communities, leaving them at risk of further flooding. Mr Cameron also suggested that train services affected by the weather should open first class carriages. Energy companies should also consider lowering bills for affected households.

The Prime Minister said he would use the Cobra meeting this afternoon to discuss with train operators whether they could allow passengers travelling on standard tickets into first class to relieve pressure on space in reduced services.

He told BBC Radio Somerset that there must be no repeat of the events which have seen some communities under water for weeks.

“Of course you get these abnormal weather events,” he said. “But we’ve got to do better as a country to make ourselves more resilient.”

The EU solidarity fund, which Britain helps to pay for through contributions to the EU budget, has handed £2.9billion in funding to 23 countries. In 2007 the Labour government received £130million from the fund after similar floods, but the Tories have been reluctant to appear to be seeking EU handouts. Nigel Farage, the leader of the UK Independence Party, supported the application for the grant. “It’s our money anyway,” he said.

Patrick McLoughlin, the Transport Secretary, confirmed that the issue came up at the Thursday Cobra meeting.

He said Francis Maude, the Cabinet Office minister, is “looking at all the avenues that are available to us to collect any money that we may be able to do.”

Mr Cameron told BBC Radio Devon that the Government was seeking financial assistance and technical expertise.

“There is assistance that we are seeking from the EU,” he said. “Some of the money I’m making available for Britain’s farmers comes out of an EU budget.

“But I think where overseas countries can help the most is in some of the expertise. Having Dutch experts on pumping and dealing with flood defences and removing flood water has been helpful. They’ve really brought some ideas to the party.”

Mr Cameron appeared to rebuke Lord Smith, the chairman of the Environment Agency, who this week blamed the Treasury for reducing flood defence spending.

“Some of these rules we are being told, actually they weren’t rules in the way that some people were claiming they were,” Mr Cameron said.

The Prime Minister said officials were working on a plan to protect the Somerset Levels, although he claimed that it was still not clear what would be the best solution for the area.
U.K. is Stupid . It wants to be with E.U. As well and at the same time want to stay away from E.U. as well .

Looks like too much tea problem .

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