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U.S. Pilots Say New Chinese Stealth Fighter Could Become Equal of F-22, F-35


Jul 29, 2011
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U.S. Pilots Say New Chinese Stealth Fighter Could Become Equal of F-22, F-35
By: Dave Majumdar
November 5, 2014 12:53 PM • Updated: November 6, 2014 7:00 AM

An undated photo of the Shenyang-J-31
China’s new Shenyang J-31 stealth fighter — making its debut next week at the Zhuhai international airshow — could eventually become more than a match for American stealth fighters in battle, several U.S. military and industry officials told USNI News.
The J-31 is China’s latest crack at developing a modern so-called fifth-generation stealth fighter — equivalent in ability to Lockheed Martin’s F-22 Raptor or F-35 Lighting II Joint Strike Fighter.
“They’re still in the glossy brochure phase of development, so they still look ten feet tall and bulletproof,” one senior U.S. fighter pilot familiar with the F-35 program told USNI News.
“I think they’ll eventually be on par with our fifth gen jets — as they should be, because industrial espionage is alive and well.”

An undated photo of the Shenyang-J-31
Many suspect the J-31 is designed using technology stolen from the Pentagon’s nearly $400 billion Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program.
“They sure look like F-35 and F-22s don’t they?” one Air Force operational test pilot told USNI News.

A U.S. F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. Lockheed Martin Photo
The senior U.S. pilot familiar with the F-35 — who has extensive experience flying the Lockheed Martin F-16 Falcon — told USNI News the Chinese jet is now likely more than match for existing fourth generation non stealth American fighters like the Air Force Falcons, Boeing F-15 Eagles and the U.S. Navy’s F/A-18E/F Super Hornet.
“They’ll probably be a handful right off the bat for all of our fourth gen stuff,” the pilot said.
One former Air Force fighter pilot extensive experience with foreign hardware told USNI News potential air battles might be more about sheer number of jets the Chinese might be able to put into the air versus the superior training of U.S. pilots.
“I worry about numbers more than particular platforms,” the former fighter pilot said.
“I imagine their jets and their weapons are pretty good. Don’t know about the pilots or their capacity to employ.”
Further, the retired pilot noted, airshows are designed to show off weapons to potential buyers, but offer no real information about what jet can really do during an actual combat mission.
“Just remember that airshows are exactly that — airshows.” the former pilot said. “Airshows provide no real clue to capabilities. As such, airshows generally rely on spectacular maneuvers to garner attention without providing substance. No different from the F-15C or the F-22.”
One current Air Force test pilot told USNI News that it would be difficult to gauge just how good the Chinese jet will be.
“Overall at this stage they’re not [operational] so it’s hard, for anyone to truly make a reasonable assessment,” the test pilot said.
There are still many unanswered questions about how the Chinese will operate their aircraft and what kinds of weapons the jets will carry. Perhaps the most important question is how good are the Chinese radars and other sensors compared to their American equivalents.
“How well will organic sensors work to support those weapons?” the test pilot asked rhetorically.

An undated photo of the Shenyang-J-31
For U.S. industry officials, the J-31’s debut at the Zhuhai airshow signals that the Chinese are planning on selling the jet on the open market.
“I would characterize the J-31 flying at the Chinese airshow as ‘incremental and measured,’” a senior industry official told USNI News.
“There have been some reports that the J-31 maybe be exported. If so, then showing it off makes even more sense to attract prospective buyers,” the official said.
The Chinese are making a lot of progress in developing their aerospace industry.
However, jet engines remain a weak spot for China.
“They have yet to field many of their “new” designs in any quantities,” the industry official said.
“Time will tell.”
Meanwhile, the Russia’s advanced Sukhoi Su-35 Flanker-E is also making it debut at the Zhuhai airshow.
The Chinese are reportedly interested in the purchase of 24 examples of the modernized Russian-built jet.
There has been much media speculation that the Chinese intend to reverse engineer the aircraft as they have with previous Flanker variants.
“I view the Su-35 buy as a conservative stop-gap measure while they wait for the J-20 and J-31 to enter service,” the industry official said.
“Gotta have aircraft to have an air force.”
Absolutely...I want every US pilots to come out and say the J-20 is -- not will be -- the equal of the F-22. I want every country in the world to believe that as well.
Absolutely...I want every US pilots to come out and say the J-20 is -- not will be -- the equal of the F-22. I want every country in the world to believe that as well.

you know sometimes it good to be Sarcastic :D
All they need is good engine
you know sometimes it good to be Sarcastic :D
I was not being sarcastic. I have said many times before that the US military have no problems being perceived as stupid, incompetent, and cowardly.
I was not being sarcastic. I have said many times before that the US military have no problems being perceived as stupid, incompetent, and cowardly.

well no one ever say US Military is cowards or Incompetent ... and this is also Irrelevant in this thread...
but i agree if you say so :whistle:
They are playing a game, they don't actually know what is inside it.

Same as how they keep harping on about how China's economy is the largest by PPP.

They want to make us appear more powerful than we actually are, and we are trying to appear less powerful than we actually are.

They are using Sun Tzu's Art of War on us.
well no one ever say US Military is cowards or Incompetent ...
I encourage people to say so -- repeatedly. You know the old saw: The more you repeat something, the more true it is.

I have seen variations of that before, how the US is too afraid to fight a peer, how Iraq is <insert excuse here>, was defeated by peasants in Viet Nam, and so on. People should believe that the US military is stupid, incompetent, and cowardly.

So it's time for DoD to write some cheques to MIC's
Given how much the PLA is modernizing after the US military, Chinese MIC is doing pretty good, ya think ?
Given how much the PLA is modernizing after the US military, Chinese MIC is doing pretty good, ya think ?
Nah DoD budget sweeter, with CIA secret budget even better, don't forget military aid, with congress in pocket milking is a walk in the park, envy from Chinese MIC, u like war tax?
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I encourage people to say so -- repeatedly. You know the old saw: The more you repeat something, the more true it is.

I have seen variations of that before, how the US is too afraid to fight a peer, how Iraq is <insert excuse here>, was defeated by peasants in Viet Nam, and so on. People should believe that the US military is stupid, incompetent, and cowardly.

Post # 7
Nah DoD budget sweeter, with CIA secret budget even better, don't forget military aid, with congress in pocket milking is a walk in the park, envy from Chinese MIC, u like war tax?

People like you talk as if the 'military industrial complex' (MIC) is uniquely American, and it is doubly hilarious when it comes from a Chinese when China's generals and admirals actively sits on boards of Chinese companies that deals in military and non-military products. It is so bad in your China that your Premier/President had to order the PLA to divest itself from civilian companies. The problem was terrible then, and it is still bad today.
People like you talk as if the 'military industrial complex' (MIC) is uniquely American, and it is doubly hilarious when it comes from a Chinese when China's generals and admirals actively sits on boards of Chinese companies that deals in military and non-military products. It is so bad in your China that your Premier/President had to order the PLA to divest itself from civilian companies. The problem was terrible then, and it is still bad today.

And people like you can't tell the difference between a board seat and a shareholder, who is the beneficiary, you a drop out or what? Yeah evil CCP has 80 million members and control Chinese MIC, how many Koch bros or Bush I/II/III/IV/V are there, or is it like they say not even 1%? So bad in your US it's people like them decide who sits at congress and White house and shoot the president if he went rogue. Rep Charles Rangel called for war tax and military draft, didn't he? Pay your war tax to MIC, wait your turn to say good bye and fight ISIS. The funny part is ISIS was funded by CIA budget, and yeah again you did pay for that, isn't that double hilarious? MIC does sell to all sides, any if there is none, make one up, taxpayers foot the bill or dropout like you act the role of cannon fodders, who cares? The problem must be terrible when Eisenhower made the warning, and it has gone far worse.

God bless only the Military-Industrial-Congressional complex.
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was partially unveiled at 2012 Zhuhai Airshow as an "advanced fighter concept". Recent images suggested that FC-31 is testing a new silver color "stealth" nozzle similar to those on board J-20. The second prototype which could feature"major" improvements in order to meet PLAAF's requirements is anticipated to fly by 2015. They might include a one-piece canopy, domestic WS-13A turbofan engines with new stealth nozzles, an EOTS under the nose, retractable IFR probe on the starboard side, a slightly longer and fatter fuselage, reshaped F-35 style vertical tailfins and cropped wing tips and tailfin tips similar to those of F-22.
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