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U.S. Invaders Running An Abu Ghraib On Indian Detainees In India


Dec 21, 2008
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After the Mumbai terror attacks, the Americans had arrived in Mumbai uninvited and said they did not need visas or papers and were “detained” by immigration and customs people. The Indian government, in terror of the United States, had no courage to keep them in custody or send them back and, after the fact of their invasion, pretended it had asked for the FBI’s and other U.S. agencies’ “help”. The Americans went along with this pretense. As the complaint to a court by the lawyer for one of the Indian detainees about a night-long bodily assault with numerous injuries on him by an FBI agent after stripping him shows, the Americans are in charge, with the Indians playing a subordinate role from the Home Minister on down and have been running an Abu Ghraib like operation on Indian detainees in India. The Americans getting ‘permissions’ from Indian officials for various things is like the occupying Americans in Iraq getting ‘permissions’ from the “sovereign” Iraqi government for various things and Iraq’s “sovereign” government asking the Americans to stay and “help” it. From covert C.I.A. and American rule over India, the Mumbai operation was designed to transition to overt American rule over India and the subcontinent as a whole. The Americans being overlords in the ‘investigation’ of the C.I.A.-planned and executed Mumbai terror operation is the same template for American overlordship over India which Mukherjee signed in the Defence Framework Agreement before the nuclear deal and the nuclear deal itself. No amount of ‘exposes’ or reports of scandal will make any difference, only the changing of the reality on the ground. The Indians will continue to submit as they submitted to the scandal of the British rule over India. If New Delhi is not destroyed now with nuclear bombs, followed by the crash program for the nuclear arms build-up and its accompaniments I have described, India will never get out of the deepest slavery to the white man.

For background for the above, click on the link at the bottom of post # 1 in the following thread:-
Since I wrote the above, the Americans have demanded access to Mumbai attack suspects in Pakistan, knowing that the Pakistanis "will continue to submit as they submitted to the scandal of the British rule over India" (see above) because they know the same cowardly Indian blood runs in the veins of Pakistanis.
A thunderous silence descends on both their Indian and Pakistani slaves when their slavery to the White Master is pointed out. 'Why are you asking us to fight the White Master? The task assigned to us by the White Master is to fight each other'.
with the Indians playing a subordinate role from the Home Minister on down and have been running an Abu Ghraib like operation on Indian detainees in India.

What indian terrorist detainee are we talking about?

The Americans getting ‘permissions’ from Indian officials for various things is like the occupying Americans in Iraq getting ‘permissions’ from the “sovereign” Iraqi government for various things

And Americans getting permission for what various things?

What are you rambling about, guy? Cool down, and methodically wright everything down with a backup. Thanks.
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