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Turkish Navy Frigate Visits Kuwait


Feb 9, 2014
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The Turkish Navys TCG Gelibolu Frigate has visited Kuwait

Turkish Naval Frigate “TCG Gelibolu (F-493) will arrive Kuwait on 21 March for a three-day goodwill visit. The visit is aimed at further strengthening bilateral ties and cooperation between two friendly countries-Turkey and Kuwait. Both countries have traditionally enjoyed close, friendly and brotherly relations. Cooperation between the two countries covers a broad spectrum including trade, investment, human resources, science & technology and defence.

TCG Gelibolu” (F-493) is a guided-missile frigate which is powered by two Gas Turbine, and its tonnage is 4200 tone. The type of the ship is FFGH, (US Oliver Hazard Perry class) with S-70B Type Helicopter abroad. The ship is commanded by Commander Olcay Yüksel, and manned by 25 Commissioned Officers, 124 Petty Officers and 65 Seaman.

It has been built by Todd Pacific Shipyards, San Pedro, USA, in 1981 and was commissioned to Turkey in 1999. It has AN/SPS-49 air-search radar, AN/SPS-55 surface-search radar and, CAS and STIR fire-control radar. Its armament consists of oto Melara Mk 75 76 mm/62 caliber naval gun, two Mk 32 triple-tube (324 mm) launchers for Mark 46 torpedoes, one Vulcan Phalanx CIWS; four (12.7 mm) machine guns, Mk 13 Mod 4 single-arm launcher for Harpoon anti-ship missiles and SM-1MR Standard anti-ship/air missiles.

TCG Gelibolu is now participating in the international operations regarding combating piracy off the coast of Somalia in line with UN Security Council resolution 1851 (2008).

  • It arrived on the 21st of March 2014
  • On the 22nd of March officials from over 10 countries were received at the ship.
  • On the 23rd of March a high level Kuwaiti naval officer visited the ship










1. TCG GELİBOLU tarafından 2014 Yılı Yurt Dışı İkili İlişkiler Uygulama Planı çerçevesinde, 21-23 Mart 2014 tarihleri arasında Kuveyt / KUVEYT liman ziyareti icra edilmiştir.

2. Liman ziyareti kapsamında;

a. 21 Mart 2014 tarihinde Kuveyt Mina Ash Shuwaykh Limanı’nda tahsisli iskeleye aborda olunmuş,

b. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Kuveyt Büyükelçisi Sayın Salih Murat TAMER tarafından gemi ziyaret edilmiş,

c. 22 Mart 2014 akşamı gemide verilen resepsiyona; Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Kuveyt Büyükelçisi Sayın Salih Murat TAMER, Kuveyt Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanı Tümamiral Jasim AL ANSARI, Kuveyt Deniz Kuvvetleri Harekât Başkanı Tuğamiral Halid ABDULLAH, Abu Dabi/Kuveyt Askeri Ataşe Yardımcısı P.Yb. Kerim ÇAM, ABD, Afganistan, Azerbaycan, Brezilya, Fransa, İran, İtalya, Japonya, Meksika, Mısır, Malta, Polonya, Rusya, Senegal, Ukrayna, Ürdün, Vatikan, Yunanistan Büyükelçileri, ABD, Avustralya, Japonya, Kore Cumhuriyeti, Rusya Askerî Ataşeleri ile Kuveyt'te yaşayan Türk ve yabancı 120 davetli iştirak etmiş,

ç. 23 Mart 2014 tarihinde Kuveyt Valisi Şeyh Ali Al-Jaber Al-Sabah ve Kuveyt Deniz Kuvvetleri Harekât Başkanı Tuğamiral Halid ABDULLAH makamlarında ziyaret edilmiş,

d. Kuveyt Deniz Kuvvetleri karakol gemisi UM ALMARADIM ile 23 Mart 2014 günü 15.00-16.30 saatleri arasında geçiş eğitimleri icra edilmiştir.

3. TCG GELİBOLU, Cumhuriyet tarihinde Kuveyt’i ziyaret eden ilk Türk savaş gemisi olmuştur.

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Turkish naval Frigate visits Kuwait
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