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TTP commander sends letter to new JI chief Sirajul Haq

naveen mishra

Mar 1, 2013
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PESHAWAR: The Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) commander Omar Khalid Khurasani has written a letter to the new Jamaat-i-Islami chief Sirajul Haq in which he made it clear that the Islamic rule in Pakistan can only be enforced through the use of force.

In his letter of felicitation to Sirajul Haq on becoming the JI central head, Khurasani said that their objective was the same as they both wanted Shariah in Pakistan but their ways of achieving this goal were different. However, he reminded Sirajul Haq that an armed struggle was required to enforce Shariah in Pakistan.

Khurasani, the head of the TTP’s Mohmand Agency chapter and known as a hardliner in the TTP, had recently claimed killing 23 Frontier Corps soldiers who remained in his custody for three years before being beheaded.

The move almost derailed the peace talks between the two sides as the government suspended the talks and an sought explanation of the incident. The peace talks were revived when the TTP unconditionally agreed to the ceasefire on March 1.

TTP commander sends letter to new JI chief Sirajul Haq - thenews.com.pk
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