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Truth about US economy


Dec 20, 2008
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Decisions by recent Democratic and Republican administrations have left the United States 10 trillion dollars in debt, depleted the military forces, and emboldened countries and organizations whose goals conflict with ours. It is difficult to find a time in U.S. history when the costs paid and the results experienced were so at odds with what had been promised.

Rather than face cold reality, however, some seven years after 9/11 and an occupation of Iraq that exceeds the duration of US participation in World War II, a preponderance of America's defense and foreign policy establishment still seems convinced that military force can solve problems that are inherently social, economic or political.

If such were ever true, and there is little evidence to support it, it is surely true no longer: The country, facing a collapsing economy and a war bill expected to total $3 trillion to $5 trillion, cannot afford to repeat this experience. It is time to reorient national power to face the threats of the modern world and leave the Cold War mentality behind.
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