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Transferring CIA Drone Strikes to the Pentagon


May 28, 2009
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Transferring CIA Drone Strikes to the Pentagon

by Micah Zenko
April 17, 2013

It has recently been reported that the Obama administration is seriously considering transferring the lead executive authority for targeted killings from the CIA to the military’s Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC). President Obama should commit to implementing this in his forthcoming promised reforms of U.S. targeted killing policies.

My new CFR Policy Innovation Memorandum, Transferring CIA Drone Strikes to the Pentagon, explains how this decision would enhance U.S. national security:

- Improve the transparency and legitimacy of targeted killings, including what methods are used to prevent civilian harm.

- Focus the finite resources of the CIA on its original core missions of intelligence collection, analysis, and early warning. (There is no reason for the CIA to maintain a redundant fleet of armed drones, or to conduct military operations that are inherently better suited to JSOC, the premier specialized military organization. As “traditional military activities” under U.S. law, these belong under Title 10 operations.)

- Place all drone strikes under a single international legal framework, which would be clearly delineated for military operations and can therefore be articulated publicly.

- Unify congressional oversight of specific operations under the armed services committee, which would end the current situation whereby there is confusion over who has oversight responsibility.

- Allow U.S. government officials to counter myths and misinformation about targeted killings at home and abroad by acknowledging responsibility for its own strikes.

- Increase pressure on other states to be more transparent in their own conduct of military and paramilitary operations in nonbattlefield settings by establishing the precedent that the Obama administration claims can have a normative influence on how others use drones.

Read it here

If it does go through, what are the implications on future drone-strikes in Pakistan and other countries?
This guy Obama will have to clip some wings and purge out more Stanley Mchrystals if there is to be such a handover. Latter himself was overseeing command of the joint spec op forces

A lot of angry and disgruntled American Afghan vets (and boy, are they angry) feel that drones have made their mission a lot more difficult, especially in light of the tight ROEs which basically stipulate that they can leave the bases in their humvees for a few hours, whack a few Talebs who open fire first, and then be back on base well before the meat of dusk.

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