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May 29, 2015
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THIS C*** mohsin dawar, who is an MNA on PTI ticket is the ambassador+ under cover spy/agent/peddler of Afghanistan NDS in Pakistan.

flag this bastard ki aulaad, throw him in kabul river . flag him ..

traitors within deserve no mercy


THIS C*** mohsin dawar, who is an MNA on PTI ticket is the ambassador+ under cover spy/agent/peddler of Afghanistan NDS in Pakistan.

flag this bastard ki aulaad, throw him in kabul river . flag him ..

traitors within deserve no mercy

how to post screen shots sir

im lost ,,,,

need to post his twitter
On PTI ticket ????? Are you mad or something went wrong with you.

Mohsin dawar won the seat as independent candidate.
how to post screen shots sir

im lost ,,,,

need to post his twitter
Ooh I didn't know that on behalf of tweet anyone can start new thread otherwise I could have posted new thread before you.

Here is his tweet.
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His statement is legit but Kabul isn't ruling AFG well and not all.
Ethnic nationalism is a curse for Pakistani State. State should distribute its resources among all its citizens equally and fairly so that this menace can be eradicated.
Imagine a sitting member of parliament being a rebellious cuck.
This is a Democracy not North Korea or some Kingdom. He is an Elected member of National Assembly. Whatever rubbish Bakwaas he says we can counter him by Arguments and reasoning only.
This is age of Media. People cannot be brainwashed or deceived that easy. Pashtuuns dont Give a damn about these goons except the remnants of Bacha Khan. And they are here for as long as Pakistan have came into existence. Oppressing voices is detrimental to National Unity.
THIS C*** mohsin dawar, who is an MNA on PTI ticket is the ambassador+ under cover spy/agent/peddler of Afghanistan NDS in Pakistan.

flag this bastard ki aulaad, throw him in kabul river . flag him ..

traitors within deserve no mercy

View attachment 549609
Didn't I.K / PTI support them in elections? They did seat adjustments and some type of alliance.....PTI is a joke.
This is a Democracy not North Korea or some Kingdom. He is an Elected member of National Assembly. Whatever rubbish Bakwaas he says we can counter him by Arguments and reasoning only.
This is age of Media. People cannot be brainwashed or deceived that easy. Pashtuuns dont Give a damn about these goons except the remnants of Bacha Khan. And they are here for as long as Pakistan have came into existence. Oppressing voices is detrimental to National Unity.

Do you know what's all about this saga?
It's began from puppets & end with puppets.

Pakistan as a meditator working for peace negotiation between US & Taliban, Recently Imran Khan in a private meeting suggested an interim setup in Afghanistan. The setup is proposed to be a solution for the delay in the peace process talks.

IK also added that without a neutral interim government the peace process talks would not be effective. The interim government would also be able to hold unbiased elections to be participated by all the stakeholders.

It was also claimed by Khan that due to rising objections by the Afghan government a scheduled meeting with the Taliban leadership was cancelled.

After this remarks Afghan Govt Raised another objection by saying that Pakistan is interfering, can someone ask this uncivilized afghan Govt that Pakistan is a part of peace negotiation so who the hell are you to dictates Pakistan what to do to achieve peace negotiation between US & Taliban when Taliban too don't consider afghan Govt & Taliban also have said that current govt is puppet and we will not negotiate with puppets. So what Pakistan can do about it? Obviously nothing Pakistan can only suggest the solution of the problems but can't dictate any stackholder of Afghanistan.

And now this kabees mohsin dawar repeating the stance of irrelevant afghan Govt in his tweet.
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Didn't I.K / PTI support them in elections? They did seat adjustments and some type of alliance.....PTI is a joke.
That is incorrect PTI did not contest on the seat hoping that PTM will air genuine grievance. Next time these folks may not be so lucky. You expect Imran Khan to change his stance even after the years of people calling him Taliban Khan? I don't think so.
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