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tor m2km is better than israeli spyder sam system:- russians to india


Jun 26, 2010
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Officials from Almaz-Antey ASD Corporation which manufactures TOR-M2KM SAM System mounted on TATA Motor wheeled Truck have argued with Indian officials that their SAM system is significantly better than Israeli Spyder system and they are ready to deliver this system to India . According to highly reliable sources close to idrw.org , Russians argued that TOR-M2KM can carry 8 missiles in one launcher when compared to 4 missiles per launcher of Spyder SAM System . TOR-M2KM SAM consists of four launchers with 32 missiles while Spyder system consists of 6 launchers with 24 missiles making TOR-M2KM SAM system 25 % more efficient . Russian also argued that TOR-M2KM SAM missiles can ensure higher chances of target destruction with a single missile while the same level of efficiency can be achieved by Spyder system using two missiles . Officials also boosted that TOR-M2KM SAM system is the only system which is capable of locking and destroying its targets while in the move at the speed of 40 km which is the average speed of convoy while Spyder system needs to be stationary for a missile launch . TOR-M2KM has been dubbed by Russians has the only system which is 2 times for effective than Spyder system offered by Israel and will be instrumental in providing crucial air defence against aerial threats and protect Indian Army Strike corps inside the enemy land .

NOTE : idrw.org is yet to verify some of the claims by Russian officials against Israeli Spyder system . NOTE : Article cannot be reproduced without written permission and Direct Citation to Article link or mention of idrw.org or IDRW NEWS NETWORK has to be mentioned
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